Technische Angaben
140 S., 25x21,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907840104
Gelochte Seiten mit Musterbeutelklammern zusammen gehalten, in Klappumschlag, mit 18 roten Punkten beklebt. Innen teils andere Papiere
The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition project exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy and creative modes of reproduction. Through research and an international call for submissions, the Project has gathered a collection of more than 150 modified, appropriated and copied books from all over the world. The collection, which is catalogued online, is the starting point for talks and work groups around the concept of originality, the notion of authorship and politics of copyright. The Piracy Project is not about stealing or forgery. It is about creating a platform to innovatively explore the spectrum of copying, re-editing, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising, manipulating of already existing works. Here creativity and originality sit not in the borrowed material itself, but in the way it is handled. The Piracy Project is an collaboration between AND Publishing and Andrea Francke. The Piracy Project The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition project exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy and creative modes of reproduction. Through research and an international call for submissions, the Project has gathered a collection of more than 150 modified, appropriated and copied books from all over the world. The collection, which is catalogued online, is the starting point for talks and work groups around the concept of originality, the notion of authorship and politics of copyright. The Piracy Project is not about stealing or forgery. It is about creating a platform to innovatively explore the spectrum of copying, re-editing, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising, manipulating of already existing works. Here creativity and originality sit not in the borrowed material itself, but in the way it is handled. The Piracy Project is an collaboration between AND Publishing and Andrea Francke.
Text von der Webseite
Paper News #11 - August, September, Oktober 2018
Technische Angaben
4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, gefaltet
The independent publisher's quarterly by Drucken Heften Laden. Drucken Heften Laden discusses and analyses the conditions and possibilities for independent publishing in the context of art and city (politics). Drucken Heften Laden derives from an eponymous exhibition, workshop and series of events at neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) in Berlin which took place in January 2015. Since then a small group of Berlin-based producers and publishers gathers regularly: “We share experiences and resources, and build a discourse around production methods and values as well as the distribution of books and booklets.Publishing is always set in distinct time and space. Today’s diversity of media fosters hybrid formats between the analogue and the digital. We are interested to negotiate and sharpen our idea of what „independent“ and „self“ publishing means today.Drucken Heften Laden filters and disseminates information, and creates a public platform for exchange and discussion, accessible to everyone interested in such practice.”
Text von der Website.
How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21,6x13,9 cm, Auflage: 248, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Risodruck
Das Heft besteht ins Englische übersetzte Essay "How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System" des argentinischen Künstlers Eric Schierloh. Der Text wurde zusammen mit Paul Holzman übersetzt.
This publication is the result of a warm exchange between Public Collectors and Eric Schierloh of the press Barba de Abejas, (Beard of Bees).
In 2020 Eric wrote this essay that he translated into English with an American friend, Paul Paul Holzman, who also lives in Buenos Aires. In December 2021, Eric reached out to me to share his enthusiasm for my text “Towards a Self Sustaining Publishing Model.” Eric proposed making a Spanish translation and publishing my writing as a cheap edition in Argentina. He felt my text had similarities to his own words; the two works share a similar spirit of encouraging publishing experimentation outside of typically limiting market constraints.
Though Eric’s text had already been published in English in World Literature Today magazine and translated into French by the cardboard press La Liebre Dorada, we agreed that it could still be worthwhile to make a US edition that stood alone. So, in a celebration of artist publishing exchanges, Public Collectors is happy to share Eric Schierloh’s inspiring writing. It provides many potential creative paths forward for people with access to any form of printing, and any materials that could be used to make a book.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
292 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783868741049
Broschur, Schwarz-Weiß-Illustrationen
Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair is celebrating the 10th year of its existence by bringing together 263 exhibitors and with the publishing of an anthology called »Publishing Manifestos«. »Publishing Manifestos« features key texts of critical engagement with publishing from protagonists of the field. The book also features a comprehensive WHO IS WHO of publishers, as they showed up in 10 years Miss Read, with 600 separate entries, as well as information about activities of Miss Read since its inception in 2009. Text von der Webseite
Mit Eintrag Archive Artist Publications, S. 225
Workshop Publishing as Artistic Practice
Technische Angaben
8 S., 14,8x23 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zu einem Buch gefaltetes Plakat zur Veranstaltung
What does it mean to publish today? In the face of a continuously changing media landscape, institutional upheavals and discursive shifts in the legal, artistic and political fields, concepts of ownership, authorship, work, accessibility and publicity are being renegotiated. The field of publishing not only stands at the intersection of these developments but is actively introducing new ruptures.
How the traditional publishing framework of processes, practices, institutions and discourses has been cast adrift will be discussed in the workshop through the examination of recent advancements of publishing concepts emerging from the experimental literature and art scene, where publishing and publicizing are often part of an encompassing artistic practice.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
48x33 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plakat, vermutlich beschnitten
Atem Books is an independent publishing house based in Catalunya focused on photography & illustration, contemporary drawing and thinking created by emerging artists from around the world. Our aims are: to help emerging artists to get their work more known, create a collection of contemporary works, to gather illustrators, photographers & art lovers. Atem Books has been publishing Carpaccio Magazine since April 2009. Atem Books is a non-profit organization, so all the money earnt is always invested in new publications.
Why ‘Atem’?
‘Atem’ stands for “wind, breath” in german. This word is inspired by an illustrated poetry book published by Paul Celan (poet) and Gisèle Celan (illustrator) called Atemkristall.
Who we are
Atem Books curators are María Cerezo and Emma Llensa. We both do all the works involved with mantaining Atem Books.
What we can do
We’re also offering our services to help you self-publish your book (both digital -pdf, epub, mobipocket-, Ipad and Iphone apps and print). Whether if you need advise on how to start self publishing a book or you need our services as curators, designers, layouters and image retouchers, just ask us what we can do for you.
We’re also offering our services to help you create your own website and, if you need one, how to create an e-commerce to sell your own goods. And, of course, we can give you marketing and self-promotion advises and guidelines.
Atem Books is 100% independent!
We don’t receive any external money. This project survives with the earns we do selling our publications.
Von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
15x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Softcover, Broschur
Publikation zur New York Art Book Fair 2017. Printed Matter presents the twelfth annual NY Art Book Fair, from September 22 to 24, 2017, at MoMA PS1, Long Island City, Queens. Free and open to the public, the NY Art Book Fair is the world’s premier event for artists’ books, catalogs, monographs, periodicals, and zines. The 2017 NY Art Book Fair will feature over 370 booksellers, antiquarians, artists, institutions and independent publishers from twenty-eight countries. This year’s NY Art Book Fair will include an ever-growing variety of exhibitors - from zinesters in (XE)ROX & PAPER + SCISSORS and the Small Press Dome representing publishing at its most innovative and affordable, to rare and antiquarian dealers offering out-of-print books and ephemera from art and artist book history, plus the NYABF-classic Friendly Fire, focused on the intersections of art and activism. NYABF17 will host an array of programming and special events, including: The Classroom, a curated engagement of informal conversations, workshops, readings, and other artist-led interventions, for the eighth year running, as well as The Contemporary Artists’ Book Conference (CABC), in its tenth year, featuring two full days of conversation on emerging practices and issues within art-book culture.
Text von der Website.
Publishing Manifestos - An International Anthology from Artists and Writers
Technische Angaben
342 S., 23,9x17,1 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262544924
Broschur mit Klappen
Buch, das eine Sammlung an Manifesten - der letzten Jahrzehnte bis in die Gegenwart - von Künstler*innen, Autor*innen, Redakteur*innen, Verleger*innen, Designer*innen, etc., die das Publizieren als künstlerische Praxis erkunden, darstellt.
Technische Angaben
19,0x11,5 cm, Auflage: 1.500, ISBN/ISSN 9783962870027
Broschur, Klebebindung
Buch mit Statements anstelle der wegen Corona 2020 und 2021 ausgefallenen Künstlerbuchmesse Miss Read Berlin.
Editor: Michalis Pichler, Contributing editors: Yaiza Camps, Moritz Grünke, Copy editor: Mark Soo
IDEA POLL collected ideas regarding publishing activities and beyond. IDEA POLL 2020/21 was created through an online query and features about 100 responses from diverse international networks. Historical Note: In 1976, the periodical Art-Rite already conducted and published an IDEA POLL, marking a seminal moment in the state of affairs in the field of art and publishing. A collaboration of Miss Read and Conceptual Poetics Day.
The seven questions were:
Name five #hashtags that best describe your activities
What are you reading?
How do you distribute?
Do you collaborate? If so, with whom and how?
Is publishing economically viable? What would make it viable?
What are the best potentials (or difficulties) of publications?
What would be your utopian library? ...
Text von der Webseite
Future Fantasteek, Issue 13
Technische Angaben
20 S., 21x15 cm, Auflage: 40, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbkopien auf verschiedene Papiere, 2 aufgeklebte Spielzeug-Augen auf Vorderseite, Rückseite mit Prägedruck
Future Fantasteek! brings together a trichotomy of investigation. art-zines and independent publishing. artist as social commentator and drawing as a means of immediate visual communication. The series explores obdurate boundaries between journalism and authorial illustration using satire to reflect notions of ‘Britishness’. The series can be read as a sequence, from just prior to the ‘credit crunch’ through to the ‘age of austerity’. The series is independently published as a limited edition art-zine, with two issues per year. The approach is experimental, incremental and reflective focussing on both the microcosm and macrocosm of living in the UK. Visual humour is developed throughout as a vehicle for change, combining techniques such as pastiché, parody and socratic irony. Typography and images are juxtaposed to create new narrative possibilities. Language is explored using different ‘voices’ such as anecdotal, colloquial or profane. This text is then translated into drawn commentaries on etiquette, politics and advertising. The ‘anxiety of the individual’ is a running theme throughout the series with many reoccurring protagonists and antagonists soliloquizing their notions of ‘Das Unheimliche’. The series also explores changing technologies with regard to notions of ‘the book’ with online versions of Future Fantasteek! available via a blog and online PDF reader (issuu and .swf).
Text von der Webseite
Is's a Book - It's a Talk - It's s a Smalltalk
Technische Angaben
7 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck nach Webseite, Drahtheftung
Independent Publishing Fair Leipzig, 15th of March 2014
Event: "It’s a Book…” is an independent publishing fair taking place on 15th of March 2014 at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, in correspondence to the Leipzig Book Fair. Entrepreneurs of the international independent publishing-scene are looking forward to meeting interested visitors and exchanging books and ideas.
Organisation: students of the graphic design department, Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig.
In Production - Self-Publishing Fair for Design and Art - Third Issue
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 59,2x41,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Mehrfach gefaltetes, beidseitig bedrucktes Plakat
Infobroschüre und Programm zur dritten Self-Publishing Fair for Design and Art, museum für angewandte kunst, Frankfurt am Main, 11.-12.10.2013.
Unter dem Titel „In Production“ untersuchen die Teilnehmer der Third Issue – Self-Publishing Fair for Design and Art am 11. und 12. Oktober im Frankfurter Museum Angewandte Kunst die Grenze zwischen Gestaltung und Druck. Im Rahmen einer Messe zeigen rund 30 junge Verlage ihre gestalterisch anspruchsvollen Bücher, Zeitschriften und Fanzines. Text von Website.
Art-Rite, No. 20 Pearl Girl, An Operetta - a libretto
Technische Angaben
24 S., 28x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Illustrated with charming line drawings of urban love, this score includes music and lyrics for eight voices and clavichord, bell, flute, violin, oboe, horn, cymbal, drum. Each of the three acts are introduced with a plot synopsis of the amorous adventures of protagonists Pearl and Anthony. The libretto ends with a thoughtful epilogue: As young lovers Pearl and Anthony must acknowledge the reality of their sentiment for each other as a separate and a whole reality from their surroundings they must effectively substitute the ...skylines that they could inhabit for the places and constructs as spiritual parts of themselves and to the intuitions and instincts to their intentions and to their youth as ingenuous their present and their future have become realized as each other they must consider a different sort of naiveté
Possible Content for 18 Pages - Volume III - Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Technische Angaben
[200] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-957633453
Fadenheftung, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, drei Bände in Banderole, Anschreiben liegt bei,
“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet” is the third in a series of exhibitions and publication based on a wide-reaching research about writing with the title “Possible Content for 18 Pages”. The original typewritten manuscript of Vilém Flusser’s essay “The Gesture of Writing” provides the thematic and formal-aesthetic foundation for reflecting the act of writing at the intersection of linguistic, visual, physical and spatial communication.
“To write,” says the philosopher about the basic requirements that should lead to a complete piece of writing, we need “a blank surface, for instance a white leaf of paper, an instrument which contains a matter that contrasts with the whiteness of the paper, the letters of the alphabet, the convention which gives a meaning to the letters, ‘orthography’ = correct writing, the rules which order that language, what is called ‘grammar’, an idea to be expressed in a language, and a motive to express that idea”.
Understanding the act of writing as a culturally embedded gesture, “Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet” covers artistic, literary, as well as curatorial and editorial fields of action and combines them. The book is published on the occasion of the eponymous performance by Lois Bartel at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin (June 11, 2016) and contains a curatorial-editorial statement by Franz Thalmair. Furthermore, the artist Michalis Pichler and the professor for media theory and aesthetics Oliver Ruf situate the publication in an actual context of literature and criticism. The participating visual artists expand the topic of the research with artistic contributions especially made for „Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet“.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
240 ca. S., 12,5x10 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 0894390139
Umschlag aus Karton mit Leinenstreifen, ca. 120 Seiten gestanzt
2004 winner of I.D. Magazine's Design Distinction award, Absence is the third book to come out of Printed Matter’s Publishing Program for Emerging Artists, a program made possible through the generous support of New York City's Department of Cultural Affairs, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation, and the Heyday Foundation. The generosity of Whitney trustees Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond J. Learsy was instrumental to the Museum’s participation in the publication of this exciting new work.
Both a book and a sculptural object, Absence is a memorial to the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Yoon, an architect and designer who is currently an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chose not to produce a traditional design proposal for the World Trade Center Memorial Competition. Instead she created a non-architectural, non site-specific space of remembrance: a portable personal memorial in the form of book.
At almost two pounds, Absence has a considerable physical presence, but it is in every way the ghost of a presence, and it is this ghostliness that gives it its particular emotional weight. A solid white block of thick stock cardboard pages, the book’s only "text" consists of one pinhole and two identical squares die-cut into each of its one-hundred-and-twenty pages – one for each story of the towers including the antenna mast. These removed elements lead the reader floor by floor through the missing buildings towards the final page where the footprint of the entire site of the World Trade Center is die-cut into a delicate lattice of absent structures.
Of all of the proposed monuments and grand designs for the twin towers to emerge in the last two years, Absence is remarkable for its employment of an under-used strategy: restraint. The simplicity of Yoon’s materials and her use of repetition speak, without words, about unspeakable loss. Quiet, respectful, mournful, the book does not aim to represent the magnitude of the disaster. Instead it appeals to the vastness of the reader’s imagination and capacity to grieve. The human scale of her memorial operates on a personal level – it delivers the memory of lives lost into the reader’s hands. At the same time, as a scale model of a vanished architectural site, it operates on a larger cultural level by commemorating the site itself.
Text von der Webseite. Fotos Xenia Fumbarev
Artists' Books - Creative Production and Marketing
Technische Angaben
68 S., 29,8x21,2 cm, 2 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 9780954702571
Klemmbindung mit schwarzem Papierstreifen, Softcover, Exlibris von Jürgen Peter Wegner eingeklebt. Brief von Jürgen Wegner beigelegt
A guide for the book artist – as the producer, publisher and distributor of their own artwork, to discuss some of the practical issues arising from this. A series of case studies explores artists’ experiences of making and marketing their books in the UK, France, Germany, EIRE, Spain, Denmark, Japan, Argentina, Australia and the USA. We selected a range of artists with 2 - 30+ years experience in artists’ books, zines and multiples and asked them to share their working practice, experience of book fairs, interaction with purchasers, discuss problems and offer advice. We also asked private and institutional collectors to tell us about the ways in which they would prefer to interact with artists selling their books and any issues arising from their own collecting.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21,5x14,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 20566301
Uniformbooks is an imprint for the visual and literary arts, cultural geography and history, music and bibliographic studies. The uniformity of the format and the expansive variety of the list and its subjects, is characteristic of our open approach to publishing. The printed quarterly Uniformagazine gathers contributions by the writers and artists that we work with, sometimes thematically, as well as slighter or singular content.
Mit: Squint David Matless, A Tips Alphabet Stephen Duncalf, The Green Man Ronald Johnson, Beginning and ending with trains on a table Steve Roden, Transmitter Masts Theo Simpson, Field Signals Angus Carlyle & Chiara Caterina, CapitalNY @CaptialNY, In House Publishing @Unpublishedwork, Bridge/Tunnel Colin Sackett
All or nothing and other pages
Technische Angaben
224 S., 23,4x14,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-910010136
Klappbroschur, mit einigen Schwarz-weiß Abbildungen,
A survey of the work of Michael Gibbs whose activities included poetry, performance, film, and publishing, and his immersion in what he called “a genuinely ‘underground ’ culture… which owed nothing to the official art establishment ”. As well as visual poetry and texts, the book includes his major study of blank books ‘All or Nothing ’, written in 2005, a selection of critical writing that originally appeared in Kontexts, and Artzien, journals that he edited and published, as well as articles from the photography journal Perspektief, and Art Monthly, for which he wrote a regular column. A chronology of examples of his visual and concrete poems, books and photography is reproduced, along with documentation of performances.
Text von der Website
Paper News - Special Edition: Women in Print - November 2018
Technische Angaben
4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, gefaltet
Although the history of photography and the history of photo and artists’ books is widely documented, collected, exhibited, and discussed, the legacy of women using photography in print is underdocumented, cursory, fragmentary and too often, inaccurate. Women were always at the forefront of innovation and the political debate on photography, despite the harsh conditions in which they often lived and worked, but their voices and their historical contribution are still marginalised. As the feminist art historian Linda Nochlin asked, what are the implications of this rejection and what elements of these practices do we need to reevaluate? And why does it matter, beyond the historical inaccuracies? On the occasion of Paris Photo, Paper News is launching this Special Issue dedicated to women in print.
Text aus dem Heft.
ruine 06 - The Görli From Ipanema (and other texts)
Technische Angaben
36 S., 21,6x15,3 cm, Auflage: 90, numeriert, 3 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-947250196
2 auf farbige Papiere fotokopierte Hefte, Drahtheftung, ineinander gesteckt, zusammen in gefaltetem Blatt A3 mit Prägedrucken
Zum Release und zur performativen Lesung im Café Bellevue de Monaco in München am 06.12.2018 um 19 Uhr.
Adelaide Ivánova (1982, Recife/Brazil) is a journalist and political activist working with poetry, photography, performance, translation and publishing. Her poems were translated into German, Galician, English, Spanish, Greek and Italian. Her texts and photographic work were printed in publications such as The Huffington Post (USA), Marie Claire (BR), Clinic (UK), alba londres (UK), Lateinamerika Nachrichten (GER), artiCHOKE (GER), modern poetry in translation (UK). Her photo reportage are part of the collection of Kunst Museum Dieselkraftwerk (Germany), L’arthotèque – Museum of Fine Arts (France) and Galeria Murilo Castro (Brazil). She edits the anarco-feminist zine “MAIS PORNÔ, PVFR!” (proudly not online) and is co-founder of RESPEITA!, a coalition of Brazilian female poets and slammers. She lives in Berlin, where she tries earn a living as baby-sitter, life model, waiter and other alienating jobs.
Text von der Webseite
To Be Determined - According to the Situation
Technische Angaben
184 S., 24x16,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978 88 6749 351 7
Broschur mit Klappen; Einband mit aufgeprägtem Foto, Papier Einband mit textilähnlicher Struktur, Vorsatz/Nachsatz bedruckt mit Foto schwarzweiß, innen verschiedene Papiersorten für Fotos, Texte und Zeichnungen. Druck: Tipografia Valdostana
Erscheint zur Ausstellung im S.M.A.K., Gent, Belgien,11.03-04.06.2017.
"Welcome to the world of Dirk Zoete. Because that’s what his work is: a conceived universe. The way someone leaning over a table makes a plan and imagines the world. While technology takes us into several intangible dimensions with virtual reality and other applications, Zoete makes us believe the world is still flat. Everything seems to have only a front and a back. As if we still believed that the earth is just a disk, and we can fall off. Zoete’s drawings are clumsy, intermittent, naive, adventurous, simple. It’s like a child’s imagination, depicting in a heap what you otherwise cannot fit on a piece of paper." Philippe Van Cauteren. Published in occasion of his first major solo exhibition in a Belgian museum, To be determined. According to the situation, held at S.M.A.K. in Gent in 2017, this catalogue explores Dirk Zoete’s peculiar practice. Enriched by essays and texts by Philippe Van Cauteren, Stephan Berg, Koen Peeters and Ann Hoste, the book is a journey through the artist’s process—who, starting from a drawing, generates models, sculptures, architectural constructions, photos, films. An all-encompassing approach that makes the Belgian’s work outstand as a natural successor of the German Bauhaus and Russian Constructivism, but with a more human touch.
The catalogue features a wide selection of images, presenting the many different stages of transformation of a drawing into a three-dimensional piece, and the hybrid nature of the exhibition set-up, a mix of a museum show and an artist’s studio, both essential characteristics of Zoete’s art."
Text von der Webseite
Life is better at the pool
Technische Angaben
14,7x10,5 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Postkarte, rückseitig mit handschriftlichem Gruß von Catherine
Werbekarte von Cultural Association POOL publishing.
The Vienna-based cultural association „POOL publishing“ is a contemporary publishing house. The association, whose activities are not aimed at profit, pursues exclusively non-profit purposes, Promotion of art and culture, promotion of cultural activity, mediation of culture, enrichment of cultural life.
Text von der Webseite
Remote Scottish Postboxes (The Postcards)
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 20,3x12,5x1,5 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 9780993232374
Pappschachtel mit ausgestanztem Fenster, 12 Postkarten
Edition of 2000
Martin Parr’s Scottish Postboxes have been described as the prolific photographer’s ‘only contribution to landscape photography’. However, what Mr. Parr has achieved with these images is more a series of portraits of the lonely outposts of civilisation. The Postboxes in each place, standing out red and awkward against the lonely and beautiful Scottish backdrops each have a personality and a character of their own.
The postboxes are not only characters in the places they inhabit, they are symbols. the steadfast outposts of the institution that is the British postal service set against the untamable Scottish landscape invite the viewer the pause and ponder on their own place in the world.
“When you are in the middle of nowhere, in a bleak landscape and in wild weather, these little post boxes are strangely comforting, a sign that other people are around, that life is going on, and that you are connected to the world” – Susie Parr
This box contains twelve of Parr’s Postboxes, presented as postcards – a most appropriate form for the images to find themselves in, whether their fate is to be collected and cherished or themselves posted and shared.
Text von der Webseite.
Boot Print, Volume 1, Issue 1
Technische Angaben
32 S., 41x29 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose zusammengelegt, einmal gefaltet
Boot Print Volume 1/Issue 1 covers the Boots exhibitions and happenings. The inaugural exhibition The Politics of Friendship and Georgia Kotretsos solo show 10 Fingers 88 Teeth looks at five different models of artist-run spaces La Panaderia, Mexico. Kling and Bang, Iceland. PiST, Turkey, and SubCity Projects, in the United States. discusses forms of arts publishing and distribution. features Adelheid Mers insightful diagrammatic chronicle alongside Vilem Flusser’s Crisis of Linearity (1988), the first translation into English. and last, speaks with influencial curatorial voices about their practice sush as Anne-Laure Oberson. Vasif Kortun. Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Poka-Yio, Augustine Zenakos. Mary Jane Jacob and Shannon Fitzgerald about the local and international art scene, as well as the debutant Destroy Athens Biennial.
Text von der Webseite
Everything is About to Happen
Technische Angaben
1 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farblaserkopie nach Webseite re-title.com
Zur Ausstellung vom 14.04.-26.04.2014
The exhibition presents circa 300 books in an attempt to offer an overview, and initiate an archive, of recent artists’ books. It focuses on publication as a medium and context for art practices. It looks at the ways in which artists use the format of the book as an artistic strategy exploiting, and often expanding upon, its nature as a fixed but randomly accessible sequence of words and images. All the books selected are either self-published or participate in a minor economy of small publishers. Their modes of production and circulation, as well as the conditions under which they are experienced and stored, strengthen their content.
Text von der Webseite
Possible Content for 18 Pages - Volume II - A Set of Lines, A Stack of Paper
Technische Angaben
[80] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-957632746
Broschur, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, drei Bände in Banderole,
"A Set of Lines, A Stack of Paper" is the second in a series of exhibitions and publication based on a wide-reaching research about writing with the title 'Possible Content for 18 Pages'. The original typewritten manuscript of Vilém Flusser's essay 'The Gesture of Writing' provides the thematic and formal-aesthetic foundation for reflecting the act of writing at the intersection of linguistic, visual, physical and spatial communication. 'To write,' says the philosopher about the basic requirements that should lead to a complete piece of writing, we need 'a blank surface, for instance a white leaf of paper, an instrument which contains a matter that contrasts with the whiteness of the paper, the letters of the alphabet, the convention which gives a meaning to the letters, 'orthography' = correct writing, the rules which order that language, what is called 'grammar', an idea to be expressed in a language, and a motive to express that idea'. Understanding the act of writing as a culturally embedded gesture, 'A Set of Lines, A Stack of Paper' covers artistic, literary, as well as curatorial and editorial fields of action and combines them. The book is published on the occasion of the correspondent exhibition at KARST, Plymouth (June 5 - July 5, 2015). The publication comprises an exhibition documentation with installation views and a curatorial statement. Furthermore, the author Maria Fusco situates the concept of the exhibition in an actual context of literature.
The participating visual artists expand the topic of the exhibition with artistic contributions especially made for the book.
Text von der Webseite
Cadences - A Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus, Vol. 12 Fall 2016
Technische Angaben
112 S., 23,5x16,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 14501813
Softcover, Broschur
Candences: A Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus is a multilingual literary magazine, publishing poetry, short fiction, life writing, experimental work, reviews, and other writings in all the languages of the island of Cyprus and of its visitors. Writers in Cyprus think, feel, and express themselves in several languages, with Greek, Turkish, and English being three of the most prominent. Cancences is a bridge between them, a meeting point at which writers of the diverse communities of the island may find each other, and learn from their encounters with difference.
Text aus dem Heft
Code-X – Paper, Ink, Pixel and Screen
Technische Angaben
276 S., 24,3x14 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9780957682832
Klappbroschur, mit ausklappbaren Seiten
Code X brings together a selection of personal histories of the current ‘transforming’ and ‘expanding’ of the book medium with the aim to challenge the very notion of what it could be(come) in today’s complex information era.
The design of Code—X within codex form represents a playful and daring twist of ink imitating pixel to render composition and design. The content is seen as a continuous scroll, cropped where screen meets paper edge. We celebrate both camps by highlighting dichotomies of edge to scroll, sequence to time and image to place.
Text von der Webseite
Under the Radar Underground Zines and Self-Publications 1965 – 1975
Technische Angaben
368 S., 33,5x24,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-959050326
Spiralbindung, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Textseiten im kleineren Format
2. Auflage. Ausstellungskatalog. Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen, Weserburg Bremen, 30.10.2015-14.02.2016, Bremen.
The mid-1960s witnessed a boom in underground and selfpublished works. Hectographs, mimeographs, and offset printing not only allowed for the production of small, lowcost print runs but also promote a unique aesthetic: using wild mock-ups, »messianic amateurs« combined typescript aesthetics, handwriting, scribbled drawings, assemblages of collaged visuals, porn photos, snapshots, and comic
strips. The typography consciously frees itself, in parallel to a liberalization of linguistic and visual forms of expression in the name of a new »sensibility«.
This book (which appears in conjunction with an exhibition at the Weserburg in Bremen) is the first to present the underground and self-published works that came out of West Germany in such depth, while also showing the internationalcontext in which they emerged: not as an anecdotal history but as an attempt to tap into the aesthetic cosmos of a Do-It-Yourself rebellion, one that also challenges us to take a new look at the current boom in »independent publishing«, the risograph aesthetic, and so on.
Text von der Webseite.
Das Design wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten der HfK Bremen entwickelt
LETTERS TO JILL - a catalogue and some notes on copying
Technische Angaben
128 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788867494095
Broschur mit Banderole
Reprint nach einer Publikation des Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, 1979, erschienen zur posthumen Ausstellung im Kunstverein München Something other than either, von März bis August 2020.
The book is composed of images and texts by Hill through which she intended to contextualize and explain her working methodology to Jill Kornblee, her New York gallerist. Untrained as an artist, Pati Hill began to use the photocopier as an artistic tool in the early 1970s, leaving behind an extensive oeuvre that oscillates between image and text. Besides this comprehensive body of xerographic work, she published four novels, a memoir, several short stories, wrote poetry, and made drawings. Instead of an exhibition catalog that would offer an interpretation of her work, this publication provides space for Hill’s own writing that interrogates and accompanies her visual work.
Text von der Webseite
Verlängerung eines Gedankens
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 26,4x19,2 cm, Auflage: 250, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Klappumschlag, Heft mit Drahtheftung eingeklebt, gefaltetes Plakat (880×630 mm) in Umschlag eingelegt. Umschlag Handsiebdruck, gerillt
Dokumentation der Montage zweier großer Spiegelflächen auf einer Eisenbahnbrücke eines stellgelegten Bahngleises in der Nähe von München.
On April 2nd 2015, the artist Zedrick Meyer used two opposing mirrors to extend a 30 metres long, abandoned railway track into infinity. The publication is documenting the process, its realization and the result of the intervention.
Text von der Webseite
Publishing as a Way of Creating Wirklichkeit 03 - Benedict Anderson - The Origins of National Consciousness
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 21x14,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiss-Kopien, Drahtheftung
"Publishing as a Way of Creating Wirklichkeit" (P.A.A.W.O.C.W) is a series of bootlegged text fragments that relate to the practice of publishing.
#03 Benedict Anderson, Immagined Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 1983, p.37-46
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21,5x14,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 20566301
Uniformbooks is an imprint for the visual and literary arts, cultural geography and history, music and bibliographic studies. The uniformity of the format and the expansive variety of the list and its subjects, is characteristic of our open approach to publishing. The printed quarterly Uniformagazine gathers contributions by the writers and artists that we work with, sometimes thematically, as well as slighter or singular content—click on animation for further details.
Text von der Website
Mit: "Vovite Leaves"-David Matless, "The Reader's Digest Family Encyclopedia of World History"-Kasper Pincis, "tap-root"-Simon Cutts, "A glance to the past"-Martha Hellion, "Condensations"-Nathan Walker, "Trago Mills, Newton Abbot"-Phil Smith, u.a
The Cyprus Dossier 00 - Towards free / Thinking Cyprus
Technische Angaben
40 S., 29,5x23,3 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 19863179
In collaboration with Naked Punch and Shoppinghour.
An intellectual journal with one intention, to initiate frequent cross-disciplinary dialogue on political, social and cultural issues faced by the island’s inhabitants, as diversely and impartially as possible.
The Cyprus Dossier was founded in 2011 in Nicosia, Cyprus. It was distributed for free across Cyprus at selected locations in print/online and concluded in 2015. In 2012 The Cyprus Dossier hosted Mag Dossier, a celebration of contemporary magazine publishing from across the world curated by Peter Eramian. Special issues have been published for the exhibition Terra Mediterranea: In Crisis (2012) at the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, the participation of Cyprus at the 55th Venice Biennale (2013) and International Artist Initiated, a project organised by David Dale Gallery as part of the Glasgow 2014 Culture Programme for the Commonwealth Games, for which Peter Eramian also curated the exhibition Non-Standard Testimonials.
Text von der Webseite
Without Copyrights - Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain
Technische Angaben
384 S., 23,5x15,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780199927876
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
Provides a thorough historical survey of the impact of U.S. copyright law on transatlantic modernist authors. Documents the growth and development across time of the American public domain, as shaped by the historically protectionist and formalistic U.S. copyright law. Gives fresh insights drawn from unpublished materials-letters by Joyce, John Quinn, Ezra Pound, Sylvia Beach, John M. Price, and others -and makes extensive use of hitherto unknown legal archives.
This book tells the story of how the notoriously protectionist American copyright law impacted transatlantic modernism by encouraging the piracy of works published abroad. From its inception in 1790, U.S. copyright law withheld protection from foreign authors, creating an aggressive public domain that claimed works just as soon as they were published abroad. When Congress finally extended protection to foreign works, legal technicalities caused many authors to continue to lose their copyrights.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
[240] S., 23,5x16,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Softcover
Achte Ausgabe des 20seconds Magazin, ein Magazin für experimentelle Musik und Kunst, dieses Mal erschienen unter dem Titel "The Tide".
Issue 8, “The Tide,” looks into the cyclical nature of social and political movements. In order to do so we take inspiration from our often seemingly lunar obtuseness and incapacity to deal with the errors our planet’s inhabitants continue to make. There is little to say that has not been said, or eroded, after years of Russia waging war on Ukraine, Israel committing genocide on the Palestinian people, and now bombing Lebanon, funded by the US, Germany, and many others; fascism soaring in the polls and warming the seats of leaders in so many countries we’re beginning to lose count. Still, we rely on our notions of publishing, of speaking and writing resistance, even as governments continue to abuse the activists doing so on the streets. For the artists in 20 Seconds Issue 8, the tide is something to be challenged, of which to be conscious, a malleable energy to be harnessed, in the form of pain, or even trauma.
Ausgabe 8, „Die Flut“, befasst sich mit der zyklischen Natur sozialer und politischer Bewegungen. Dabei lassen wir uns von unserer oft mondähnlich anmutenden Stumpfheit und Unfähigkeit inspirieren, mit den Fehlern umzugehen, die die Bewohner unseres Planeten weiterhin begehen. Es gibt wenig zu sagen, was nicht schon gesagt wurde, oder was nicht schon erodiert ist, nachdem Russland seit Jahren einen Krieg gegen die Ukraine führt, Israel einen Völkermord am palästinensischen Volk begeht und jetzt den Libanon bombardiert, finanziert von den USA, Deutschland und vielen anderen; der Faschismus steigt in den Umfragen und wärmt die Sitze der Führer in so vielen Ländern, dass wir anfangen zu zählen.
Dennoch verlassen wir uns auf unsere Vorstellungen vom Publizieren, vom Sprechen und Schreiben des Widerstands, auch wenn die Regierungen die Aktivisten, die dies auf der Straße tun, weiterhin misshandeln. Für die Künstler in 20 Seconds Issue 8 ist die Flut etwas, das es herauszufordern gilt, dessen man sich bewusst sein muss, eine formbare Energie, die man sich zunutze machen kann, in Form von Schmerz oder sogar Trauma.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL
Technische Angaben
5 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdruck von der Webseite
zines - a definition, self publishing culture, historical roots, zines and subcultures, zine and the internet, zines and design, creative research, workshops
Technische Angaben
240 S., 30,2x21,6 cm, Auflage: 400, ISBN/ISSN 9780894390838
Hardcover, Leineneinband, geprägte Zeichnung, Papier: Lessebo Nature 115 g
Published on occasion of the traveling exhibiton Michalis Pichler Greatest Hits, 05.06.-31.06.2015, printed matter, New York, and 22.10.-19.11.2015, Kunstverein Mailand.
This book is the first monograph focused on the practice of artist/author Michalis Pichler. Featuring eleven critical essays, an extensively illustrated catalogue, a conversation with John Stezaker, and selected writings by the artist, the book delivers a solid introduction into conceptual poetics.
Text von der Webseite
Auflage: Broschur 2000, Hardcover 400
Workshop: Self-Publish and Disseminate!
Technische Angaben
21x29,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
beidseitig bedrucktes Einzelblatt, Schwarz-Weiß-Ausdruck nach PDF
Workshop im Piracy Reading Room, Kunstverein München, 04.-07. und 25.-28.11.2014, "Join us exploring Munich's independent publishing community." One publishes to find comrades. (A. Breton, 1920)
What Discussions do Artist Publisher Want to Have?
Technische Angaben
1 S., 29,7x21 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdruck nach PDF
Where can artist publishers, zine makers, librarians, artist book archivists, print activists, and others in this self-organized community hang out when there isn’t a fair, a fest, an event, or gathering to bring us together? Temporary Services, 2019
Temporary Services have created a new online discussion forum for artist book publishing called Artist Publisher. Please tear off a tab, visit the site, spread the word, and join them in multiple discussions around artist book making, zine publishing, printing, distribution, archiving and more.
Text vom Flyer
How to maneuver: Shapeshifting - texts and other publishing tactics
Technische Angaben
336 S., 23x14,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789948344643
Klappbroschur, 2. Auflage
Dieses Buch erschien im Rahmen der Ausstellung "How to maneuver: Shapeshifting texts and other publising tactics" in Abu Dhabi im Warehouse421 vom 10.12.2019-16.02.2020.
Publizieren ist der Akt des Öffentlichmachens. Es ist nicht auf bestimmte Produzenten, Produktionssprachen, geheiligte Vertriebswege und privilegierte Leser beschränkt. Dies ist kein Verlagswesen, wie wir es kennen. In der arabischen Welt gibt es eine wachsende Zahl von Buchmessen und Kunstbuchmessen. Diese beiden Arten von öffentlichen Plattformen laufen parallel zueinander und repräsentieren unterschiedliche, wenn nicht sogar gegensätzliche Ökonomien des kulturellen Kapitals, Systeme der Repräsentation von Subjekten und Subjektivitäten sowie Strategien der Begegnung und des Gesprächs mit einem Publikum. Diese Ausstellung entstand aus dem Bedürfnis heraus, die Grenzen zu hinterfragen, die das Verlagswesen vom unabhängigen Verlagswesen oder die Mainstream-Kulturproduktion von der alternativen Kulturproduktion trennen. Der Raum, der diese verschiedenen Regime von Autorschaft, Verlagswesen und Leserschaft trennt, ist auch der Raum, in dem diese Unterschiede manövriert werden können - in dem Grenzen kreativ in Frage gestellt und verfestigte Praktiken dazu verleitet werden, in verschiedenen Sprachen zu sprechen. Dies ist der Raum, in dem sich diese Ausstellung bewegt. How to maneuver folgt den Spuren ausgewählter künstlerischer und verlegerischer Praktiken und der Räume, die sie zu schaffen versuchen. Die präsentierten Werke bieten eine reiche Vielfalt an historischen und zeitgenössischen Reflexionen über die Sprachen und Formate, die von der dominanten Verlagsindustrie an den Rand gedrängt werden - die brüskierten Genres, die geächteten Themen, die beunruhigenden Subjektivitäten, das Exzessive, das Minimale, das Unrentable und das Unergründliche. Durch die Ausstellung, ihre Kunstwerke, Publikationen und strukturellen Interventionen erhalten wir einen Einblick in einige der kulturellen Räume und Agenturen, die durch unabhängige künstlerische und verlegerische Praktiken zurückgewonnen werden. (Quelle: salonfürkunstbuch)
Technische Angaben
34 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Verkaufsprospekt, Farbloserkopien nach PDF, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Zur Ausstellung Guy Schraenen Editeur 13 Mars 2014.
Guy Schraenen is the founder of the publishing house Guy Schraenen éditeur and the Archive for Small Press & Communication (A.S.P.C.) and an international known curator, publisher and advisor. Furthermore he is the author of essays and various publications. His many activities are mainly focused on Artists' publications of the various international Avant-garde and independent art movements from the late 1950s until the 1980s. mehr auf der Webseite der Buchhandlung
Micronaut n°2 - Modern Life is Rubbish
Technische Angaben
40 S., 27.2x19.7 cm, Auflage: 150, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter gefaltet, lose ineinander gelegt
Micronaut is an editorial project initiated in 2011 with a critical and singular approach to publishing and artist book. In three years of activity, the book serie took several different forms, engaging a dialogue between disciplines and blurring the boundaries between actors involved in a book process. An independent editor and photographer based in Switzerland, Julien Gremaud runs Micronaut as an interface to produce and publish books but also as an artistic practice through collaborations whether it is an artist, a gallery, a museum or an artists collective.
Text von Website
OWK 1 - Oi Wraioi Kypraioi. (Die wunderbaren Zyprioten) Culturally aroused art & design dialogues
Technische Angaben
16 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, ein Sticker eingelegt. Cover mit Prägedruck. Risographie. In braunem Papierumschlag mit Aufkleber
OWK is an independent visual library for words and images that create linear or abstract stories providing a structure for publishing and archiving projects. We focus on graphic design, illustration, photography, art and creative writing.
OWK is a Riso print project, meaning that color will fail to present photographs in its purest form. Registration too will fail and colors will be imperfect. It is what it is. An experimental electronic single drum screenprint with its own unique aesthetic and feel.
Miss Read - The Berlin Art Book Fair 2016
Technische Angaben
108 S., 21x14,7 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Programm und Ausstellerverzeichnis
zur Veranstaltung vom 10.-12.06.2016 in der Akademie der Künste Berlin.
Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair brings together a wide selection of the most interesting artists/authors, artist periodicals and art publishers and is accompanied by a series of lectures, discussions, book launches and workshops exploring the boundaries of contemporary publishing and the possibilities of the book.
In conjunction, the Conceptual Poetics Day will explore the imaginary border between visual art and literature.
In 2016 Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair will return to Akademie der Künste, Berlin, who will provide their main exhibition halls at Hanseatenweg.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
323 S., 36,4x26x3,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ota-Bindung mit aufklappbarem Schutzumschlag
Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Fondadtion Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, 30.03.-10.06.2018.
In Freeing Architecture, Ishigami elaborates upon his most recent research into function, form, scale and the environment in architecture, thereby revealing his vision for the future of the field. Through over 40 models, as well as numerous films and drawings, the exhibition presents twenty projects from their genesis to the complex process of their realization. Far from being tools prior to construction, the models assembled in the exhibition were made specifically for the occasion. As viewers contemplate these hand-crafted works, assembled in the architect’s studio over the course of one year, one can see the many steps and the painstaking work that led to the development of their final form. All different in terms of their material, size and level of detail, they offer a glimpse of the slow maturation process, necessary for the creation of Ishigami’s architectural works. Works infused by a poetics that is achieved as much through experimentation, as it is by theory, knowledge, and technology.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
When Oliver was a boy in the late seventies he once saw his neighbour, a graphic designer at the distinguished Rosenthal porcelain factory, driving by in a gold-coloured Porsche. This powerful and lasting impression was the impetus for him to study graphic design at the Lette-Verein Berlin and illustration at Hamburg’s University of Applied Sciences. After his graduation he also worked internationally as a graphic artist in San Diego, California, and since the year 2000 has been pursuing successfully his career as a designer in Berlin. Amongst his clients are music and publishing houses, the world-famous dance-club Berghain, as well as the Berlin-based daily newspaper taz for which he regularly provides artistic illustrations for political and cultural articles.
OWK 9 - Oi oraioi Kypraioi. (Die wunderbaren Zyprioten) - Engaged objectivity of street life mobility -
Technische Angaben
20 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Prägedruck rechts unten, Risographie.
Nr. 9, November 2018. Gedruckte Korrektur neben Jahreszahl 2019 in Pink.
OWK is an independent visual library for words and images that create linear or abstract stories providing a structure for publishing and archiving projects. We focus on graphic design, illustration, photography, art and creative writing.
OWK is a Riso print project, meaning that color will fail to present photographs in its purest form. Registration too will fail and colors will be imperfect. It is what it is. An experimental electronic single drum screenprint with its own unique aesthetic and feel.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[84] S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Spiralbindung, Cover aus roter transparenter Folie
Fassade Parade is a collection of lost souls of modern aesthetics compiled by Tobias Faisst that stand in strong contrast to pixel-perfect designs and high-end photography.
Tobias Faisst is a photographer and graphic designer. He studied at the FH Potsdam. His photographs create the balancing act between hyperrealism and banality, between surrealism and the overwritten now. Tobias currently lives and works in Berlin.
Text von der Webseite
SMIS DEAR - Miss Read - The Berlin Art Book Fair 2019 - Conceptual Poetics Day
Technische Angaben
82 S., 24x17 cm, Auflage: 2.000, 2 Stück. 4 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-868741056
Broschur. Mit eingelegtem Programm des Conceptual Poetics Day, von Natalie Czech, Ausstellerverzeichnis und -plan, Postkarte.
zur Veranstaltung vom 03.-05.05.2019 im Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Gestaltung des Kataloges Moritz Grünke. MISS READ: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2019 will take place on May 3th to 5th at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and will bring together a wide selection of publishers, art periodicals and artists/authors (267+ exhibitors for 2018). In conjunction, the seventh Conceptual Poetics Day will explore the imaginary border between visual art and literature. Founded in 2009, MISS READ is Europe’s major Art Book Festival, dedicated to community-building and creating a public meeting place for discourse around artists’ books, conceptual publications and publishing as practice.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
82 S., 20,2x12,3 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9780957682870
Blätter lose mit Gummiband zusammen gehalten
The fruit of a collaboration with artist/activist/creator of the Working Press archive Stefan Szczelkun and keeper archivist Rebekah Taylor.
Rise with your class not from it represents a lasting trace of and a vehicle for the Working Press project whose archive is now housed in UCA library special collections in Farnham. It highlights some important works by working-class artists while providing a valuable resource for anybody interested in working with archive material.
Working Press is a collective publishing imprint, which had the subtitle books by and about Working Class Artists, 1986-1996. Working Press includes the first computer generated comic (Harwood), the first book by Micheline Mason (disability and inclusion artist), and the first book about Greenham Common Yellowgate (Beth Junor).
Text von der Webseite
The Artists' Colouring Book of ABCs
Technische Angaben
[60] S., 36,3x26,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780957156012
Broschur, Softcover, Aufkleber auf dem Cover
The Artists Colouring Book Of ABCs is the brainchild of Charlotte Colbert, Alix Janta and Lauren Jones. Born of the desire to introduce a new audience to main figures of contemporary art and create a dialogue between artists and a younger generation, it opens up the world of creativity, allowing all to re-visit and reinvent our ABC’s. A fun way for anywone to subvert, re-imagine and enter a conversation with leading artists of our generation, this book is yours to make.
Text von der Webseite.
Cry Minami - Mechanical Brides - The 9th Most Popular Tweet
Technische Angaben
[100 ca.] S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, drei Hefte, Banderole
The title of series ‹Mechanical Brides› refers to an early book by Marshall McLuhan with the same title. It deals with questions about newspapers, comics, and advertisements and also reflects the role of women in popular culture. With the camera I was taking lots of photos from billboards showing portraits of women in Japan, America and Europe. These image are interesting as these models become role models for a lot of women. I worked on some of these images and produced stickers which I put back into the streets — to react on advertising companies putting into the streets and public spaces to claim back these spaces.
Text von der Webseite.
Drawing Room Confessions #1
Technische Angaben
82 S., 17x11 cm, Auflage: 700, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9788896501276
Aufkleber auf dem Titel
Drawing Room Confessions is a new printed journal named after a parlour game played by Marcel Proust, the Surrealists and others. It is made of words and exchanges, with no images.Six different sections (The Egoist, The Blind Man, Two to Tango, Ekphrasis, Time Line and La Madeleine) comprise the Rules of the Game, which are the same in each issue. What changes are the players, or interviewers, who open each round of conversation with the featured artist and who come from a wide range of fields.
CHARLES: Charles Avery
THE EGOIST: Robin Mackay
THE BLIND MAN: Evelyn Fishburn
TANGO: Angus Cameron
Artist Music Journals Vol. 1 No. 10 - Brian Roettinger & No Age
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 26,5x26,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, in Heft eingelegt eine Schallplatte in Schutzumschlag, in Pappschuber mit Aufkleber. Einseitige 10" Schallplatte "Brian Roettinger w/ No Age", 45 UpM, Katalognr. SSD.10
Edition 10 in the ongoing Artist Music Journals series features the work of the Los Angeles based designer, artist, musician and label owner Brian Roettinger, who operates the creative umbrella Hand Held Heart. Unlike any previous Artist Music Journal, this installment includes Brian's 24-page book as well as a one-sided 10" record, featuring a collaboration between Brian and No Age with three exclusive tracks!
Brian lives and works in Los Angeles primarily as a graphic designer. He received a BFA in graphic design from CalArts in 2004. His work encompasses design, publishing, writing and curating as well as running his own vinyl-only record label Hand Held Heart. In 2009 he was nominated for a Grammy for his design of the No Age Nouns album packaging. In 1999 he was providing bass duties for This Machine Kills. He is a part-time professor in the design department at CalArts, as well as a current designer in residency in the Design | Media Arts program at UCLA
Anonymous Press No. 15766 - Various Small Dicks
Technische Angaben
12 S., 20,3x13,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdrucke, Umschlag aus farbigem Papier
Das Konzept:
1. Anonymous Press (Α,–Π,) is a self-sufficient publishing platform.
2. Every publication by Α,–Π, is a byproduct of an individual and a database, i.e. Google Image Search.
3. Human author defines the topic, the content and the form is generated from the most relevant images found online.
4. Each publication is added to a public library.
5. Every item in the library can be printed on-demand and is available to everyone for a small fee covering shipping and production costs.
6. Publications are sorted in a chronological order.
7. Α–Π does not own, nor is responsible for the content generated by its users.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
32 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, kleinerformatiges Impressum auf andersfarbigem Papier vor eigentlichen Umschlag Drahtheftung,
This booklet—with a graphic design that resembles a school notebook from the 50s—was created to accompany an exhibition at Larada by Adrien Missika, a young Parisian artist based in Geneva. In 2004, Missika set out on an original “grand tour” that skipped all the monuments and glorious ruins of Europe and took him instead through the peripheral neighborhoods of various Old World capitals, from Milan to Moscow. The result was Einfühlung (2008): a series of low-resolution, cell-phone photos of impressive Collectivist architecture, a legacy of the Modernist social utopias. Images of this work and others, including Grand Prix (2008), a video in which dromology meets archeology, and Daily Archeology (2010), serve as photographic references for the critical text by Patrick Gosatti.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
112 S., 24x16,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
We Are Dublin is a magazine dedicated to the city. We combine the lo-fi and the high-end - expect long form journalism, poetry, humour and short stories, as well as striking photography. This is immersive publishing at its finest - a long-form postcard from one of the most interesting cities in the world. Published every three months, the magazine is available to buy online and in selected retailers in Dublin and around the world.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
146 S., 29,7x23,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 1854374117
Broschur, Softcover
Publikation anlässlich der Ausstellung vom 14.03-04.06.2002 Tate Britain, London. Since the early 1970s Hamish Fulton (born 1946) has been labelled as a sculptor, photographer, Conceptual artist and Land artist. Fulton, however, characterises himself as a 'walking artist'. In 1973, having walked 1,022 miles in 47 days from Duncansby Head (near John O'Groats) to Lands End, Fulton decided to 'only make art resulting from the experience of individual walks.' Since then the act of walking has remained central to Fulton's practice. He has stated 'If I do not walk, I cannot make a work of art' and has summed up this way of thinking in the simple statement of intent: 'no walk, no work'. Although only Fulton experiences the walk itself, the texts and photographs he presents in exhibitions and books allow us to engage with his experience.
Text von der Website.

Technische Angaben
40 S., 17,5x10,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-471068560
Print on Demand technology allows to make a book without the intermediation of a publisher, setting autonomously size, amount of pages and price. Blank on Demand is an experiment that aims to probe the limits imposed by this production process. The two volumes constituting the project are produced through the self-publishing platform Lulu.com. The volumes’ formats correspond respectively to the maximum and minimum dimensions currently available for the print. similarly, page amount and price are set according to the limit values allowed by the platform. The two volumes are completely blank, except for the presence of the ISBN code. The experiment investigates the influence of the current technological context on the materiality of the book object.
Text von der Webseite
Dieses Büchlein ist das kleinste Produkt das LuLu anbietet. Das teuerte Blank on Demand von Silvio Lorusso & Giulia Ciliberto is in Hardcover, hat 740 Seiten und kostet den größtmöglichen Preis von 999.999,99 € (exkl. MwSt)
A Bestiary of Spam Characters
Technische Angaben
40 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-300692324
Booklet resulting from the workshop “Spam Publishing” held by André Castro and Silvio Lorusso at Transmediale 2013, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
monoperro is a self-taught artist as he has no academic education in art. In addition to being an illustrator, he is a writer, and, as an important part of his artistic activity, he performs Tarot readings created by him called Tarot del Espejo (Tarot of the Mirror). He also offers artistic and vital services such as workshops and talks, under the name ‘Ultralkymia’. In 2015 he published his first book ‘Gran Fin’ (in the publishing house jekyll and jill (jekyllandjill.com). He also has another publication ‘Dibujo Mágico’ which is a guide to the practice of drawing as self-knowledge. You can follow his daily activity on his instagram account: @monoperro
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
C100 is a creative studio working for global brands, small businesses and private projects. It is headed by Christian Hundertmark who founded the studio in 2003. Specialised in delivering inventive and precise visual solutions C100 Studio implements each project with enthusiasm, dedicated hands and a individual style which is evident in the diverse output. Over the years C100 Studio’s work was published in many books and magazines. French publishing house Pyramyd released an edition in their ‘Design & Designers’ book series. From 2007-2011 C100 Studio was European correspondent for Hong Kong based IdN design magazine.
Confronting Authorship, Constructing Practices (How Copyright is Destroying Collective Practice)
Technische Angaben
40 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farblaserkopien, mit einem Gummiband zusammengehalten
Kapitel 11 aus: Whose Book is it Anyway? A View From Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity.
This chapter is written from the perspective of an artist who develops models of practice founded on the fundamental assumption that knowledge is socially constructed. Knowledge, according to this understanding, builds on imitation and dialogue and is therefore based on a collective endeavour. Although collective forms of knowledge production are common in the sciences, such modes of working constitute a distinct shift for artistic practice, which has been conceived as individual and isolated or subjective. ....
stars & stripes - new york garbage flag profile
Technische Angaben
292 S., 21,4x15,2 cm, Auflage: 550, ISBN/ISSN 3865880940
Fadenheftung mit flexiblem Plastikeinband
First this was was a series of ephemeral situations in public space in New York 2002–2003. They become comprehensible through the publication of a book. The New York Garbage Flag Profile presents Berlin-based artist Michalis Pichler’s six month long project in which he collected and documented discarded paper cups, plastic bags, pizza boxes, newspapers and other mass-produced materials emblazoned with the American Flag.
Photographed in the public waste baskets, gutters and snow drifts of New York where he found them, the individual items are catalogued on a facing page with uniformly formatted information about their location, the date of their collection, number of flags depicted, number of stars, number of stripes, etc. Each record also includes a full transcription of the text found on the item. The nearly three hundred color photographs in the book are organized into forensic pairs showing the collection site before and after the artist’s intervention. This clinical presentation however belies the artist’s gentle, almost reverent approach to his material-garbage, after all. (Rachel Bers)
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
128 S., 25x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 1901033678
Over the last 20 years, performance artist André Stitt has presented hundreds of performances - or 'akshuns' - which are invariably violent and cathartic, involving self-abuse, tantrums and exoreisms. His references are wide, ranging from urban alienation to alternative religions. Small Time Life presents Andre Stitt's incredible work with images from the artist's archive, a history of his work and a series of conversations between the artist and Roddy Hunter (formerly Senior Lecturer in Visual Performance at Dartington College of Arts)
Jurkjes en Jason - 27 views on terrorism today
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 24x17 cm, Auflage: 700, ISBN/ISSN 9789078454182
Students of the Eindhoven Design Academy, Faculty of Man and Communication, have worked on a project about the representation of terrorism under the guidance of designer and teacher Annelys de Vet. In collaboration with Freek Lomme, director of Eindhoven based presentation-institution and publishing company Onomatopee, a book and exposition became the result of this.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[132] S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-908806017
Drahtheftung, eingelegt ein Werbeflyer
Estate Of is the new publication series from Antenne Publishing. Published twice a year in a magazine-like stapled format, each edition is given to a single artist working with photographs as a space to realise projects. Estate Of aims to become a meeting point between an informal physical object, and a substantial body of work from an individual artist.
Kronos by Victor Boullet is the first publication in the Estate Of series.
Victor Boullet’s title refers to the Greek god Kronos, a deity known for its doublesidedness, a concept closely connected to his project The Institute of Social Hypocrisy. The publication Kronos is a means to carry his work forward into a newer form of expression, whilst maintaining a constant sense of dichotomy.
Text von der Webseite
Colour me, PICTOPLASMA - The Character Colouring and Activity Book
Technische Angaben
64 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3981045815
Malbuch zu einem Projekt
Young, Fresh and Relevant Issue 3
Technische Angaben
68 S., 19,5x14 cm, Auflage: 250, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
grüner Schutzumschlag mit Risographie,
Young, Fresh and Relevant is a yearly open submission journal with the aim of carving a space for writing within the visual arts. YFR hopes to be accessible for a new generation of young (in their practice rather than age) artists who may never have had their writing published, as well as aiming to attract practitioners who are more familiar with the Art Writing, publishing scene.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
96 S., 17,3x11 cm, Auflage: 600, ISBN/ISSN 9789490629083
Wendebuch, Wendebuch
The publication I'm On Your Side is the fourth part of a project conceived by Heman Chong for Kunstverein (Milano). After the three-fold project of the same name, presented in Milan in November 2010 the publication is understood as a compendium of the entire enterprise.
I'm On Your Side developed out of a series of conversations with the artist on the formation of Kunstverein (Milano). Upon invitation of the artist Alessandra Poggianti, Katia Anguelova and Andrea Wiarda, co-directors and founders of Kunstverein (Milano), contributed individual toughts and reflections on the introduction of a node into the cultural landscape of Milan.
Text von der Webseite
Art-Rite, No. 15 Surroundings
Technische Angaben
20 S., 28x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Titelbild von Rosemary Mayer.
This meditation on Jacopo da Pontormo and Florence, a very big woman who sits next to me at work, is illustrated with photo snapshots of bleak urban life and with reproductions of Pontormo’s drawings, etchings and paintings. A full, monographic work with collaged prose.
Diese Meditation über Jacopo da Pontormo und Florence, eine sehr große Frau, die bei der Arbeit neben mir sitzt, ist mit Fotoschnappschüssen des trostlosen Stadtlebens und mit Reproduktionen von Pontormos Zeichnungen, Radierungen und Gemälden illustriert. Ein umfassendes, monografisches Werk mit collagierter Prosa.
Technische Angaben
25x19,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943514605
Softcover, fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag aus drei Papierbögen, verschiedene Papiere
Makulatur, a German word that derives from lat. maculatura ’something stained’, refers to misprinted paper that is discarded at the beginning of the printing process as use- and worthless. In 2010, the graphic designer Manuel Raeder started to collect and preserve misprinted sheets of all the publications he designed not only for his own publishing house BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE but also for fellow artists and institutions.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
[224] S., 23x15,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-908452610
Paperback mit Klebebindung, Blätter rückseitig in Spiegelschrift bedruckt, so dass sie durch das dünne Papier lesbar sind.
a non-complete and subjective collection of english weather forecasts- edited out of 28 random newspapers during 4 ifferent London visits betweem october 2012 and september 2013. read in those small excerpts, the english weather appears like poetry. this book is a twin. whereas weather forecast (1) shows the "weather poems" one after another, page by page, black on white, weather forecast (2) uses the book format differently: every "poem" is printed side-inverted on the backside of front page. due to transparency of the paper, the text can be read "through" the page. every "weather poem" also exists as fine hand letterpressed sheet in A4 format.
Text von der Webseite.

Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,5x13,6 cm, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, ein Streifen aus Papier, ein Anschreiben, alles in Briefumschlag
BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE — ‘good day, good afternoon, good night’ in Portuguese — conveys the idea that books can become part of everyday life, regardless of the time of day. BOM DIA was founded in 2011 by Manuel Raeder and Manuel Goller in Berlin, solely run by Manuel Raeder since 2013. BOM DIA is specialized in high quality artist books that are conceived as an integral part of an art work or as the art work itself that, often, plays with the format of the book and reflects its medium. A focus of BOM DIA lies in publishing contemporary artists from Latin America. The books of BOM DIA are produced in close collaboration with a group of fellow artists, among others Henning Bohl, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Mariana Castillo Deball, Haegue Yang, Leonor Antunes, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Danh Vo, Nina Canell, and BLESS.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
16,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kartonbox mit Siebdruck, Konvolut aus 19 Zines mit Drahtheftung, ein Faltblatt
Sammlung von Zines aus Hongkong bezüglich der Proteste 2019/20, zusammengestellt von dem Kollektiv Zine Coop
Thanks to the artist researcher and activist Joanna Wong, I have been well informed of the situation in Hong Kong since the beginning of the movement. So when I saw the Hyperallergic article about the protest zines gathered and distributed by the artist collective Zine Coop, I thought people in Paris should know about this. The exhibition Freedom Hi! happened in many places in the world, I welcomed it at 本 \hon\ books. To cover the cost production of the exhibition, I decided to make a catalogue box set of 19 zines, with an index of all them and an interview of one of ZineCoop founders Forrest Lau.
Dank der Forscherin und Aktivistin Joanna Wong bin ich über die Situation in Hongkong seit dem Beginn der Bewegung gut informiert. Als ich also den Hyperallergic-Artikel über die vom Künstlerkollektiv Zine Coop gesammelten und verteilten Protest-Zines sah, dachte ich, dass die Menschen in Paris davon wissen sollten. Die Ausstellung Freedom Hi! fand an vielen Orten der Welt statt, ich begrüßte sie bei 本 \on\ books. Um die Produktionskosten der Ausstellung zu decken, beschloss ich, einen Katalog mit 19 Zines zu erstellen, mit einem Verzeichnis aller Zines und einem Interview mit Forrest Lau, einem der Gründer von Zine Coop.

Technische Angaben
136 S., 28,6x20,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, Hardcover
Dayanita Singh ist eine Buchkünstlerin, die die Vorstellungskraft dessen, was ein Buch sein kann, ausdehnt und die Grenzen zwischen Verlagswesen und Kunst überschreitet. Book Building zeichnet die Reise von Singhs Büchern nach, vom ersten, Zakir Hussain (1986), bis zu ihrem neuesten, Zakir Hussain Maquette (2019), und zeigt das Spektrum ihres Buchbauprozesses, von der Idee bis zum materiellen Objekt, und wie sie diese erfinderisch in der Kunstwelt und darüber hinaus in Umlauf bringt.
Dayanita Singh is a book artist who stretches the imagination of what a book can be, transcending the spaces between publishing and art. Book Building traces the journeys of Singh’s books, from the first, Zakir Hussain (1986), to her latest, Zakir Hussain Maquette (2019), showing the spectrum of her book-building process, from idea to material object and how she inventively circulates them in the art world and beyond.
Text von Webseite
Übersetzt mit Deepl
Technische Angaben
56 S., 30,5x21,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788896501610
mit Kunststoffumschlag, geklammert
This publication documents the monumental collaborative work which Liam Gillick and Lawrence Weiner produced for the Antwerp museum of contemporary art MuHKA in the spring of 2011. Tellingly titled A Syntax of Dependency:, the project could be viewed as the outcome of a twenty-year dialogue between artists, artistic practices, generations. This giant floor piece, consisting of an abstract linoleum pattern containing an array of phrases, took up the museum's entire first floor - its site-specifity meaning that the end of the exhibition also entailed the work's irreversible destruction. This photo novella - complete with fragments of a conversation between both artists and a short text by exhibition curator Dieter Roelstraete - captures the work in its unique desolate splendor
Bananas - The Literary Newspaper No. 03
Technische Angaben
40 S., 43,5x29 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Cover zweifarbiger Druck,
Design Julian Rothenstein.
Bananas is a British literary magazine that ran for 25 issues from January 1975[1] until 1979. It was initially published and edited by the novelist Emma Tennant but later issues were published and edited by the poet Abigail Mozley. Tennant chose to name the magazine after the motion picture Bananas (1971), directed by Woody Allen. (aus Wikipedia)
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. In Briefumschlag
Thema des Lieferprogramms: Stephen Willats.
Our new catalogue is dedicated to the diverse and prolific publishing practice of artist Stephem Willats whose engagement with the book form runs from 1965 to the present. Willats uses printed matter in three distinctive ways: a book may function as a manifesto, an artwork in its own right or as a tool within an artwork. The items included in this catalogue span artist's books, ephemera, exhibition catalogues and scare manuals relating to participatory artworks self-published by the artist in very limited number.
Text aus dem Lieferprogramm.
Technische Angaben
[88] S., 36,2x31,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3882438649
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag.
This work is about the phenomena of appearance and disappearance. The book shows 36 head-shots of a clown. If mutability of appearance is integral to the phenomenon of the cloud – since dissolution or erasure is inevitable – the converse is proposed for the clown.
"Cabinet of" announces the imprint steidldangin, a collaboration between Pascal Dangin of Box Ltd, New York, USA and Gerhard Steidl of Steidl Verlag, Göttingen, Germany.
Information von der Webseite und aus dem Buch.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fabio Bacchini was born in Italy and studies Communication and Design for Publishing at the ISIA Urbino. His main profession is graphic design but he is also passionate about illustration, especially the erotic one. His goal is to convey the sensuality of the female body through the use of lines only.
The BöhmKobayashi Encyclopedia Band Eins
Technische Angaben
288 S., 15x11 cm, Auflage: 150, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Klappumschlag
“Böhmkobayashi Encyclopedia” is an almanac covering the A to Z of Boehm/Kobayashi, from the projects they’ve done, places they’ve been, artists they’re connected to, books they’ve read and more. Entries appear in German or in the language in which they originated, including English, Japanese and French.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
212 S., 21,4x15,2 cm, Auflage: 600, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865884640
mit flexiblem Plastikeinband
A collection and archival documentation of discarded commodities, carrying depictions of hearts, found in public space mostly in Berlin, but also in Greece and New York City. The photo documentation is accompanied by ranscriptions of every text carried by the found objects.
Text von der Webseite
Being Evil Knievel Issue No. 1
Technische Angaben
72 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865882257
Drahtheftung. 2 Hefte
Dressed as the American flag, in red, white and blue, EVIL KNIEVEL is the self-proclaimed incarnation of the American hero. Braveness, self-reliance, and independence are among the best of his virtues, virtues harnessed skillfully in a career driven by the unchallenged will to succeed. In an ever-developing series of lethal stunts EVIL KNIEVEL constantly proves his outstanding qualities. Celebrated today as the greatest daredevil in the history of American thrill shows, he is known not only for his deadly crashes, his numerous injuries, but equally for his never-say-die attitude. (Vorwort)
Mit Textbeiträgen von Peter Hush und Jefferson Smith sowie einem Interview mit Evil Knievel von Ken T. Evans.
Text von der Webseite
Being Evil Knievel Issue No. 2
Technische Angaben
36 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865882509
As time doesn't stop, we are proud to devote this second edition of BEK to EVIL's newest project: his alter-ego SUPER A. EVIL will be in Langenhagen (Germany) in March and April to give us guys an insight into his personal well being. SUPER A of course, is just one little facet, but as you will hopefully discover, a more than eye-popping one. Therefore we are especially happy to feature both an extensive interview with EVIL KNIEVEL on his alter-ego and a mind-blowing photo story of SUPER A himself. Also we are introducing a new column at the end of the mag that tries to show a wider perspective of our so beloved EVIL KNIEVEL." (Peter Hush)
Mit Textbeiträgen von Peter Hush und Andy Reid sowie einem Interview mit Evil Knievel von Ken T. Evans.
Text von der Webseite
Being Evil Knievel Issue No. 3 It's not who you are, but who you want to be
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865884275
When I was in my early teens, I think it must have been around the age of twelve, I had this perpetual vision of living in the glistening sunlight. To be exposed to an all-embracing envelope of light. In my imagination I was standing in the midst of a ray and was embraced by the warmth and equally blinding intensity of light.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 9,8x21 cm, Auflage: 2.000, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Messe für independent Künstlerpublikationen 12.-13.11.2021 im Haus der Kunst, München, mit radio 80000, das Internetradio. Südgalerie 1. Stock, Eintritt frei
Zum zweiten Mal seit dem Auftakt im Jahr 2019 zeigen über 50 Künstler*innen, Gestalter*innen und alternative Verleger*innen ihre Produktionen im Haus der Kunst. Damit erhält die in München sehr lebendige und aktive Künstlerbuchszene die Fläche für einen gemeinsamen Auftritt. Neben dem Schwerpunkt München sind diesmal auch Produzent*innen aus Österreich (Auslöser sowie Darja Shatalova und Kristian Ujhelji), der Schweiz (_957 Independent Art Magazine sowie GRRRR) und den Niederlanden (The Artist and the Others sowie Dutch Independent Art Book Publishers und Lula Valletta & HOK) vertreten. Tobi Huschka aus Köln stellt Bücher vom Kunsthaus Kat18 vor, einer inklusiven Kunstwerkstatt. Die Münchner piratInnenpresse, ein Verlag von Kindern und Jugendlichen, stellt Taschenbücher und Faltkarten her. Ihr üblicher Versammlungsort ist „die Kajüte unterm Dach der Seidl-Villa in Schwabing“. Iwalewabooks hat die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der zeitgenössischen Kultur Afrikas im Fokus.
Die Teilnehmenden sehen sich in der Tradition der 1960er-Jahre, als sich im Umfeld der postavantgardistischen Kunstszene neue Kommunikations- und Distributionsnetze bildeten. Ihre Produkte wie Künstlerbücher, Magazine oder Zines sind autonome Kunstwerke. Mit ihrer Ethik der Zugänglichkeit, die in Preisgestaltung und der Direktheit von Vertriebswegen zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden sie ein Gegengewicht zu den gängigen Spielregeln des Kunstmarkts.
Die Publikationen können direkt vor Ort gekauft werden.
Super BOOKS ist eine Kooperation mit AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und fructa space.
Kuratiert von Sabine Brantl mit Hubert Kretschmer, Martin Schmidl sowie Quirin Brunnmeier und Malte Wandel.
First Issue - Self-Publishing Book Fair for Design and Art
Technische Angaben
2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Pressetext zur Veranstaltung
Protest Publishing and Art - from the copy machine to the internet
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
56 S., 22,5x17 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 20147325
Fadenheftung, Gummikordel, innen eingehängt ein mehrfach gefaltetes und einseitig bedrucktes Plakat
Pipa is an occasional publishing project that brings together mainly critical writings and the actions of artists.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
156 S., 24,5x17 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 17153212
Vorderseite lackiert, verschiedene Papiere
Fillip is a publication of art, culture, and ideas released three times a year by the Projectile Publishing Society.
Text von der Webseite
Bananas - The Literary Newspaper No. 07
Technische Angaben
44 S., 43,5x29 cm, ISBN/ISSN 03083381
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Cover zweifarbiger Druck,
Design Julian Rothenstein.
Artikel von Victor Bockris: The new photography and how to be part of it
Technische Angaben
36 S., 27,8x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, gelocht. Eingelegt in: Mousse #49 Contemporary Art Magazine
Hélio Oiticica, Apocalipopótese, 1968. Monica Amor and Carlos Basualdo, Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs, 2014–15. Elena Filipovic
Parabol The Splitting Issue SE #3
Technische Angaben
48 S., 66x48 cm, Auflage: 1.500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-950388893
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, in einer metallisch glänzenden Tragetasche
This year the Vienna Ringstraße is celebrating the 150th anniversary of its existence. For this occasion the BAWAG P.S.K. is publishing a special edition of the Parabol Art Magazine. Parabol is duly inviting the architecture curator Oliver Elser to analyse via this medium one of the most striking and prominent buildings in the Ringstraße ensemble, Otto Wagners Postsparkasse. Together with the architecture photographer Hagen Stier, Elser pays tribute to this paragon of Viennese Modernism.
Text von der Webseite
Mag Dossier 01 - Because We Love Mags
Technische Angaben
40 S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Umschlag kleiner geschnitten,
Mag Dossier is a celebration of contemporary magazine publishing. Lean-back submission to beautifully printed, exceptionally designed, carefully edited and toughtfully orchestrated visionary magazines from across the world. 20.12.2012-26.01.2013.
Text aus dem Heft
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21,5x14,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 20566301
Several parts of this issue are concerned with place, whether by definition or naming, or visibility and detail. Erica Van Horn’s description of the five separate named elements that comprise the postal address for the remote Irish location of Coracle, the publishing project she directs with Simon Cutts, is from the online journal that she has kept for almost ten years (somewordsforlivinglocally.com), extracts of which were published as Living Locally by Uniformbooks in 2014.
Text von der Website
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,7x13,2 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, zwei Streifen aus Papier und Karton, in Briefumschlag
The small publishing house is specialized in high quality artist books that are conceived as an integral part of an art work or as the art work itself that, often, plays with the format of the book and reflects its medium. In 2014, the first book of Bom Dia Kinder, a new series of children books made by artists, was launched.The books of Bom Dia are produced in close collaboration with a group of fellow artists.
Text von der Webseite
Graphic Design: Now in Production
Technische Angaben
224 S., 30,5x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780935640984
Broschur mit Schutzumschlag
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis: 22.10.2011-22.01.2012
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Governors Island, New York: 01.06.-03.09.2012
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles: 30.09.2012-06.06.2013
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina: 11.2013-01.2014
Technische Angaben
138 S., 24,2x21,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262537353
Verlagsankündigung für Frühjahr 2019. Mit eingemerkter Anzeige für Michalis Pichler (Hrsg.): Publishing Manifestos. An International Anthology from Artists and Writers, angekündigt für April 2019. Mit Autorenindex.
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 9,9x10,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Originally published in 1992 as a chapbook. The date of the edition you got, I don’t know. A few people have recently been reprinting it. Part of a larger work called POLYNOISE which is still online.
Gefunden bei Mark Pawson auf der Small Publishers Faire in London 2019
mute - Culture and Politics after the net - Vol. 2 #10
Technische Angaben
112 S., 23x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-906486210
Broschur, Cover Farbe, innen Schwarz-Weiß

Technische Angaben
[20] S., 21x13 cm, Auflage: 500, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Laserkopie Schwarz-Weiß
Mit der diesjährigen Ausgabe von Super BOOKS leitet das Haus der Kunst den Münchner Bücherherbst 2023 ein. Seit dem Auftakt im Jahr 2019 erhält die sehr lebendige und aktive Künstler*innenbuchszene zum vierten Mal die Fläche für einen gemeinsamen Auftritt.
Am 3. und 4. November zeigen über 50 Künstler*innen, Gestalter*innen und alternative Verleger*innen sowie drei Hochschulen ihre aktuellen Produktionen im Haus der Kunst. Neben Produzent*innen aus Deutschland sind in diesem Jahr auch Aussteller*innen aus Spanien, Italien, Frankreich, Österreich, England, Belgien, den Niederlanden und Südkorea vertreten. Die Teilnehmenden sehen sich in der Tradition der 1960er Jahre, als sich im Umfeld der postavantgardistischen Kunstszene neue Kommunikations- und Distributionsnetze bildeten. Ihre Produkte wie Künstler*innenbücher, Magazine oder Zines sind autonome Kunstwerke.
Der Schwerpunkt von Super BOOKS liegt auf Publikationen, die die Grenzen des Mediums Buch hinterfragen, neu denken und deren Themen, Formate und Techniken sich ständig erweitern. Mit ihrer Ethik der Zugänglichkeit, die in Preisgestaltung und der Direktheit von Vertriebswegen zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden sie ein Gegengewicht zu den gängigen Spielregeln des Kunstmarkts. ...
... Super BOOKS ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Haus der Kunst, AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen, Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und Kunsthochschule Kassel. Projektleitung: Sabine Brantl (Haus der Kunst)
Text von der Webseite
Böhm #39 Me, Myself and I
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 29x20 cm, Auflage: 105, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Die "Böhm" erscheint dreimal Jährlich.
Zine Soup - A Collection of International Zines and Self-Published Art Books
Technische Angaben
208 S., 26,8x22,6 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788792564009
Klebebindung, Schutzumschlag als originärer Siebdruck
Der Verlag Telefon Til Chefen (TTC) ist ein Kollektiv, gegründet von den drei Herausgebern. Nachdem sie 2007 eine Zine-Ausstellung veranstalteten und viele Künstler*innen trafen, die ihre Zines selbst verlegten, wollten sie eine Publikation, die eine Sammlung all dieser Zines ist, machen. 2009 veröffentlichen sie Zine-Soup, das unter Beteiligung von über 80 Künstler*innen entstanden ist.
Technische Angaben
12,3x14,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
DVD in Jewelcase, Dauer 6:03, MP4, 1280x720, 29,97 Bilder/Sekunde, Stereo
Film über das FLO**-Projekt in der aufgelassenen und ehemaligen Giesinger Stadtteilbibliothek.
Texte eingesprochen von einer Google-Stimme, männlich
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 10,3x7,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, farbiges Cover
Auf Seite 1 sehen Sie die Originalsignaturen von Walter Focke, Mike Parr und Klaus Groh
Die Idee hinter dem Büchlein ist, dass durch das permanente Kopieren der anderen Signatur auf Seite 28 nicht mehr erkennen kann, wer die Signatur gemacht hat. Das ist die SIGMINITATION
All Signatures on the pages 2 and 28 are copies of the signatures on the page 1.
Text aus dem Buch
Technische Angaben
8 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, in Plastikülle mit Sticker
Since the beginning, the ARTZINES project was supposed to be a book. The 12 zines published and the website were only preparation for that. This issue 12,5 is the description of what the book would look like. Writing that book was supposed to be my main focus for 2020 but nothing happened as planned.
Das Projekt ARTZINES war von Anfang an als Buch geplant. Die 12 veröffentlichten Zines und die Website waren nur die Vorbereitung dafür. Diese Ausgabe 12,5 ist die Beschreibung dessen, wie das Buch aussehen würde. Das Schreiben dieses Buches sollte mein Hauptaugenmerk im Jahr 2020 sein, aber nichts geschah wie geplant.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL
Druck Druck Druck - Druck Gemeinschaften aus Berlin und darüber hinaus
Technische Angaben
110 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-944141-25-1
Die Ausstellung Druck Druck Druck bringt die Druckwerkstatt in die Galerie und schafft Raum für unabhängige Print-Gemeinschaften aus Berlin und darüber hinaus, 13.04.-14.08.2019. Die interdisziplinäre, multi-formatige Ausstellung erforscht wie Druckmethoden verwendet werden können, um radikale Ziele in der Kunst, der Bildung und der Gemeinschaft zu erreichen, kuratiert von Nina Prader und John Z. Komurki.
Neben u.a. dem Mimeographen, ist der Risograph ein Fokus der Ausstellung und versammelt künstlerische Positionen aus ganz Berlin, die den Risographen verwenden. Die größte Ausstellung zu Kunstwerken, die den Risographen feiern seit dem Risofest Berlin 2017. Eine zunehmend beliebte Methode für das unabhängige, künstlerische Drucken und Verlegen.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 14,8x10,85 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Mit der diesjährigen Ausgabe von Super BOOKS leitet das Haus der Kunst den Münchner Bücherherbst 2023 ein. Seit dem Auftakt im Jahr 2019 erhält die sehr lebendige und aktive Künstler*innenbuchszene zum vierten Mal die Fläche für einen gemeinsamen Auftritt.
Am 3. und 4. November zeigen über 50 Künstler*innen, Gestalter*innen und alternative Verleger*innen sowie drei Hochschulen ihre aktuellen Produktionen im Haus der Kunst. Neben Produzent*innen aus Deutschland sind in diesem Jahr auch Aussteller*innen aus Spanien, Italien, Frankreich, Österreich, England, Belgien, den Niederlanden und Südkorea vertreten. Die Teilnehmenden sehen sich in der Tradition der 1960er Jahre, als sich im Umfeld der postavantgardistischen Kunstszene neue Kommunikations- und Distributionsnetze bildeten. Ihre Produkte wie Künstler*innenbücher, Magazine oder Zines sind autonome Kunstwerke.
Der Schwerpunkt von Super BOOKS liegt auf Publikationen, die die Grenzen des Mediums Buch hinterfragen, neu denken und deren Themen, Formate und Techniken sich ständig erweitern. Mit ihrer Ethik der Zugänglichkeit, die in Preisgestaltung und der Direktheit von Vertriebswegen zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden sie ein Gegengewicht zu den gängigen Spielregeln des Kunstmarkts. ...
... Super BOOKS ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Haus der Kunst, AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen, Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und Kunsthochschule Kassel. Projektleitung: Sabine Brantl (Haus der Kunst)
Text von der Webseite
Super BOOKS 4 2023 Lageplan Programm
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 29,7x42 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Risodruck auf gelbem Papier
Druck von rosidruckt.de, Raumplan von Malte Wandel.
Mit der diesjährigen Ausgabe von Super BOOKS leitet das Haus der Kunst den Münchner Bücherherbst 2023 ein. Seit dem Auftakt im Jahr 2019 erhält die sehr lebendige und aktive Künstler*innenbuchszene zum vierten Mal die Fläche für einen gemeinsamen Auftritt.
Am 3. und 4. November zeigen über 50 Künstler*innen, Gestalter*innen und alternative Verleger*innen sowie drei Hochschulen ihre aktuellen Produktionen im Haus der Kunst. Neben Produzent*innen aus Deutschland sind in diesem Jahr auch Aussteller*innen aus Spanien, Italien, Frankreich, Österreich, England, Belgien, den Niederlanden und Südkorea vertreten. Die Teilnehmenden sehen sich in der Tradition der 1960er Jahre, als sich im Umfeld der postavantgardistischen Kunstszene neue Kommunikations- und Distributionsnetze bildeten. Ihre Produkte wie Künstler*innenbücher, Magazine oder Zines sind autonome Kunstwerke.
Der Schwerpunkt von Super BOOKS liegt auf Publikationen, die die Grenzen des Mediums Buch hinterfragen, neu denken und deren Themen, Formate und Techniken sich ständig erweitern. Mit ihrer Ethik der Zugänglichkeit, die in Preisgestaltung und der Direktheit von Vertriebswegen zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden sie ein Gegengewicht zu den gängigen Spielregeln des Kunstmarkts. ...
... Super BOOKS ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Haus der Kunst, AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen, Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und Kunsthochschule Kassel. Projektleitung: Sabine Brantl (Haus der Kunst)
Text von der Webseite
SPINE: a Day of Looking at Artist’s Books While Talking about Publication as Practice
Technische Angaben
[1] S., 42,5x30,3 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plakat, einseitig bedruckt
Begeleitmaterial zur gleichnamigen Veranstaltung am 01.07.17.
Zusätzlich zur Postkarte liegen 2 Flyer bei, welche Informationen zum Begriff "Künstlerbuch" enthalten.
Ein Tag, der dem Verlegen unter der Leitung von Künstlern gewidmet ist. 22 Künstler, die mit dem Medium Buch arbeiten, stellen ihre Publikationen vor. Unser Gast an diesem Tag ist Eleanor Vonne Brown, die über "Publikation als Praxis" sprechen wird. Eleanor Vonne Brown ist eine unabhängige Verlegerin, die in London lebt. Sie gründete 2008 "X Marks the Bökship", eine Buchhandlung und einen Projektraum für Kleinveröffentlichungen von Künstlern und Designern. Hier förderte sie das zeitgenössische Verlagswesen durch Buchvorstellungen, Veranstaltungen und Produktionsressourcen, welche einzelne Akteure zusammenbrachten, um eine lokale Verlagsgemeinschaft zu schaffen. Sie leitete die Vortragsreihe "Publikation als Praxis" über Konzepte von Künstlerbüchern. Zu ihren jüngsten Projekten gehören das "Post Internet Cafe" im PrintRoom, Rotterdam, und das Audio-Publishing-Projekt "The Cast of the Crystal Set" in der Matt's Gallery.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mithilfe von DeepL.
Technische Angaben
[240] S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-90-7047843-8
13. Buch der Reihe "Useful Photography", in diesem Falle gesammelt von den vier Künstlern Erik Kessels, Hans Aarsman, Julian Germain und Frank Schallmeier.
The selfie has morphed into its own genre of photography with a string of popular sub categories including: the gym selfie, the duck-face selfie, the bathroom selfie and of course the infamous belfie (buttock selfie). Useful Photography #013 explores another sub category of selfies, the penis selfie.
Text von der Webseite
Peep-Hole Sheet Issue #01 - Stories
Technische Angaben
8 S., 33x24,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 9788896501009
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, gefaltet in transparenter bedruckter Kunststoffhülle
Peep-Hole was an independent contemporary art center operating in Milan from 2009 to 2016. During seven years, Peep-Hole has organized many exhibitions involving some of the most interesting international contemporary artists. It published 28 editions of the quarterly journal of artists writings Peep-Hole Sheet with texts and developed projects in partnership with numerous institutions.
Text von der Website.
The Look - Adventures in Pop and Rock Fashion
Technische Angaben
212 S., 24,8x24,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-860743023
mit über 300 Abbildungen, meist aus den 60er Jahren
Technische Angaben
72 S., 12,4x11,9 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-934823808
Aus der Reihe Revolverle for all ages.
For this new series of children's books several artists have been commissioned to develop conceptual projects for all ages. Jonathan Monk's exercise in potato print is the pilot volume for more to come in 2004, such as new children’s books projects by David Shrigley, Tobias Rehberger, Martin Boyce, Sebastian Stöhrer and Rupprecht Matthies …
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
78 S., 12,5x12,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-937577364
Aus der Reihe Revolverle for all ages.
Like in a treasure book on each of the 37 photograms you will explore natural and everyday jewels.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[56] S., 21x12,5 cm, Auflage: 700, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Katalog zur Künstlerbuchmesse Super BOOKS 2021 im Haus der Kunst 12.-13.11.2021 mit ca. 60 Aussteller*innen aus 4 Ländern
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 9,8x21 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Messe für independent Künstlerpublikationen 11.-12.11.2022 im Haus der Kunst, München, mit radio 80000, das Internetradio, Eintritt frei
Im November wird das Haus der Kunst die dritte Ausgabe von Super BOOKS ausrichten. An zwei Tagen zeigen Künstler*innen, Gestalter*innen und alternative Verleger*innen ihre autonomen Produktionen. Super BOOKS wurde 2019 im Rahmen der von Sabine Brantl kuratierten Ausstellung „Archives in Residence: AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen“ erstmalig im Haus der Kunst veranstaltet. Das Projekt sieht sich in der Tradition unabhängiger, individueller Orte für Künstlerpublikationen, die sich seit den 1960er-Jahren im Umfeld der internationalen, post-avantgardistischen Kunstszene gebildet haben.
Carina Müller und Dominik Wendland bauen während der Messe vor Ort das Superbook, Jürgen O. Olbrich bietet mit seiner Bodeninstallation PaperPolice seine Objekte dem Publikum zur Mitnahme an.
Radio 80000 wird während der Veranstaltung sein Studio in der Nordgalerie des Haus der Kunst aufbauen und live ein Programm mit DJs, Performance und Sound senden.
Am 11.11.22 ab 21 Uhr wird Cosmica Bandida im Rahmen von Super Books 3 performen. Das Künstlerduo spielt experimentellen lo-fi Cumbia, begleitet von Visuals des Münchner Künstlers Merlin Stadler.
Super BOOKS wurde 2019 erstmalig im Haus der Kunst veranstaltet und ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Haus der Kunst, AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen, Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und Kunsthochschule Kassel.
Technische Angaben
[68] S., 21x12,7 cm, Auflage: 700, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Katalog zur Künstlerbuchmesse Super BOOKS 3, 2022 im Haus der Kunst 11.-12.11.2022 mit knapp 60 Aussteller*innen aus 4 Ländern
Technische Angaben
42 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 26.500, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Vom 18.06.-25.09.2022 findet in Kassel die documenta 15 statt. Medienpartner ist das soziale Straßenmagazin ASPHALT, das seit der Ausgabe 10/2021 immer auf mehreren Seiten über den aktiven Prozess rund um das diesjährige Konzept berichtet: "... Exklusiv gibt es an dieser Stelle Monat für Monat Beiträge, harvests (Ernten) der künstlerischen Entwicklung der unterschiedlichen mini-majelis ..." (Text aus der Zeitung).
Diesmal dreht es sich um das Event "chasing the sunset", das am 22.06.2022 mit Essen, Getränken und Spaß in Kassel stattfindet.

Technische Angaben
48 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 26.500, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Das soziale Straßenmagazin für Hannover und Niedersachsen ist Medienpartner der documenta 15 Kassel 2022.
Damit wird der Bogen geschlagen von der Kunstwelt zu jener von Menschen mit essentiellen Existenzsorgen. "Asphalt-Verkäuferinnen und -Verkäufer sind oder waren wohnungslos, alle sind von Armut betroffen. Durch den Verkauf des Magazins versuchen sie, ihrem Leben wieder Struktur und Sinn zu verleihen", beschreibt Asphalt das eigene Medium. Die Hälfte des Verkaufspreises können die Straßenverkäufer*innen behalten.
Zur Medienpartnerschaft mit der fünfzehnten documenta:
Asphalt enthält in der Oktober-Ausgabe exklusiv die Namen aller ausstellenden KünstlerInnen der kommenden weltweit berühmten Kunstausstellung documenta 15 und ebenfalls exklusiv Beiträge des Artistic Teams der "documenta fifteen": Dahinter steckt das Kollektiv, mit indonesischen Wurzeln, ruangrupa (übersetzt: visueller Raum), welches die Praxis des lumbung umsetzt. lumbung ist indonesisch und bedeutet gemeinschaftlich genutzte Reisscheune. In einem System der Unterdrückung, wie es in Indonesien seit Suharto in der jüngeren Geschichte der Fall war und es immer noch ist, entstanden Plattformen, um Kunst möglich zu machen. Innerhalb des Kollektivs ruangrupa besteht das Kollektiv Serrum und Grafis Huru Hara; Kollektive innerhalb eines Kollektivs, so muss man sich auch die Dynamik und Philosophie der 15. documenta vorstellen.
Besucher des AAP Archive Artist Publications
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Besucher des Archivs: Kunsthistoriker, Student*innen, Schüler, Kunststudent*innen, Künstler, Sammler, Bibliothekare, Gestalter*innen, Designer, Professoren, Kurator*innen, Kunstpädagogen, Fotografen, Verleger*innen ...
Personen und Gruppen, die das AAP Archiv in der Türkenstraße 60 UG besucht haben. Im BLOG sind die Besuche einzelner BesucherGruppen dokumentiert.
Punkt 16 aus dem BLOG: Kann ich/man das AAP Archiv besuchen?
Ja, das Archiv kann nach Absprache besucht werden. Gruppen sind bis zu 15 Personen möglich. Wenn Sie besondere Wünsche haben und gerne Exponate ansehen möchten, bitte ich 8 bis 14 Tage vorher um eine Liste der gewünschten Titel mit Angabe der TitelNummer. Alle Items können grundsätzlich selbst vorsichtig durchgesehen werden.
Da das Heraussuchen der Titel aus den einzelnen Schachteln mit einiger Arbeit verbunden ist, schlage ich einen Tausch vor: Arbeit gegen Arbeit, d. h. Sie bringen als kleine Gegenleistung eigene oder fremde Publikationen mit, also irgendetwas, das gut in das Archiv passen würde. Alle Geschenke werden unter Nennung des Spenders in den Online-Katalog aufgenommen. Bitte keinen Wein, Schokolade, Blumen oder ähnliches mitbringen.
Beim Besuch können Fotografien von den Exponaten, dem Raum und den anwesenden Personen gemacht werden.
Für Recherche- und Studienzwecke kann auch ein temporärer Arbeitsplatz zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Die Dauer des Besuches können Sie selbst festlegen. Ein Besuch ist täglich nach Absprache zwischen 10 und 22 Uhr möglich.
Bitte bedenken, dass das Archiv im Tiefgeschoss liegt und es keinen Lift gibt.
Freue mich auf Ihren Besuch.
Foto: Besuchergruppe 2013, Studentinnen der LMU.