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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich - www.artistbooks.de
naivsuper-cd 011

  • Lightears
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    naivsuper Nr 011, Musik-CD in Papphülle und transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Stephane Leonard
  • recorded in 2007 at the Leo Mars studio.
    ´Lightears´ is the long awaited debut album by Berlin duo Leo Mars. After a year of trial and error, a lot of sessions, sound collecting and analysation of possibilities a precisely crafted, yet astonishingly free floating album came to life. In times of almost infinite sounds, instruments and styles it took the duo some time to come up with the basic material, form a language and then of course learn to speak it. Hours were spent in the studio and their favourite lebanese restaurant discussing the world of sound.
    ´Lightears´ intelligently smudges the borders between a classic drone, an underground noise, a playful improvisation and an old fashion musique concrete record. All the genres fall into place rather unpretentious with pure sound excitingly assembled to challenge ones listening habits.
    It is a rather harsh production always bouncing back and forth between digital, crisp electronics and field recordings pushed way over the edge.
    With minimal gear and set up Leo Mars managed to manoveur themselves somewhere inbetween a bedroom thrashing noise keyboard project and a theoratical paper score composer duo. Performing in a trance - allowing things to happen - awaken - making a conscious decision - slipping back into space
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