photo text text photo - The Synthesis of Photography and Text in Contemporary Art
Technische Angaben
144 S., 23,5x22 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3908162483
Grauer Leineneinband mit Schutzumschlag.
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museion, Museum für Moderne Kunst Bozen, 13.09.-17.11.1996, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 21.01.-03.03.1997."Purely visual perception and viewing of pictures is impossible. We always encounter pictorial images - as in this book description itself - in contexts. It is to this complex of interrelationships between text and photography and the aesthetic potential it holds that the book photo text text photo is dedicated. Based upon a representative selection of important examples of this work across media boundaries from recent photographic history since 1967, the theme of the fertile tension between words and images is explored in images (more than 100 works by 32 different artists) and words (texts by Andreas Hapkemeyer and Peter Weiermair). This revealing look at the art of combining text and photography begins with the milestone works of Conceptual Artists such Joseph Kosuth, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, On Kawara, John Baldessari and Hamish Fulton. Alongside other early examples from Italy - Maurizio Nannucci, Giulio Paolini, and Vincenzo Agnetti - the book also features representatives of utopian and critical approaches to social issues, including Josef Beuys and Klaus Staeck. The 1970s and 1980s are represented by the artists Ketty La Rocca, Jochen Gerz, Karen Knorr and Urs Luthi. More recent and current positions are evident in the works of Louise Lawler, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Ken Lum, Heiner Blum, Laura Padgett and Marie-Jo Lafontaine. The publication photo text photo provides a long-awaited inventory of the most recent developments in the aesthetic exploration of the relationships between text and images in contemporary art."
Text vom Schutzumschlag
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einzelnes Blatt, beklebt, gestempelt
Altered book pages mail art project - August 2016. You are invited to participate in a Mail Art project entitled “Altered book pages”. You may paint, make a collage, use photos and more on a book page. You can use any kind of book pages you want and as many pages you want or an entire book. If you like I can send you some pages from Greek books to use. Theme: Altered book pages. Size, media, number of submissions: Free. No fees, no jury, no returns. Deadline: May 1st 2017.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
2 S., 9,3x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Beidseitig bedruckter Flyer
STET – livros & fotografias is book shop in Lisbon, specialized in Photo books, artist books and author editions. This project was born as a critival platform for the debate and presentation of photo editions, promoting the circulation of Portuguese artist and importing international publishers. We have independent and classical editions, artist books, author editions, cheap and expensive, weird and special.
Text von der Webseite
Paper News - Special Edition: Women in Print - November 2018
Technische Angaben
4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, gefaltet
Although the history of photography and the history of photo and artists’ books is widely documented, collected, exhibited, and discussed, the legacy of women using photography in print is underdocumented, cursory, fragmentary and too often, inaccurate. Women were always at the forefront of innovation and the political debate on photography, despite the harsh conditions in which they often lived and worked, but their voices and their historical contribution are still marginalised. As the feminist art historian Linda Nochlin asked, what are the implications of this rejection and what elements of these practices do we need to reevaluate? And why does it matter, beyond the historical inaccuracies? On the occasion of Paris Photo, Paper News is launching this Special Issue dedicated to women in print.
Text aus dem Heft.

Technische Angaben
146 S., 17,8x12,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781604860917
Signal is an ongoing book series dedicated to documenting and sharing compelling graphics, art projects, and cultural movements of international resistance and liberation struggles. Artists and cultural workers have been at the center of upheavals and revolts the world over, from the painters and poets in the Paris Commune to the poster makers and street theatre performers of the recent Occupy movement. Signal will bring these artists and their work to a new audience, digging deep through our common history to unearth their images and stories. Signal 01 includes: The Future of Xicana Printmaking: Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee interview the Taller Tupac Amaru (Favianna Rodriguez, Melanie Cervantes, and Jesus Barraza), The Adventures of Red Rat: Alec Dunn interviews Johannes van de Weert, Hard Travelin’: A photo essay with IMPEACH, Early 20th-Century Anarchist Imprints, Mexico 68: The Graphic Production of a Movement: Santiago Armengod interviews Felipe Hernandez Moreno, Adventure Playgrounds: A photo essay, Designing Anarchy: Dan Poyner interviews Rufus Segar.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
29,2x22,6 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zweite Auflage. In 1983, Larry Clark self-published his second photo book, Teenage Lust. A survey of adolescent sexuality and a retrospective of Clark's work, the book consists of family portraits and photographs from his hometown of Tulsa and from his life in New York City. Clark’s photography for the book documents the lives of American youth: junkies, prostitutes, and thieves and suburbanites.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
136 S., 21,7x23,3 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783958296237
ein Teil offene Fadenheftung, ein Teil Drahtheftung, beide Softcover, Poster gefaltet (nicht zweifach vorhanden), in Pappschuber
Die Ausgabe wurde von Singhs Original-Maquette gescannt und reproduziert all ihre "Unvollkommenheiten" und Eigenheiten, einschließlich ihrer mit Bleistift geschriebenen Notizen über die Konstruktion des Buches - ein Hinweis auf die einflussreiche Buchmacherin, die noch kommen wird. Der begleitende Essay von Shanay Jhaveri erörtert, wie Singh dazu kam, das Original zu "machen". Er bezieht sich auf ihre studentischen Notizen und untersucht, wie sie das Buch intuitiv zusammenstellte, von der Bearbeitung der Bilder bis zum Design, und legt damit den Grundstein für die Buchobjekte und Fotoarchitekturen ihrer späteren Praxis.
This edition is scanned from Singh’s original maquette and reproduces all its “imperfections” and idiosyncrasies including her pencilled notes about the book’s construction—indications of the influential bookmaker to come. Shanay Jhaveri’s accompanying essay discusses how Singh came to “make” the original, referring to her student notes and exploring how she intuitively assembled the book, from editing the images to design, setting the ground for the book objects and photo architectures of her later practice.
Text von Webseite
Übersetzt mit Deepl
Various Small Books - Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha
Technische Angaben
288 S., 23,6x15,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262018777
Hardcover Leinen
In the 1960s and 1970s, the artist Ed Ruscha created a series of small photo-conceptual artist’s books, among them Twentysix Gas Stations, Various Small Fires, Every Building on the Sunset Strip, Thirtyfour Parking Lots, Real Estate Opportunities, and A Few Palm Trees. Featuring mundane subjects photographed prosaically, with idiosyncratically deadpan titles, these “small books” were sought after, collected, and loved by Ruscha’s fans and fellow artists. Over the past thirty years, close to 100 other small books that appropriated or paid homage to Ruscha’s have appeared throughout the world. This book collects ninety-one of these projects, showcasing the cover and sample layouts from each along with a description of the work. It also includes selections from Ruscha’s books and an appendix listing all known Ruscha book tributes.
Text von der Webseite
Die Chronologie der Zelle
Technische Angaben
[106] S., 31x22 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Hartpappeeinband mit Siebdruck, Text von Leo Lencsés und Matthias Glas, eingelegt eine Originalzeichnung. Ein Exemplar mit beigelegtem Anschreibener Version des Textes, einmal ein
Erschienen zur Debütantenausstellung in der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München am 8.04.2014
The artist‘s book “Die Chronologie der Zelle“ shows and analyzes the cyclic working process of sculptor Matthias Glas. 80 pages covering a photo spread of art works are completed by a text section which takes up the preceding flow of images based on a chain of the artist`s thoughts. Additional meta text passages structure the workflow into chapters and give further information on the artistic practice. Each book has an individual screen-printed cover and includes an original drawing by Matthias Glas

Technische Angaben
[70] S., 28x21,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780996282215
CURRENT RESIDENT, a collaborative book by Kenny Komer and Marysia Gacek, comprises solely of computer generated imagery inspired by interior design catalogues and magazines. Based on interiors seen in Architectural Digest and Ikea catalogues, the book depicts a fictional, contemporary residence mimicking current tendencies to replace photography with 3D modeling computer software producing photo realistic images. Views of the apartment are generated via computer algorithms with the same techniques used in the advertising industry. A reader is invited to take a tour of the space while a number of mysterious activities unravel before her/his eyes.
Kenny Komer (b.1984) is an interdisciplinary multimedia artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. He received a BFA from the School of Art, Cooper Union, New York, NY in 2006. He has exhibited at galleries in New York (Gavin Brown's enterprise, Rush Arts Gallery, Carriage House Center and White Box Gallery) and Tokyo, Japan (Motus Fort). Komer is a founding member of the guerrilla street-art collective, Concerned New Yorkers, whose work has been featured in the New York Times, New York Magazine, the Brooklyn Rail, the Village Voice, CNN, and the Daily Telegraph.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[180] S., 24,2x17,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788890981760
Lose Einzelblätter, mit schwarzem Gummiband zusammengehalten, Cover aufklappbar und mit Ausstanzung. Zur Mitte länger werdender Schnitt.
Dritte Auflage.
Initially published in 2014 as a fanzine, PEAK documents the Dolomites, originally known as the pale mountains. The book meditates upon the dualism between apex and nadir and the constant alternation of both. By folding double sided prints, each spread becomes a juxtaposition of two separate peaks, each joining to the next one and forming a cycle, from night to day, from summer to winter, and back. Award: Finalist Lucie Photo Book Prize 2017
Text von der Website.
Hidden Islam - Islamic makeshift places of worship in North East Italy, 2009-2013
Technische Angaben
90 S., 24,8x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788890981708
Hardcover mit festgeklebtem Schutzumschlag. Jede Seite aufklappbar.
Dritte Auflage.
Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country. One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift and temporary places of worship. These are housed in a variety of buildings including lock ups, garages, shops, warehouses and old factories. This shortage of places to worship is particularly acute in north east Italy – where the photographer Nicolò Degiorgis lives – home to many anti-Islamic campaigns headed by the right wing party Lega Nord. The dull images of the many and diverse buildings that house the makeshift mosques are printed on folded pages. You open up the gatefold to reveal the scenes inside the mosques, shot in full colour. The size of the gatherings varies, from large crowds who sometimes pray outside to a small room full to bursting, or to intimate groups of two or three Muslims. Degiorgis provides a fascinating glimpse of hidden world and leaves the conclusions about this project entirely in our own hands.
In 2014 Hidden Islam was awarded the Gold Award - Deutscher Fotobuchpreis, First Book Award - Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation and Author Book Award - Les Rencontres des Arles.
Text aus dem Vorwort von Martin Parr.
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
416 S., 23x15,5 cm, Auflage: 300, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783928804950
Klappbroschur, Fadenheftung, HP-Indigodruck auf Munken White 115 g. 1,5. 114 Farbabbildungen
“We Are Cypriots” is a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
This book, furthermore, is intended as a contribution to the current European-wide discussion on national identity, separatism, nationalism or unification, and reconciliation.
In his comprehensive preface, the Berlin journalist, Klaus Hillenbrand, traces the historical and contemporary, as well as the social and political developments that have so profoundly shaped this island and Cypriots today.
Photo Exhibition and Book Launch at Goethe-Institut Nicosia, Cyprus, in the buffer zone next to Ledra Palace. Opening Wednesday 15 May 2019. Duration of the exhibition until 11 June 2019
Photo+Art Book Hamburg 2011
Technische Angaben
8 S., 14,8x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer zur Buchmesse, Symposium, Workshops, Ausstellungen u. a., gefaltet
Technische Angaben
[60] S., 25x19 cm, Auflage: 200, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Vorder- und Rückseite mit Siebdruck in Gold
Sourcebook presents the detritus and collected imagery of a year of contemplation, frustration and ambivalence with the nature of photography. From an initial starting point of the typographic reference book, within its pages a myriad of situations and pictures present themselves - each at once recognisable and indecipherable.
Drawing heavily on ideas of representation and the 'reading' of an image, the work within is open-ended, a liquid, unstable mix of ideas and images that attempt to elude the conclusive, finite nature of the captured image or the printed photo. Instead, Sourcebook aims to be fluid - at once a source of reference and stimulation for future creative processes, and a photographic document littered with unanswered questions, oblique strategies and glimpses of meaning.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
dncht #14 - Magazin für Fotografie, Gestaltung und Subkultur
Technische Angaben
126 S., 18x15 cm, Auflage: 1.000, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 18681506
... featuring, among others Asger Carlsen’s “Wrong” series (also the cover story), and more photography by Chinese photographer Ren Hang, by Palíndromo Mészáros, Julia Sonntag, Scott Typaldos, “unlikely” objects by Giuseppe Colarusso, a design Portfolio by Sfia Brajal, photo book reviews, …
Documentos 2 - Zines of the Zone
Technische Angaben
1 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdruck nach Webseite
Zur Ausstellung 10.-12.11.2016 in Reina Sofia, Nouvel Building, Auditoriums, Hall.
ZINES OF THE ZONE is a nomadic collection of self-published books & zines photo-related.
It is a non-profit project from France, visiting the far corners of Europe in order to meet local artists, organize book-exhibitions, and to share, more largely, the practice of DIY through different installations and events.
Text von der Webseite
Documentos - 1 Arte Palabra y memoria en los textos de Gómez de Liano - 2 Zines of the Zone
Technische Angaben
1 S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
lose Blätter mit Metallklammer zusammen gehalten
Zur Ausstellung 10.-12.11.2016 in Reina Sofia, Nouvel Building, Auditoriums, Hall.
ZINES OF THE ZONE is a nomadic collection of self-published books & zines photo-related.
It is a non-profit project from France, visiting the far corners of Europe in order to meet local artists, organize book-exhibitions, and to share, more largely, the practice of DIY through different installations and events.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
136 S., 21x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 4562472980489
HUNGRY is a photo collection which shows artworks of 77-151 young Japanese photographers. This book works as a platform and helps artists and people who are interested in them meet.
Text von der Website
The PhotoBookMuseum Catalogue Box
Technische Angaben
22,5 ×14×8 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-862063949
Box aus Hartpappe mit 8 Heften (Drahtheftung, teils Leporello), 16 mehrfach gefalteten Plakaten, neun mehrfach gefalteten Plakaten, vom Bauchbinde zusammengehalten (#19).
Box mit 32 Einzelpublikationen verschiedener Fotografinnen und Fotografen. Anlässlich des 175. Geburtstages der Fotografie huldigt ab dem 19. August 2014 eine international ausgerichtete Expo im Carlswerk in Köln-Mülheim dem Fotobuch als künstlerischer Ausdrucksform. Zur Premiere des PhotoBookMuseum erscheint im Verlag Kettler die PBM_Catalogue Box – optisch angelehnt an die traditionellen Schiffscontainer, in denen sich die Ausstellungen in den Hallen der ehemaligen Kabelfabrik größtenteils präsentieren. Sie enthält 39 als Leporello, Broschüre oder Plakat gestaltete Einzelpublikationen, die jeweils einem Projekt gewidmet sind. Inhaltlich spannt sich der Bogen von inzwischen legendären Nachschlagewerken zur Geschichte der Fotobuchkultur, den experimentierfreudigen Anfängen des Genres in den 1950er-Jahren, über aktuelle künstlerische Positionen bis hin zu Spezialgebieten wie der Photonovel.
Text von der Webseite.
You're my type - Programmbuch 2018
Technische Angaben
20,5x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
4 Bände in Schuber. Schuber geprägt in Gold und Schwarz, Rückseite mit Umkehr der Farben. einzelne Cover mit Reliefprägung, geometrische Formen, Farbschnitt schwarz. Einzelne Bände in Schweizer Broschur (Umschlag nur auf Rückseite angeklebt, Rücken mit Gewebestreifen eingefasst). Bd. 1 130 S., letzte Seite mit Kalender als Fold-Out. Bd. 2 160 S., Bd. 3 96 S., Bd. 4 Blindband, (Notizbuch), 72 S.
The Typographic Society Munich is the largest organisation in Europe for typographers and people who are interested in typography and design. Since being founded in 1874 the designers’ club establishes a foundation for sophisticated and interdisciplinary thinking and dialogues among content and form, text and photo, tradition and innovation, design and technology. The tgm represents quality and education for the branch of communication and offers a huge accompanying training program. As Chairwoman of the club I curated several lectures in the last years, inviting design and typography celebrities.Throughout the years designers like Stefan Sagmeister, Mirko Borsche, Eike König, Mario Lombardo, Sascha Lobe, Fons Hickmann, Amir Kassaei or Kurt Weidemann to name a view, followed these invitations and appreciated the warm welcome of our community.
To show the wide range of offerings we traditionally create a yearbook. More over I tried to give the content based complexity of our proposal a clear and neat arrangement. Therefore the new release is a compilation of four different books, which should invite the reader to inform themselves, to browse, to experience and to participate. The first one exposes all the topics, facts and dates for the further education programs. Part two presents all the people and their stories who are involved in the club, who are on stage and behind the scenes. The third book is a journey into the past and also the future of tgm’s conferences, excursions and other specials. And finally there is room for the reader’s own ideas, experiences and criticism as a foundation for a future dialogue with tgm.
Every offer under the roof of tgm is a result of solidarity. It is a result of people and companies who are united by the common interest in typographic quality. This project has only been possible with the support of Kösel Druck GmbH & Co Kg, Geese Paper, mycolorserver and the collaboration with Boah Kim.
Text von der Webseite
Tokyo Seven - seven photographers curated by renna okubo
Technische Angaben
[144] S., 24x16 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Klappcover
Sieben Ansichten auf/von Tokyo von sieben renommierten Fotografen. Vom Stillen zum Wilden, vom Bevölkerten zur Einsamkeit, von der Geradlinigkeit zum Chaos. Tokyo in all seinen Facetten, eingefangen in diesem Buch.
The Boy's and Girls Inside Mount Fiji
Technische Angaben
[84] S., 24,8x19,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Farblaserdruck
Andrea Stultiens (1974, NL) received a Bfa and Mfa in photography at HKU University of the Arts and AKV St Joost in Breda respectively, and a Ma in photographic studies from Leiden University. Currently she divides her time between the Netherlands and Uganda.
Stultiens' artistic practice deal with photography in relation to understandings of the presentations of histories. Since 2007 her work originates mostly on the African continent and always develops in collaborations with others.
Since 2002 Stultiens has been teaching at Academy Minerva in Groningen (NL), where she was involved in setting up, and and recently started leading, a research group that looks at the use of photography in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural artistic practices (PRICCAPractice). Stultiens won several awards, among others the Steenbergen Stipendium 1998, Bouw in Beeld Prijs 2009, GiDi Photo Art Award 2012. She exhibits and publishes internationally, with a focus on Uganda and the Netherlands.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
108 S., 35,5x26,5 cm, Auflage: 500, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
... The photo 'contact' sheets, their excerpts and other material collected in this book are the responses to a request list circulated via a postal network of 'contacts' between many people on a global scale ...
Text aus dem Buch
Aspen - The Magazine in a Box Vol. 1 No. 04
Technische Angaben
31x23,6x1,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kassette mit zwei gefalteten Einzelblättern, beidseitig bedruckt, eins davon Werbemappe mit Werbeheftchen für Gordon's und Newsletter der Something Else Press, drei Poster, drei Hefte mit Drahtheftung und eine Schallplatte.
Ausgabe gestaltet von Quentin Fiore. Ausgabe besteht aus 9 Teilen: 1. Box, 2. "The Medium Is the Massage" Poster-sized mosaic of pages from The Medium Is the Massage by McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, 3. "The TV Generation" Poster of a color photo taken at the Tribal Stomp at San Francisco's Avalon Ballroom, 4. "Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)" Random observations by John Cage, 5. "The Electronics of Music" Essay on electronic music by Faubion Bowers and Daniel Kunin, 6. Phonograph recording. A Recorded Sampler of Electronic Music. Side A: In Memoriam of Edgar Varèse, by Mario Davidovsky. Side B: Horn, by Gordon Mumma, 7. "The Braille Trail" Bob Lewis and Alfred Etter describe a nature trail for the blind, 8. "Psycles" Excerpts from The Bikeriders, Danny Lyon' book about the Chicago Outlaws motorcycle club. Prefaced by a meditation on motorcycling by Bob Chamberlain, 9. Mappe mit Werbung mit einem Werbeheft für Gordon's und Newsletter der Something Else Press (Something Else Newsletter Volume 1, Number 6: May, 1967), weitere Werbehefte der Originalausgabe fehlen.