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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich - www.artistbooks.de
Charley 01

  • Charley 01
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 192 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-564660923
  • Charley is a contemporary art publication series edited by Maurizio Cattelan, Massimiliano Gioni and Ali Subotnick. A do-it-yourself magazine, Charley is an inclusive publication relying on assimilation, rather than on selection : Charley is a machine for redistribution, a mechanism for spreading and exploiting information, rumors, and communication. Like most information, it is partial, unstable, and untrustworthy. There are no hierarchies and no favorites in Charley : it flirts equally with celebrity and failure. Charley is a multiform creature, bound to transform with each issue. Charley is a pre-digested combine, with pages assembled from catalogues, brochures, press clips, postcards, and other visuals. But what is Charley really? Charley is a new publication on emerging artists. Prominent curators, writers, artists, and other arts professionals from around the world were asked to suggest up to 10 up-and-coming artists and/or submit materials on the artists for inclusion in Charley. 400 art makers from around the globe responded, and each of them is represented by one page of Charley
Stichwort / Schlagwort

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