Technische Angaben
32x24x5 cm, Auflage: 600, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schachtel Hartpappe, Siebdruck (?), mit verschiedenen Materialien
Inhalt: Einzelblatt (Manifest contra el Populisme Pervers), gefaltete Pappe mit Baumwollsocke, 3 Hefte, Leporello, Heft mit Originalnegativ, geschlossener Umschlag, gefaltetes Poster mit Sand, Folder.
In the wake of the worldwide glorification of Barcelona via the 1992 Olympics Games, a group of publishers felt that it was time to revive the creative and critical spirit at a cultural level, in the form of a magazine, in order to demonstrate the prevailing level of creativity - via manifestos and works without intermediaries. As a result, Vicenc Altaió, Claret Serrahima, Manel Guerrero, Joaquim Pibernat and Manel Sala launched the magazine, Cave Canis, (which literally means "beware of the dogs") in Barcelona, in 1996.
Starting with its first edition the magazine announced that it would have a short-lived existence - only 9 issues were published, each corresponding to one letter of the publication’s name. The magazine was constituted by a cardboard box, designed by Claret Serrahima, a manifesto, an artist’s book and sometimes contained CDs with recordings and other artistic objects, all associated with the same monographic topic. Each issue had a letter on the front cover designed by an artist. Cave Canis wasn’t available in the usual retail outlets. Each issue was presented in an unusual place in the city, where the manifesto was read, copies were distributed and the magazine then disappeared from sight. The last issue was published in 1999.
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