Artist Kunstmagazin No. 06/07
Technische Angaben
60 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 09368930
Softcover, Broschur, beigelegte Tüte von Sybilla Pavenstedt und Nico Schmid-Burgk
Technische Angaben
68 S., 14,8x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Veranstaltung 12.09.-13.10.2019 in München
VARIOUS OTHERS initiates cooperative and international art projects in galleries, off spaces and museums in Munich. While serving as a content-driven forum for contemporary art that takes place each year in September, our mission is to intensify exchange and dialogue between the art scene in Munich and international partners, guests and media.
VARIOUS OTHERS is an event hosted by the association VFAMK e.V. We thank all of the supporting members of the association who make this project possible as well as the active members for their unflagging efforts and dedication.
Text von der Webseite
Between the Lines Vol. 1: A Coloring Book of Drawings by Contemporary Artists.
Technische Angaben
112 S., 27,1x20,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
A Coloring Book of Drawings by Contemporary Artists. The coloring book is an integral part of our mission to engage patients through contemporary art. Between the Lines is distributed free of charge to children in RxArt’s participating healthcare facilities and sold to benefit RxArt’s projects. Like the artwork we install, the coloring book is meant to give the children and their families something new and stimulating to think about. It is another tool to take children to an emotionally less stressful place and provides a creative outlet for children confined to the austerity of a hospital room.
Text von der Webseite
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