Rehearsal Artbook Fair 2023 - Konvolut
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 30,6x12,8 cm, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 Plakate mi rückseitigem Ausstellerverzeichnis und 2 Raumpläne, Schwarz-Weiß
Eine Buchmesse zurück zum Buch bringen.
Die Rehearsal Art Book Fair, die am 15. und 16.09.2023 in New York City stattfindet, will die Essenz unabhängiger Kunst- und Literaturveröffentlichungen in stark kapitalisierten und/oder zensierten Kontexten erkunden und präsentieren.
Abgeleitet vom französischen Wort "rehercier", bedeutet "rehearsal" "üben" oder "wiederholen, neu verstehen". Wir laden unabhängige Verlage, Editionen, Kollektive und Einzelpersonen aus New York und der ganzen Welt zur Teilnahme an dieser Messe ein. Außerdem wird zum ersten Mal eine Sammlung kuratierter Samizdat aus dem chinesischen Festland ausgestellt. Wir schätzen die kontinuierlichen Praktiken des Büchermachens als persönliche Proben und Revolutionen.
Die erste Rehearsal Art Book Fair findet im Theaterraum und in den zum Badehaus umfunktionierten Klassenzimmern des University Settlement (184 Eldridge Street, Lower East Side) statt, einem historischen Gemeindezentrum, das seit dem 19. Jahrhundert eingewanderte Arbeiter und einkommensschwache Familien unterstützt.
Die Messe wird von Bungee Space (einer auf Fotografie, Bildstudien und Bildkritik spezialisierten Kunstbuchhandlung in New York) und Accent Sisters (einer Speakeasy-Literaturbuchhandlung und einem Verlagsstudio in New Jersey) ehrenamtlich mitorganisiert.
Arts of the Working Class No. 21 - Around the world in 80 pages - Forced displacement issue - Tourism issue
Technische Angaben
80 S., 35,2x25,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Lose ineinander gelegte Blätter, Druck auf Zeitungspapier.
AusgabeMai 2022. „Arts of the Working Class“ ist eine Straßenzeitung für Armut, Reichtum und Kunst. Sie erscheint alle zwei Monate und enthält Beiträge von Künstlern und Denkern aus verschiedenen Feldern und in verschiedenen Sprachen. Sie richtet sich an die Arbeiterklasse, also an alle, und es geht um alles, das allen gehört. Jeder, der sie verkauft, verdient mit. Jeder Künstler, dessen Arbeit beworben wird, gestaltet mit.
Anniversary launch Issue 21. Arts of the Working Class is glad to invite you on June 8 to the launch of its fourth anniversary issue AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 PAGES. Organized in collaboration with Callie’s and a.p. Starting at 6.30 PM, the event will take a tour and discuss matters of tourism and forced displacement through the words and works of its contributors. The title of both the event and our latest issue take Jules Verne’s proto sci-fi book as a starting point for our shared research. Verne, the poet and writer whose narratives took us on a journey into imaginary and inconceivable worlds, left us with an invaluable lesson– we perceive the world in its entirety only through technology, the very same technology that can only be progressive if accessible to everyone, rather than as means for individual convenience.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 32x22 cm, Auflage: 500, 5 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 9788461723997
Klappumschlag, Fadenheftung. Buchlaufkarte eingelegt. Zwei Seiten sind aufklappbar. Vier Werbekarten zum Buch beiliegend.
I have always thought that arriving to a certain age, we become invisible, towards ourselves and towards the rest of the people. The project Viv(r)e la vie! pays homage to those who decide not to become invisible, to those who continue to live “in the moment”. With curiosity, being the main character of their lives and surrounded by family or friends.
Photographs of couples in profile before a wide coniferous landscape in three planes: landscape representing the power of vital force, of immortality.
Couples of a certain age, people barely seen socially, but who have not stopped living life fully and whose close relation is photographed in the outing dances of their area. The photographs give visibility to people that, for a certain time, have lacked such visibility. This series, at the same time, documents the cultural diversity that exists between different cities and countries: Guadalajara, Spain; Philadelphia, USA; Pirkanmaa, Finland and Leyte, Philippines. This project would like to honor those that live life fully, those people that are reaching a mature age, but remain active.
Text von der Website

Technische Angaben
36x38 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Stofftasche, Siebdruck
Die Rehearsal Art Book Fair, die am 15. und 16. September 2023 in New York City stattfand, will die Essenz unabhängiger Kunst- und Literaturveröffentlichungen in stark kapitalisierten und/oder zensierten Kontexten erkunden und präsentieren. Abgeleitet vom französischen Wort "rehercier", bedeutet "rehearsal" "üben" oder "wiederholen, neu verstehen". Wir laden unabhängige Verlage, Editionen, Kollektive und Einzelpersonen aus New York und der ganzen Welt zur Teilnahme an dieser Messe ein. Außerdem wird zum ersten Mal eine Sammlung kuratierter Samizdat aus dem chinesischen Festland ausgestellt. Wir schätzen die kontinuierlichen Praktiken des Büchermachens als persönliche Proben und Revolutionen.
Die Buchmesse findet im Theaterraum und in den Klassenzimmern des University Settlement (184 Eldridge Street, Lower East Side) statt, einem historischen Gemeindezentrum, das seit dem 19. Jahrhundert eingewanderte Arbeiter und einkommensschwache Familien unterstützt.
Die Messe wird von Bungee Space (einer auf Fotografie, Bildstudien und Bildkritik spezialisierten Kunstbuchhandlung in New York) und Accent Sisters (einer Speakeasy-Literaturbuchhandlung und einem Verlagsstudio in New Jersey) ehrenamtlich mitorganisiert.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mithilfe von DeepL
You're my type - Programmbuch 2018
Technische Angaben
20,5x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
4 Bände in Schuber. Schuber geprägt in Gold und Schwarz, Rückseite mit Umkehr der Farben. einzelne Cover mit Reliefprägung, geometrische Formen, Farbschnitt schwarz. Einzelne Bände in Schweizer Broschur (Umschlag nur auf Rückseite angeklebt, Rücken mit Gewebestreifen eingefasst). Bd. 1 130 S., letzte Seite mit Kalender als Fold-Out. Bd. 2 160 S., Bd. 3 96 S., Bd. 4 Blindband, (Notizbuch), 72 S.
The Typographic Society Munich is the largest organisation in Europe for typographers and people who are interested in typography and design. Since being founded in 1874 the designers’ club establishes a foundation for sophisticated and interdisciplinary thinking and dialogues among content and form, text and photo, tradition and innovation, design and technology. The tgm represents quality and education for the branch of communication and offers a huge accompanying training program. As Chairwoman of the club I curated several lectures in the last years, inviting design and typography celebrities.Throughout the years designers like Stefan Sagmeister, Mirko Borsche, Eike König, Mario Lombardo, Sascha Lobe, Fons Hickmann, Amir Kassaei or Kurt Weidemann to name a view, followed these invitations and appreciated the warm welcome of our community.
To show the wide range of offerings we traditionally create a yearbook. More over I tried to give the content based complexity of our proposal a clear and neat arrangement. Therefore the new release is a compilation of four different books, which should invite the reader to inform themselves, to browse, to experience and to participate. The first one exposes all the topics, facts and dates for the further education programs. Part two presents all the people and their stories who are involved in the club, who are on stage and behind the scenes. The third book is a journey into the past and also the future of tgm’s conferences, excursions and other specials. And finally there is room for the reader’s own ideas, experiences and criticism as a foundation for a future dialogue with tgm.
Every offer under the roof of tgm is a result of solidarity. It is a result of people and companies who are united by the common interest in typographic quality. This project has only been possible with the support of Kösel Druck GmbH & Co Kg, Geese Paper, mycolorserver and the collaboration with Boah Kim.
Text von der Webseite
Teaching for people who prefer not to teach
Technische Angaben
232 S., 12,7x9,1 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781907840128
Broschur, Din A6
AND war bis 2015 eine offene print-on-demand Plattform und wurde 2009 von Lynn Harris and Eva Weinmayr gegründet. Mittlerweile leitet Eva Weinmayr mit Rosalie Schweiker den Verlag.
Teaching For People Who Prefer Not To Teach ... ist eine chaotische Sammlung von Ideen mit Beiträgen, die uns Freunde und Kollegen geschickt haben, unsere eigenen Lernerfahrungen und Gerüchte, die wir gehört haben. Sie fragen sich vielleicht, für wen dieses Handbuch gedacht ist. Ist es für Lehrer? Ist es für Schüler? Ist es nur für den Kunstunterricht relevant? Die Antwort lautet: Ja und Nein. Wir wissen es nicht. Wahrscheinlich beides. Als selbständige Künstler haben wir uns daran gewöhnt, unsere Dienste überall und für jeden anzubieten, der uns bucht. An einem Tag veranstalten wir vielleicht einen fröhlichen Bastelnachmittag in einer Grundschule, am nächsten Tag ein Postgraduierten-Seminar über Ausstellungsgestaltung und am übernächsten Tag kochen wir Suppe für den von uns organisierten Lesekreis ...
Text von der Webseite
Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
Technische Angaben
40 S., 20.5x12.5 cm, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Quick Response is a hands-on introduction into the realm of QR code applications and demonstrates a way in which two-dimensional bar codes can be used to view images. People have to “read” this book by taking photos of each page using a cameraphone. The phone’s QR code reader will then decode the abstract image to reveal that each of them is an encoded URL for a photograph hosted on Flickr. The series of photos demonstrates the variety of modern commercial, artistic and subversive QR code applications. In addition, the book demonstrates a new way of appropriating other people’s photographs.
Text von der Website des Künstlers
Technische Angaben
4 S., 21x14,9 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungsflyer, beiliegend ein beidseitig bedrucktes Informationsschreiben zur Ausstellung
zur Ausstellung vom 21.05.-04.06.2016 im Neo Toum - Neoterismoi Toumazou, Nikosia, Zypern.
He was dancing steadily. He could see the backs of people’s heads moving in the darkness and was aware of the shifting spaces between their bodies. He did not register the music except as a sort of vibration. He felt as if he was dancing in perfect silence. He saw the already dim room growing ever darker around him. He became less conscious of his surroundings and more aware of himself. His introspection grew but his body was now moving automatically, softly cycling through a short loop of set motions. He noticed dust under his feet, and soon the realisation reached him that he was slowly wearing a shallow hole in the wooden floor. His body was locked in an efficient cycle. Before too long he was six inches below floor level, his head parallel with some of the shorter dancers. Yet he could not stop. Gradually he sank deeper into the ground until his face was level with people’s waists. No one noticed, below the eye level of the crowd, he was almost invisible. Presently his eyes came level with the soles of dancing shoes. He could see shards of coloured light flashing through a forest of legs casting jagged shapes across the floor. There were points where soft reflected light shone through looming figures like sunlight into a clearing. Eventually he was entirely submerged. He could look up through the hole and see foreshortened bodies moving above him oblivious to his plight. Still his feet moved, wearing away damp, pungent earth. The vibrations from the music lessened until the dull thump of the kick drum was all that he could feel. When it stopped he realised he too was still, and looking up he saw the sphere of light was gone.
Text von der Webseite
songs that changed everything
Technische Angaben
46 S., 17,5x17,5 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, mit Pergamentpapier, 2farbige Risographie und Farblaserkopie, in transparenter Kunststoff-Schutzhülle,
We all have songs that left a mark, that changed the way we thought about music, about life, that helped us make new friends, that set something in motion. We wanted to collect these songs, and especially the stories behind them, from people that we know and like. This zine contains written pieces (in Englisch and German), as well as images, done by 13 wonderful people.
Text aus dem Heft
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 10,5x14,8 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Postkarte der pickup-edition
Ein Kunstprojekt von Charles Simonds und Münchner Jugendlichen. Mai bis Juli 2017.
„Habt ihr die Little People gesehen? Sagt ihnen, ihre Häuser sind fertig.“
Seit den 1970er Jahren baut der New Yorker Künstler Charles Simonds winzige Behausungen für die imaginäre Bevölkerung der Little People in Stadtvierteln auf der ganzen Welt, sogenannte Dwellings. Sie entstehen spontan und unangekündigt im öffentlichen Raum, in Nischen und Umbruchsituationen, überraschen aber auch in kommerziellen Schaufenstern, auf Mauervorsprüngen und auf Fenstersimsen.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 008 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Konrad Bayer is an artist and illustrator living in Berlin.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Stephanie Wunderlich studied Communication Design at both FH Augsburg and ISIA Urbino. Based in Hamburg she works as a freelance illustrator for international magazines and publishers of books. She also teaches illustration, most recently at the FH Mainz. Her favourite materials are scissors and glue with wich she realises collages using a combination of manual an digital techniques. She’s received awards from Art Directors Club Deutschland, American Illustration and 3×3 Magazine.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Thomas Böcker studied Communication Design and Exhibition Design at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. In his conceptional photography he is focused on people, their behavior, their impressions and the traces they leave in their environment. He is an observer and a collector of photographic flotsam. He is driven by the belief that there is nothing more interesting for people than the human being. After working for ten years as a freelance photographer and graphic designer Thomas Böcker is based in Munich where he works as a photo journalist for a daily newspaper.
Technische Angaben
4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdruck nach online-Artikel
Volume 44 No. 15, 04.08.2022, ein Kommentar zur Abhängung des Bildes Peoples Justice auf der documenta fifteen 2022.
... Am 19. Juni, einen Tag nach der Eröffnung, wurde ein acht Meter hohes Transparent mit dem Titel "People's Justice" (Gerechtigkeit des Volkes), gemalt vom indonesischen Künstlerkollektiv Taring Padi, an einem Gerüst auf dem Friedrichsplatz, dem zentralen Platz Kassels, aufgehängt. Es war ein riesiges Stück Agitprop, eine cartoonartige Version eines Wandgemäldes von Diego Rivera, auf dem Täter und Opfer des Suharto-Regimes dargestellt waren, beginnend mit der Völkermordkampagne von 1965-66 gegen tatsächliche und imaginäre Mitglieder der Kommunistischen Partei Indonesiens, Linke und ethnische Chinesen.
Das Transparent war als Volkstribunal gedacht, als Aufforderung, Rechenschaft abzulegen. Taring Padi waren protestierende Studenten im Jahr 1998, als ein Volksaufstand - und blutige Straßenkämpfe - schließlich Suharto zu Fall brachten. Sie haben viele Freunde durch die Gewalt verloren. Das 2002 entstandene Werk People's Justice war ihre kollektive Antwort. ...
Übersetzung mit Deepl
Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race
Technische Angaben
261 S., 19,6x12,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-408870587
Taschenbuch, Broschur, Titel teils mit Blindprägung
mit dem British Book Award ausgezeichneter Essay der britischen Journalistin, erstmals erschienen 2017

Technische Angaben
10,5x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Postkarte, von Teilnehmern auszufüllen, zum Projekt Books are Bridges, 11.03.-11.05.2021 bei A-Z, Berlin, Torstr.
How can we still find ways to connect with each other? Can books play a role in this connection? And from where to where can they take us? For the show in A — Z presents, I’ve come up with a strategy to bring people and ideas together. A participative, open, non-ending work that could exist in the space, but that couldn’t exist without a form of contact. A book that will construct itself throughout the duration of the show. The thickness, amount of pages, and content won’t depend on me but on the public. A book that functions as a bridge that connects people, ideas, ways of distribution and collaboration. The answers that are sent back to us before the end of the show, will be arranged into a growing bookwork inside of the exhibition space. Books are Bridges. Always under construction.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
22 S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbige Laserkopien
This zine examines the history, legacy and continuing importance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign. This zine was written, designed and illustrated by students enrolled in the course Applied Graphic Design at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, Texas.
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 30,2x24 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-95905544-4
Drahtheftung, wovon die ersten und letzten zwölf Seiten seitlich abgeschnitten sind, zweifach gefalteter Flyer (21x10) beigelegt
Programmflyer und Begleitheft Ausstellung "all the lonely people", die vom 25.09.-10.10.2021 im silent green Kulturquartier in Berlin und vom 20.11.-2021-08.01.2022 im LAXART in Los Angeles stattfand. Ausgestellt wurden die Arbeiten von 12 Künstler*innen, die sich in Bezug auf die Pandemie visuell mit den Themen wie Einsamkeit, Melancholie, Sehnsucht und physischem und mentalem Rückzug auseinandersetzen.
Drucken Heften Laden - Versuche über Theorie und Praxis unabhängigen Publizierens
Technische Angaben
2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer, gefaltet
Flyer zur Veranstaltung Drucken Heften Laden der neuen Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst in Berlin, vom 08.-18.01.2015
Teilnehmer adocs, Hamburg. Architektur in Gebrauch, Berlin. Archive Books, Berlin. Michael J. Baers, Berlin. Books People Places, Berlin. Botopress, Berlin. Edition Bernward Reul, Berlin. ernstundmund, Leipzig. Errant Bodies, Berlin/Los Angeles. form und sinn, Berlin. Fulcrum, London. image-shift, Berlin. Wolfgang Kil, Berlin. Metabook, Amsterdam/Berlin. metroZones, Berlin. nGbK, Berlin. Revolver Publishing, Berlin. Scriptings/Achim Lengerer, Berlin. Spector Books, Leipzig. Temporary Services/Half Letter Press, Chicago/Kopenhagen. The Green Box, Berlin. von hundert, Berlin. ztscrpt, Wien/Berlin
Technische Angaben
60 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 250, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783947250042
Broschur, Preiskärtchen eingelegt
Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Kunstverein Göttingen, 18.06.-31.07.2017. Mit What Are People For? präsentiert der Kunstverein Göttingen die erste institutionelle Einzelausstellung der britischen Künstlerin Anna McCarthy in Deutschland. McCarthys Arbeitsweise zeichnet sich durch schwarzen Humor, Intelligenz, politische Widerständigkeit und journalistisches Interesse an gesellschaftlichen Themen aus.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 42x29,8 cm, Auflage: 3.000, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 01746944
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, eingelegte Bestellkarte
reflection press, Nr. ?, Dokumentation zum Prozess - Ringgold Toche Hendricks
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 2.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopien, Titelblatt mit weißem Blatt zugedeckt
Photocopied material on the trial of The Judson. Three artists - Faith Ringgold, Jean Toche, and Jon Hendricks - arrested at the People's Flag Show in New York City in November 1970 for flag desecration. Includes clippings, letters, photos, and narratives. [Kataloginformation des Museum of Modern Art, New York]
Waves, Homages to some People II
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
24 S., 47x30 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9789953016917
Each year, as tourist vacationers, tens of millions of humans yield to an extra conditioning: they follow the directives of a guide, the rhythm of a group, and are instructed cursorily in the doxa on various countries turned venues. Under the pretext of anticipating their needs, desires, and even their whims, they are dissuaded from any independent choice. In a sightseeing boat during a guided tour of Berlin, Gilbert Hage resisted—while fixed to his seat—by means of photography the concomitant insidious screening of Berlin. The result, Screening Berlin, is a number of moving encounters in the form of chance compositions of landscapes and people.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
36 S., 15x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farbkopien nach PDF von
i am a zine about experiences. life . sex . mental illness . friends . losing it . hope . places . people . support . time . love
Toiletpaper 02 January 2011
Technische Angaben
44 S., 29x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-935202592
Brought to you by the aberrant, animated mind of Italian-born provocateur, mischief-maker, and macabre witness to our times Maurizio Cattelan, Toilet Paper 2 follows closely on the heels of the inaugural issue of Cattelan's most recent print extravaganza. "The magazine springs from a passion/obsession that Maurizio and I have in common," collaborator photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari said in an interview in Vogue Italia. "Each picture springs from an idea, even a simple one, and then becomes a complex orchestration of people who build tableaux vivants. This project is also a sort of mental outburst." Published by Deste, this part magazine, part artist's book blends commercial photography with warped narratives and surrealistic imagery, creating a series of powerful images that are as appropriate for the coffee table as they are for the WC
Technische Angaben
320 S., 31x22 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 22197559
a magazine for places, spaces, art, work, people, projects, reading, writing, fashion, design, photo, graphic, illustration ohne Anzeigen, mit eingelegtem Lesezeichen
Technische Angaben
12 S., 60x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
3 DIN A1 Bögen lose ineinander gelegt und mehrfach gefaltet
Poster/newspaper about russian government lies to people about one of the biggest disasters in history
Topografisches Bildarchiv Pankow - TBP 001-100
Technische Angaben
112 S., 20,5x13,6 cm, Auflage: 40, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zweifarbiger Risographie
The publication is the catalogue to a subjective image archive that was collected from the people of Berlin Pankow. Edition Taube was invited to take part at the HomeBase residency program in Berlin in September 2010. The book is part of the Edition Taube room installation. Topografisches Bildarchiv Pankow is a project by Edition Taube
yesterday, today, tomorrow
Technische Angaben
28 S., 14,8x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-940548184
Buch 006, Drahtheftung, in Transparenthülle
´yesterday, today, tomorrow´ is a collection of visual short stories by the japanese artist Yumiko Hegenbart-Matsui.
Every picture and its title tell different stories about the life of the wobbly headed people
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 11 + 33, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 2223845X
PANEL is an artist magazine from Vienna. Our intent is to have a platform for young artists who work in different disciplines, and bring them together. Instead of heaving a showroom, we ask people in our surrounding, who interest us, for their contribution.
Each issue presents around 13 works, in an edition of 100 copies, printed in colour in A5. New releases are published 2 to 3 times a year and sold in selected bookshops around Europe and the US
Technische Angaben
12 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck, Zine
People Running Away From Things
Technische Angaben
12 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck, Zine
People That Have Won a Competition by Eating a Pie
Technische Angaben
12 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck, Zine
Toiletpaper 04 November 2011
Technische Angaben
44 S., 29x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-935202783
Softcover Drahtheftung
Specially created by Maurizio Cattelan in collaboration with fellow countryman Pierpaolo Ferrari for Cattelan's major retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, Toilet Paper 4 is a brilliant new creation from the aberrant, animated mind of the Italian-born provocateur, mischief-maker and macabre witness to our times. Published by Deste, this part artist's book, part magazine contains no text. only full spreads of color photographs with imagery that often appropriates the slick production values of commercial photography to deliver dreamlike (or nightmarish) images that are as appropriate for the coffee table as they are for the WC. In an interview with Vogue Italia, Ferrari said that "the magazine springs from a passion/obsession that Maurizio and I have in common. Each picture springs from an idea, even a simple one, and then becomes a complex orchestration of people who build tableaux vivants. This project is also a sort of mental outburst."
Technische Angaben
44 S., 29x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-935202608
Brought to you by the aberrant, animated mind of Italian-born provocateur, mischief-maker, and macabre witness to our times Maurizio Cattelan, Toilet Paper 2 follows closely on the heels of the inaugural issue of Cattelan's most recent print extravaganza. "The magazine springs from a passion/obsession that Maurizio and I have in common," collaborator photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari said in an interview in Vogue Italia. "Each picture springs from an idea, even a simple one, and then becomes a complex orchestration of people who build tableaux vivants. This project is also a sort of mental outburst." Published by Deste, this part magazine, part artist's book blends commercial photography with warped narratives and surrealistic imagery, creating a series of powerful images that are as appropriate for the coffee table as they are for the WC
Toiletpaper 05 February 2012
Technische Angaben
44 S., 29x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-840665311
Softcover Drahtheftung
Made by Maurizio Cattelan in collaboration with fellow countryman Pierpaolo Ferrari, Toilet Paper 5 is a brilliant new creation from the aberrant, animated mind of the Italian-born provocateur, mischief-maker and macabre witness to our times. Published by Le Dictateur, this part artist's book, part magazine contains no text. only full spreads of color photographs with imagery that often appropriates the slick production values of commercial photography to deliver dreamlike (or nightmarish) images that are as appropriate for the coffee table as they are for the WC. In an interview with Vogue Italia, Ferrari said that "the magazine is born of a passion/obsession that Maurizio and I have in common. Each picture springs from an idea, often a simple one, and through a complex orchestration of people becomes the materialization of the artists' mental outburst."
Technische Angaben
52 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 9788493848064
I was born in Batumi, in the Republic of Georgia, and grew up on the beach. During the 90s my country went through tough moments, the separation from the Soviet Union, a civil war and a lot of darkness in the streets. All that sadness, darkness and Black sea perspectives shaped me. Photography helps me view the world from different perspectives, it makes me see things in a different way, it changed my idea of sadness and my idea of love among others. Photography helps me communicate with people, objects, streets and nature and find positive things in those connections.
Von der Verlagsseite
Technische Angaben
40 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
My photography is a process of a self-study. I am always interested when both sides are involved: my personal inside and environment around. people’s own identity and the beauty of human body. depth of intimate desires and their artistic reconstruction.
Von der Webseite
Vice Volume 08 Number 09 The Weird Science Issue
Technische Angaben
114 S., 29,3x23,3 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur. Zusammen mit einem Heft Selfmade Broschur A Book about People making it happen, in transparenter Hülle
Great Gran - Violet Mary (Aka Molly) Howard nee McCutcheon
Technische Angaben
12 S., 46,3x32 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
#92 in the series '200 People I Used To Know. Zeitung, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Great Gran is a 12 page tribute comic to an amazing woman. Three colours, printed in tabloid newspaper format. Limited run of 100 copies, numbered and signed by the artist
After Modern History. Lines
Technische Angaben
14,7x10,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Collection of newspaper clippings of people, animals and things in linear order. Part of the series, After Modern History
Technische Angaben
60 S., 23,6x16,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Everyone collects something. There are some people who collect frequent-flier miles, others collect stray single gloves. Even if you collect things just for the pleasure of it, the whole collection – just like its items – will always “come in handy” in some situation.
Selfmade - A book about people making it happen
Technische Angaben
64 S., 22,4x19,1 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
eingelegtes gefaltetes Plakat (Tell us your story), angeklammert stockists
Spaniards - Predictable People
Technische Angaben
8 S., 19,5x13,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Cachetejack are Nuria Bellver and Raquel Fanjul, a Spanish illustration duo based in Valencia.
Text von der Webseite
people do funk is all over the world now!!
Technische Angaben
33,5x36,5x0,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Stofftragetasche, Siebdruck auf beiden Seiten in unterschiedlichen Farben, Boden spitz genäht,
Auf der Vorderseite ein Druck von www.skunkfunk.com, auf der Rückseite ein Druck von www.silenci.info
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 17,6x12,6 cm, Auflage: 250, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
With abstract painting, decisions that lead to a completed work can seem arbitrary or, worst of all, inconsequential. With this project, we've attempted to open up the decision making process, shedding light on both our collaborative approach and the individual choices that lead to the completion of a painting. Two people, two colors, one painting. A painting in 31 marks.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
[24] S., 21x14,7 cm, Auflage: 30, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, zwei verschiedene Papiere, in Pergaminhülle
'say cheese', 'please laugh', 'show your smile' - this is what people usually say, when they take a private picture of their friends or family. These pictures normally remain in the private sphere of the photographer and are only shown to a selected audience. For this conceptual and experimental photo-series such private images have been forcefully appropriated: individual prints have been taken randomly from drug stores and photo developers, the pictures where selected and then set in relation to others. The negatives of these images were not taken. Unlike the concept of the objet trouvé, where found objects and materials are the basis for creative work, the images used in this project are objets appropriés, they have been actively taken rather than found. They are documents of other peoples memories, memento mori of their existence, beautiful in their own right. By blurring and distorting them, the concept of remembering and forgetting, documentation and memory is questioned.
Text von der Webseite
things are different here - uncollected observations of a restless traveller
Technische Angaben
[160] S., 20,3x12,7 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
... is a collection of observations made during years of traveling. Some of the things that are different here were observed by the book’s author himself, some of them were observed in other people’s descriptions of their own travels. The collection is a riddle composed of empirical facts, generalizations and popular assumptions, an encyclopedia of truisms that may be true here – whereever that might be – but not necessarily anywhere else.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
Auflage: 100, 5 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
transparenter bedruckter Kunststoffschuber mit 3 Heften und 2 gefalteten Plakaten
WHAT THE SHOP is an art project that first took place in Vienna 2012. WHAT THE SHOP was foundet by Mirjam Schweiger in collaboration with Michael Bäckström and Judith Rohrmoser. WHAT THE SHOP does not stay at one place for long. WHAT THE SHOP speaks several languages. WHAT THE SHOP is run by people who have worked with each other before and trust each other. WHAT THE SHOP always ends with a publication. WHAT THE SHOP is an investigation of artistic practice and the city. WHAT THE SHOP is not about selling things but about everything else. WHAT THE SHOP is open for change. WHAT THE SHOP is always up for tasty food. WHAT THE SHOP is a social sculpture and an artwork. WHAT THE SHOP what the fuck haters?!
Text von der Webseite
Trennlinie Zwischen Gesten Nr. 03
Technische Angaben
24 S., 21x21 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zum Teil mit kryptischem Nonsense. Finally - after a long break - Munich's Best Underground Magazine Trennlinie Zwischen Gesten is back again with Volume 3. The artwork changed from A5 format to a sexy square-like individual cutting. This time the magazine is even "more arty" and includes several great german product reviews of the super-special kind. Still very obscure Pasing-scene stuff. Forget Berlin - the dead corpses walk around the Pasing Arkaden in Munich's worst district. Surely nothing for industrial listeners or other narrow-minded people. This one is for true aliens.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
33,0x33,0 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
LP, beidseitig bedruckter Karton in transparenter Hülle fest vernietet, grüne one-side LP
Beiträge von:
Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg - Knurrhahn (erste Version)
Wataru Kasahara (GROUP ThERRORPY:2004) - exploded roses
FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - delusion
Ludo Mich & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - flowers are growing, people would cry
Family Fodder - organ grinder
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - for the duck (alternative version)
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 28,5x22,2 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 0964834022
Hardcover, mit handschriftlicher Widmung und beigelegter Preisliste zu den ausgestellten Arbeiten
Connect the dots (however you like)
Technische Angaben
2 S., 11x16 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fabrica Features is the brand communicating the ideals and creative output of the Fabrica design studio. It is defined by the attitudes and creations of the young international people who work there, refreshed by the coming and going of studio members. Their process is informed by enquiry into rituals and materials, defining a language that is thoughtful, eclectic and alternative. The focus is on conceptual objects, limited collections and prototypes, produced under the brand – which is the meeting point between the studio and the outside world. Such encounters happen in galleries, museums, online and designated Fabrica Features spaces found throughout Europe. Text von Website
Colors Magazine No. 67 - Aids/HIV
Technische Angaben
116 S., 28,5x23 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Twelve years after the first AIDS issue, an update on the evolution of the problem and its new geography, with a focus on both personal stories and general issues. On the cover the portrait of Nyameka J. Matiayana, one of over three million people who died of AIDS-related causes in 2005. Text von der Website
Operating System - Technologies to the People
Technische Angaben
218 S., 24,5x18 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480265065
Hardcover, Cover geprägt,
Publikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia vom 21.01.-04.05.2015
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 32x21 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Heft und Abfall-Fundobjekte zusammengesteckt und in verschließbarer Plastikhülle, beides in Plastikhülle,
Die Publikation beinhaltet Collagen, zusammengestellt aus verschiedenem Material, wie Comics, Filme sowie fiktionale und theoretische Schriften. Die einzelnen Seiten können als eigenständige Collagen oder zusammenhängend gelesen werden.
Text aus der Publikation
Erschienen zu einer Veranstaltung bei Circuits 30.10.-31.10.2015: Circuits and Currents is run by students of the Athens School of Fine Arts.
It hosts exhibitions, talks and workshops, bringing together artists , theoreticians and people from other fields. Supported by DAAD Programme: Partnerships with Greek Institutions of Higher Education 2014 – 2016, A Cooperation between the Academy of Fine Art Munich (ADBK) and the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA)
Agua Pura - A month on the US/Mexico border
Technische Angaben
14,2x9 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, kleiner Umschlag mit gefalteter Grafik und Geruchsmuster, geklebt auf der letzten Seite,
Every year thousands of peolpe from Central America cross the US/Mexico border on foot, pushed north by economic imperative, systematic violence and family ties. In September I took a month out of my life as a paramedic in the north of England to work with No More Deaths, a group providing humanitarian aid to people crossing the dessert.
Text aus dem Heft
Technische Angaben
136 S., 21x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 4562472980489
HUNGRY is a photo collection which shows artworks of 77-151 young Japanese photographers. This book works as a platform and helps artists and people who are interested in them meet.
Text von der Website
Cuéntanos Un Secreto Ed. -0.5 - Tell me a secret Ed.
Technische Angaben
11,8x18 cm, Auflage: 80, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Sammelmappe mit 16 Arbeiten, ein Blatt gefaltet, Grafiken in Farbe, Textarbeiten in Schwarz-Weiß
Edition zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung.
Tell me a secret is an sharing secret project between communities. The secrets – written experiences – are graphically depicted by participants during a visual communication workshop. At the end of the workshop participants are invited to anonymously shared their own secrets in order to feed the project flow. As well we collect the secrets within this website. The project considers as secrets both, the written stories and their graphical depiction. Tell me a secret project is an archive as well. The main point of the archive is to preserve the popular stories of anonymous people.
Text von der Webseite
Repetitions: A collection of proletarian pleasures ranging from rodent worship to ethical relativism appended with a critique of unicursal reason
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0951441787
Drahtheftung, Umschlag in farbigen Papier,
Slightly more than half of this pamphlet is taken up with introductions I wrote to other people's books or similar works.
Text von der Website
Celebrate People's History
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 42x29,7 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Klebebindung, Leinenstreifen, Transparentfolie, Farblaserkopiee nach Download
die zum Download angebotenen Plakate und 6 Seiten der Webseite
Original statement 25 April 2016:
Dear Friends, I’m sure you are also following with horror the rightwards drift and anti-EU sentiment brewing across Europe. The Dutch referendum should be the final wake-up call, alerting people to the real risk of the UK’s EU referendum resulting in a victory for Leave.
The official ‘Remain’ campaign feels lame and is lacking in passion. It also lacks an active drive to get voters registered – and with the deadline already falling two weeks before the referendum, this should be an urgent priority. ...
Text von der Webseite
Toiletpaper 14 & ZEITmagazin
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,8x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862085366
nur Bilder, ohne Text. Creative Director: Mirko Borsche.
Number 14, powered by BMW, is the collection of pictures made for Zeit magazine. The magazine contains no text, each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
2 S., 5,8x4,5 cm, signiert, 5 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
fünf Künstlerbriefmarken, Rückseite vom Künstler beschriftet
Künstlerbriefmarken von Figuren, gemacht aus Zigarettenschachteln
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,9x22,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862084284
nur Bilder, ohne Text
TOILETPAPER is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, TOILETPAPER has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy. Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,9x22,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862082945
nur Bilder, ohne Text
TOILETPAPER is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, TOILETPAPER has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy. Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,9x22,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862083393
nur Bilder, ohne Text
TOILETPAPER is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, TOILETPAPER has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy. Text von der Webseite
one to one - Issue No 5 - Victoria Square - 13 Elpidos Street
Technische Angaben
4 S., 42,5x29 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
mehrfach gefaltetes Blatt
The publication is an attempt to map the local businesses in the area around Victoria Square, and a “meeting point" for the people of the neighborhood where they can narrate their stories. Every issue will host two new stories. Ausgabe vom 21.04.2017
Mail-Art Congress Bulletin
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer, einseitig bedruckt, gestempelt
Flyer zum Mail Art Congress 1986 und Aufruf zum Einsenden von Informationen rund um Mail Art.
The congress takes place betwenn first of June and first of October 1986 where two or more people meet to discuss personal experiences and general problems concerning networking.
TExt von Flyer
Krytyka Polityczna Athens
Technische Angaben
272 S., 23,5x16,5 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 16440919
Broschur, mit Widmung, gefaltetes Blatt eingelegt, Cover manuel bearbeitet, mit Glitzer
Dear Reader,
In your hands is the Athenian issue of Krytyka Polityzcna. The Warsaw-based journal unites polymorphous freedom struggles in geographic Europe. This book is an anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist artwork. A hypothesis, and yet one that continues to be written actively on the ground. It clashes migration and education of the status quo, the effect and the cause of current violence.
The publication documents an initiative, Universitas*, and accompanies the forthcoming Symposion, The School of Everything.
This book contains the contributions of people who have recently moved to Athens from the Middle East, of Athenians who have lived here a long time, as well as of those who are based in Berlin but frequently visit Athens. brought together, they form a de-elitized and de-colonized remix of knowledge.
The chapters in this book are intertwined and in each part the reader will find contributions relevant to the whole. The authors are all united by their portrayal in anti-phrenological drawings.
In Athens, despite the invention of the State, streams of interlapping cultural influences never stopped pulsating. Such an experience of fluid identity demonstrates that citizenship is an outdated concept of class separation and nationalism. The devastating contradiction: human rights are only valid in the economically privileged zones. The failure to collaborate with the revolution in Syria dispels the last illusions of an occidental civilization and unveils the truth: we all live in the absolute financial dictatorship.
This publication includes several essays and statements on education. These are written by thinkers, philosophers, “activists”, and artists who are affiliated with the Avtonomi Akadimia, a disobedient grassroots university in Athens which claims education as a form of art. These texts, poems, manifestos and sketches of educational models are published in lieu of the abstracts for an upcoming Symposion entitled: “The School of Everything”.
We build an educational system which consists of indignant initiatives for sharing knowledge, and of proposals by thinkers who see education as key. We shift from learning to sharing. We decriminalize sharing because we would like to enjoy the pleasure of giving. We liberate ourselves from the strictures of “Homo Sapiens”, a construct imposed upon life.
We will transform the educational system of Europe.
The clash of migration and education will release a Promethean fire.
Text von der Webseite
In collaboration with aneducation and the Public Programs of documenta 14
AARPEX - 2012 Seattle Cool
Technische Angaben
8x8,7 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zwei Briefmarken, Farblaserkopie, gestempelt, mit Widmung
Briefmarken zu AARPEX 2012. AARPEX is taken from AARP or American Association of Retired People. We've changed the meaning to Artistamp Artists Reunion and Philatelic Exposition, but this gathering will take place at Univesity House, a retirement residence where C. T. Chew's parents live.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
8x8,7 cm, signiert, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Bogen mit 20 Künstlerbriefmarken, Farblaserkopie, perforiert, mit Widmung
Briefmarken zu AARPEX 2012. AARPEX is taken from AARP or American Association of Retired People. We've changed the meaning to Artistamp Artists Reunion and Philatelic Exposition, but this gathering will take place at Univesity House, a retirement residence where C. T. Chew's parents live.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
256 S., 16,7x10,3x3,3 cm, 8 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-2-365680127
8 Büchlein in Schuber, Fadenheftung, Beiblatt
1. Auflage
The author discusses the impasses and shortcomings of translation, this “approximation of discourse that produces a new discourse” and he opposes the notion of displacement, a phenomenon born of globalization: if people and objects are moved, so it will for language. Using the example of the inffuence of advertising, information flow and the effects of networking, Kenneth Goldsmith shows the obsolescence of the act of translation and reflects on the idea of movement. Movement is the new reality which tends to impose its standard upsets linguistic structures, social and political worlds, and profoundly changes our cultural practices.
Following Theory – a sum of 500 texts printed and assembled in the form of a ream of paper –, Against Translation is the second book of Kenneth Goldsmith published by Jean Boite Éditions.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
21,5x28 cm, Auflage: 450, numeriert, 25 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Bogen mit 25 Künstlerbriefmarken, perforiert
Einer von fünf Bögen der Global Postale 84 Stamp Edition. The original images were exhibited in Vancouver at the Six of One Gallery and have been reduced 1/3 for this limited edition.
Text von der Lomholt Website.
Pieter Zeeman - Nobelprijs 1902
Technische Angaben
2 S., 29,7x21 cm, 6 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Bogen mit sechs Künstlerbriefmarken, perforiert, Rückseite gestempelt, aufgeklebt
Briefmarke vom Kollektiv Ever Arts zum Physiker Pieter Zeeman
pulp - a quarterly journal of people and paper 03 - Craft
Technische Angaben
76 S., 24x16 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, eine Seite ist zum Aufklappen, Schmuckseite aus geschwärztem Papier und geprägt mit Silberfolie
"pulp" wird produziert von dem Team des Eye Magazin (London) von Fedrigoni
Das Journal wird exklusiv für Kunden der italienischen Papierfirma Fedrigoni veröffentlicht.

Technische Angaben
[168] S., 33,5x26,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211925
Hardcover mit Leineneinband und geprägtem Cover.
Thirty years ago Bailey decided he wanted to do something un-cast, un-posed and organic. Finally realised over the last three years, Bailey’s Democracy represents the culmination of this vision. Studio visitors were asked if they would agree to be photographed naked. Abandoning issues of framing, composition, backdrop and lighting, each volunteer (mostly strangers and non-celebrities) was treated in exactly the same way. No digital manipulation was applied. This is what Bailey calls his “imposed democracy’. These are naked people – old, young, model perfect, ordinary looking. Naked not nude as Bailey is keen to emphasise. Nude photography is all about the photographer and what he brings to the shot – lighting, prejudices and aesthetics. In contrast naked photography is only about the subject. These are undirected, un-cast images where the sitters chose their own pose.
Text von faggionato.com
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 28,8x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862085564
nur Bilder, ohne Text
Toiletpaper is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. Number 15, powered by Perrotin. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, ‘Toiletpaper’ has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy.
Text von der Webseite
Remote Scottish Postboxes (The Postcards)
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 20,3x12,5x1,5 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 9780993232374
Pappschachtel mit ausgestanztem Fenster, 12 Postkarten
Edition of 2000
Martin Parr’s Scottish Postboxes have been described as the prolific photographer’s ‘only contribution to landscape photography’. However, what Mr. Parr has achieved with these images is more a series of portraits of the lonely outposts of civilisation. The Postboxes in each place, standing out red and awkward against the lonely and beautiful Scottish backdrops each have a personality and a character of their own.
The postboxes are not only characters in the places they inhabit, they are symbols. the steadfast outposts of the institution that is the British postal service set against the untamable Scottish landscape invite the viewer the pause and ponder on their own place in the world.
“When you are in the middle of nowhere, in a bleak landscape and in wild weather, these little post boxes are strangely comforting, a sign that other people are around, that life is going on, and that you are connected to the world” – Susie Parr
This box contains twelve of Parr’s Postboxes, presented as postcards – a most appropriate form for the images to find themselves in, whether their fate is to be collected and cherished or themselves posted and shared.
Text von der Webseite.
Are you searching for me?
Technische Angaben
[70] S., 17,5x10,8 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
There are many Joachim Schmids. Some play a role in public life, others don’t. People who wish to learn what we do or what we did, what we wrote or what we said, begin by searching the internet. It’s all there: names, dates, pictures and the rest. Thanks to the search engine the world has become transparent and there are no more secrets. Or so we think. If it’s me you’re looking for, most of the information you’ll find is not correct.
This book was first published in 2012. The original print-on-demand edition is discontinued and replaced by this second edition, re-designed in a different format.
Text von der Webseite.
Toiletpaper 08 - September 1971
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 28,8x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862082860
nur Bilder, ohne Text
"Toilet Paper" is an artists' magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text - each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, "Toilet Paper" has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy". A brand new, pristine example of the eighth issue of this fascinating, irregularly issued artist's project.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 29x22,4 cm, Auflage: 2.000, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 9788862083850
Nur Bilder, ohne Text. KENZINE ist eine Kollaboration zwischen TOILETPAPER Magazine und KENZO.
“For the third installment in our collaboration with TOILETPAPER for our advertising campaigns, we worked with Maurizio, Micol and Pierpaolo to take people on a mysterious journey to an unfamiliar world. A place where the ordinary is slightly disorted, mirrors lead to other dimensions and the strange and beautiful coexist in singular harmony. We love that David Lynch’s (the inspiration for our collections) skewed and somewhat disruptive sense of storytelling seamlessly fits with how the TOILETPAPER approach image making and the final results speak for themselves. Needless to say we’re delighted with the out come and hope everyone else enjoys the images as much as we do.” Carol Lim & Humberto Leon
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
236 S., 21x15 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 14313537
Teil der Arbeit "Das System" von Hlynur Hallson und Jona Hlif Halldorsdottir in der Ausstellung "(I)NDIPENDENT PEOPLE auf dem Reykjavik Art Festival im Reykjavik Art Museum, 19.05.-02.09.2012.
BLATT BLAÐ was founded in 1994. It is made in the way that “Magazin for everything” by Dieter Roth published for years. Everyone can publish in the paper. Each author gets one example for his contribution.
Text von der Webseite
Tinnitus Tales - le Forbici di Manitù and Friends (SD010)
Technische Angaben
27x28,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plattenhülle, gestanzt mit 3 einklappbaren Teilen, beiliegend gestanzte Pappschlaufe mit handbeschrifteter DVD, Infoblatt zur Edition
What do Martin Luther and Pete Townshend, Ozzie Osbourne and Oscar Wilde, Ludwig Van Beethoven and Star Trek’s Dr. Spock have in common? They all painfully suffered from tinnitus, a permanent hiss heard in one or both ears. The condition affects a large percentage of the world population (5-10%) and represents a real “occupational illness” for musicians and rock fans. On the subject, surprisingly, an inexplicable silence is observed by the music press and industry. At the current state of medical research, there is no effective cure for chronic tinnitus and the unpleasant humming can only get worse if you do not protect the ears properly.
In the works for nearly five years, the triple concept album Tinnitus Tales (a 10" vinyl record and two CDs) conceived by Le Forbici di Manitù (i.e. Manitù Rossi and Vittore Baroni, the second long suffering from tinnitus) with the collaboration of over fifty guest musicians, bands and international visual artists, breaks the veil of silence with a series of songs that address the topic blending humor and empathy. The songs are inspired by well-known cases of people suffering from tinnitus, such as Andy Partridge of XTC or Bono and The Edge of U2. To make this "educational audio project" a more collective effort, several old and new friends - many of them with tinnitus problems - were invited to record their own versions of the songs by Le Forbici di Manitù or to contribute original compositions on the subject (included in the CD 1 Songs).
Text von der Webseite
Sutere Soven Musicfestival
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Suture means sewing. This is the idea we will be following on each and every level of our festival. Suture Soven Music Festival emerged out of the wish and the need to bring musicians and their audience together in a way that enhances deep listening and watching musical appearances that provide the potential for creating something new in a cheerful and caring atmosphere. We will watch and hear the beautifully radical positions and ideas of international musicians. In terms of musical style, we are situated at the intersection of jazz, free improvised music, classical modernism and new music.
The first Suture Soven Music Festival will take place in an old farm house in the countryside. the concerts will be held in the barn and in the attic of an old stable. By locating the genre defying music in the beautiful countryside of Lower Saxony (Wendland) we invite local people from the area as well as from the cities to make the connection between different worlds and points of views for three days in Suture Soven. We are striving to shape the surrounding area of the festival and make it as sustainable as possible, while working with local farmers and craftsmen. We offer a space and time that taps on an urge to create a sensual narrative. The music we listen to, the words we hear and speak, the food and drink we are provided with, in a setting that will be home to us for three summer days offer us the possibility of making sense.
ruine 05 - The Phone is the Keyhole - The Penpot, the Heart.
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 17x29,7 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 handgefaltete Bögen, 65 x 118 cm, A4-Blatt mit eingeprägtem Signet als Umschlag, Spanngummi, Vorderseite Fotos Schreibtisch/Computer, Rückseite Collage aus Texten, Zeichnungen
Herausgegeben von Ruine München, die AutorInnen gehören dem Komitee der Transmission Gallery Glasgow 2018 an.
Erschienen in der Publikations- und Ausstellungsreihe Ruine München, in Verbindung mit Galerie-Austausch various others. 14.09.18: ZINE Release, Königsplatz, München
On the occasion of Various Others we are glad to announce that Transmission Gallery Glasgow will do the next issue of Ruine München. Transmission Gallery has existed since 1983 and it is managed and programmed by a voluntary committee of six people, each of whom joins successively and may serve for a maximum of two years. For Ruine München the current commitee (Thulani Rachia, Adam Benmakhlouf, Myriam Mouflih, Alberta Whittle, Alaya Ang and Katherine Ka Yi Liu) developed a mapping of their space trying to include all their current changes, reflections and workflows using the principles of painterly abstraction as a means of institutional reflection and critique.
Text von der Webseite
Wasting Time on the Internet
Technische Angaben
256 S., 18,1x12,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780062416476
Kenneth Goldsmith wants you to rethink the internet. Many people feel guilty after spending hours watching cat videos or clicking link after link after link. But Goldsmith sees that “wasted” time differently. Unlike old media, the internet demands active engagement—and it’s actually making us more social, more creative, even more productive. When Goldsmith, a renowned conceptual artist and poet, introduced a class at the University of Pennsylvania called “Wasting Time on the Internet”, he nearly broke the internet. The New Yorker, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, Slate, Vice, Time, CNN, the Telegraph, and many more, ran articles expressing their shock, dismay, and, ultimately, their curiosity. Goldsmith’s ideas struck a nerve, because they are brilliantly subversive—and endlessly shareable. In Wasting Time on the Internet, Goldsmith expands upon his provocative insights, contending that our digital lives are remaking human experience. When we’re “wasting time,” we’re actually creating a culture of collaboration. We’re reading and writing more—and quite differently. And we’re turning concepts of authority and authenticity upside-down. The internet puts us in a state between deep focus and subconscious flow, a state that Goldsmith argues is ideal for creativity. Where that creativity takes us will be one of the stories of the twenty-first century. Wide-ranging, counterintuitive, engrossing, unpredictable—like the internet itself—Wasting Time on the Internet is the manifesto you didn’t know you needed.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 009 aus der Reihe 100for10.
André Rösler has worked as a freelance illustrator, designer and animation directer. He illustrated several picture books for small and large kids. His work was awarded with various design prices and was shown on exhibitions in Berlin, Paris, Zürich and Dakar. André Rösler is based in the beautiful south and teaches illustration at the university of applied sciences in würzburg.Konrad Bayer is an artist and illustrator living in Berlin.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 022 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Living in Paris, Étienne Hervy is art director of Chaumont design graphique where he has in charge the programmation of the Festival and prefigures a permanent center related to graphic design. He is also freelance curator and writer, some other times teacher or workshop animator. In a way, he loves to be involved in various projects working together with graphic designers and clever people. He is convinced that graphic design has no interest but he’s quiet interested in its effects. Before this, he has been chief editor of étapes: magazine.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 047 aus der Reihe 100for10
Louis-César is an illustrator living in Nantes (France). He considers himself as a doodler spending his time drawing monsters, weird people and nonsense scenes on his sketchbooks. He works with indie publishers, small presses and zines all over europe.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
My name is Aleksi but on the interwebs I’m known as xbstrxct. I’m a visual artist and a creative maker, obsessive doodler from Helsinki. My journey into the world of art started at a young age when I discovered the joys of scribbling your name to the walls of public buildings. I did this for quite some time but at some point people weren’t very fond of it anymore. Nowadays my days are mostly spent drawing weird repetitive shapes and abstract patterns on pieces of paper, mainly because I got nothing better to do, but also because it’s lots of fun. These drawings often grow into wildly expanding, neverending little worlds of their own. My tools of choice are fineliners & markers, with them I try to make art images that at are fun, easily approachable, interesting and most importantly, nice to look at. Sometimes I succeed.
Gender Studies in Architecture - Performativity – The relationship of public and protected space
Technische Angaben
20x40 cm cm, 10 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Konvolut mit Heften/Zines unterschiedlicher Formate A6-A5 in Plastiktüte des Lenbachhaus mit Applikationen aus farbigem, geschnittenem Tape und Geschenkband. Teils Collage von ausgedruckten Fotos auf Transparentpapier, Fold-outs, gezeichnete u. geklebte Karten, übereinandergedruckter e-mail-Verkehr zum Seminar, Ausdruck des Seminarprogramms, als Binde um das Konvolut. Handschriftlicher Begleitbrief
Produziert zum Seminar von Frauke Zabel an der TU München, Oktober/November 2018. In diesem Rahmen auch Besuch im AAP am 03.11.2018.
Based on an observation of public, semi-public and commercial spaces in which we move in Munich today, the seminar takes a look at the regulation of the public space (gender construction and repression of political opinions) in different times and cultures. We will consider various counter cultural movements in their emergence in relation to the public space of the respective time. Why do counter cultural movements withdraw from the public space into protected spaces and imitate a form of reality in them? We will look at the development of Brazilian theater under military dictatorship in the 1960s in Brazil by examining two architectural examples. The imaginative space of the theater, in which the reality is put into negotiation, will be regarded in relation to the imitation of the public space in the Ballroom culture of the 1980s in New York. There people were able to perform and to imitate (gender) roles, which the society did not provide for them. These historical references are complemented by a consideration of the current LGBTQ+ movement in different locations worldwide and their relationship to the public space. What are the moments that engage counter cultural movements to move in public space to gain visibility? We will look at examples like invisible theater, artistic processions, performances, parades and manifestations.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
64 S., 21x12,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789072076625
Broschur, Klappumschlag
The inflationary practice of disclosing personal information both professionally and privately, e.g. in interviews, castings, confessions and psychoanalysis, also has a structural influence on the way in which people present themselves publicly, and the range of formats available for such presentations. Return to Inquiry assembles corresponding scenes from art and theory and proposes a model of confession as cultural technique.
Includes conversations in collaboration with Stephan Geene, Emma Hedditch, Marina Vishmidt.
Text von der Webseite.
MONO.KULTUR #45 Richard Price - New York A.M.
Technische Angaben
52 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
Drahtheftung, Titel in Silberprägung auf dem Cover, Text und Fotografien auf verschiedenem Papier gedruckt
When it comes to research, Richard Price adopts a hands-on approach: hanging out in different neighbourhoods, talking to strangers and going for ride-alongs with cops to see a darker side of the city. In many ways, it is this wide-eyed curiosity that allows his books to be read as time capsules of a New York in constant flux, revealing an uncanny understanding for knowing exactly what people want, need, envy and resent about the cities they inhabit. In a conversation peppered with anecdotes and bebop, Richard Price talked to mono.kultur about the need to live in order to write, working for Hollywood, and why hanging out is a professional matter. Visually, the conversation with Richard Price found its perfect sparring partner in a selection of images by cab driver turned photographer Joseph Rodriguez. And, just between us, we are proud to feature our very first ever foil embossed cover, in the honourable tradition of pulp novels.
Text von der Website.
MONO.KULTUR #46 Francis Kéré - Of Clay and Community
Technische Angaben
48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
Drahtheftung, gedruckt auf verschiedenem Papier, teilweise farbig
In our most colourful issue yet, we step into the life and work of architect Francis Kéré, known in equal measure for his lighthearted and innovative architecture, his remarkable background, and his infectious sense of optimism. Kéré has completed numerous projects both in Africa and beyond, including schools, medical centres, cultural institutions, and temporary installations, such as the renowned annual Serpentine Pavilion in 2017. Frequently relying on local materials and infrastructure, his work is marked by a profound simplicity and refreshing lightness, meeting technical problems with surprising and seemingly effortless solutions. It reflects his attitude that architecture should, in its most primary function, seek to improve the lives of the people who inhabit it. With mono.kultur, Francis Kéré talked about his long trajectory from a remote village in Africa to Berlin, his steadfast belief in optimism, and what makes a tree a perfect piece of architecture. Designwise, we followed Kéré’s principle to work with what is at hand, sourcing papers from dead stock at our printers’, essentially using an assortment of leftovers. And colour, of course, with the issue based on the national colours of Burkina Faso, paying tribute to the idea of culture as a shared ground to build upon.
Text von der Website.
Programmbuch 2019 - Type is changing faces - Tyme is on my side
Technische Angaben
160 S., 24x16,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, beigelegt ein kleines drahtgeheftetes Notizheft und ein Leporello mit dem Jahresprogramm der tgm
... In the tgm annual yearbook the different aspects of out self-perception are assigned primary colours. The educational programme is presented in blue. The events (conferences, trips, presentation etc.) and the people on and behind the stage are shown in red, and the yellow notebook in the the middle separating the two topics is an invitation to participate. This strict and simplistic composition is not accidental, but an expression of the impression Milch+Honig want to make. furthermore it indicates the (colour) system of the tgm’s soon to be launched new website. These changes in and through our time are taken into account and prepared for the future in the tgm annual theme ...
... All diese Aktivitäten sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder in einem Buch dokumentiert: Vorsitzende Christina John visualisierte hier all die Aspekte, die die tgm auszeichnet, in gestalterischen Details: »Das Fortbildungsprogramm ist in blau dargestellt. Events wie Konferenzen, Reisen oder Vorträge sowie die Menschen vor und hinter den Kulissen der tgm sind in Rot getaucht und das gelbe Notizbuch, das die beiden Themen teilt, lädt zum Mitmachen ein«, erzählt uns die Kreative. Die im Jahrbuch erreichte strenge und einfache Kompositionen ist also kein Zufallsprodukt, sondern die visuelle Übersetzung des Eindrucks, den die tgm hinterlassen will. Zugleich ist dieses Schema schon der passenden Link zur neu gestalteten Website der tgm ...
Texte von Webseiten, Foto Milch+Honig

Technische Angaben
2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß Laserausdrucke nach Webseite
Tape-Mag.com is a Non-Profit Online-Archive & Information-Database for Audio-Tape-Culture (Cassettes/Tapes/Reels) and 20th Century Art- & Music-related Small-Press Publications, Magazine-Culture.
This Archive-Database focuses on the following styles/genres.
- Mid 70's to late 90's Industrial, Experimental, Free Improvisation, Post- Punk, New Wave, Minimal, Synth, Ambient and further musical directions of the DIY-Cassette-Culture.
- early 50's to late 90's Sound Art, Sound Poetry, Text-Sound-Compositions, Poesie Sonore, Verbosonics, Lingual Music, Music Concrete, Audio Art plus related printed Mail Art, Concrete Poetry, Visual Poetry, Lettrisme, Fluxus
Here you are able to browse and research thousands of releases, find further information about the Artists, the Organisations, Press & Label-People behind the scene and/or the published Small Print, Magazines, Information-sheets and Artists-Manifests that all defined a very exciting culture and era. Most of the releases listed here were only released in very limited amount and are hard to find these days but they had without any doubt their important role in the development of contemporary audio & sound-art and music-history. These protagonists of a DIY (Do-It-Yourself)-Culture-Movement in which everybody can be an artist, label, distributor and press-editor or organisation deserves a comprehensive overview in a broader context with all its connections and a framework. With this Database the collected, provided and connected Information can become knowledge. Knowledge that Media in Internet-Age can hardly supply with the current Information Overload.
Text von der Webseite
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
416 S., 23x15,5 cm, Auflage: 300, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783928804950
Klappbroschur, Fadenheftung, HP-Indigodruck auf Munken White 115 g. 1,5. 114 Farbabbildungen
“We Are Cypriots” is a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
This book, furthermore, is intended as a contribution to the current European-wide discussion on national identity, separatism, nationalism or unification, and reconciliation.
In his comprehensive preface, the Berlin journalist, Klaus Hillenbrand, traces the historical and contemporary, as well as the social and political developments that have so profoundly shaped this island and Cypriots today.
Photo Exhibition and Book Launch at Goethe-Institut Nicosia, Cyprus, in the buffer zone next to Ledra Palace. Opening Wednesday 15 May 2019. Duration of the exhibition until 11 June 2019
The Cyprus Dossier 01 - People of Cyprus
Technische Angaben
56 S., 29,5x23,3 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 19863179
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 29x20,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Roter Druck auf gelbem Papier
Fingierte Einladung von McDonalds zur Teilnahme an Einsendungen, mit Preisen wie einer Fahrt nach Brasilien, um zu sehen "how McDonalds is shaping the future of this impoverished beef producing country" und nach Rom, "Hear the Pope speak on why poor people al over the world are in good hands."
Artist's Book Yearbook 2020-2021
Technische Angaben
236 S., 29,6x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-906501181
Broschur, Softcover, design by Tom Sowden
The ABYB is a biennial reference publication focusing on international activity in the field of book arts. It serves as a resource for artists, academics, students, collectors, librarians, dealers, publishers and researchers, in fact anyone interested in artists’ books!
The 2020-2021 issue will have essays, articles, and lots of useful information on: Artist’s Book Publishers & Presses; Bookshops for artists’ books; Artist’s Book Dealers; Artist’s Book Galleries & Centres; Collections, Libraries & Archives; Artist’s Book Fairs and Events; Book Arts Courses and Workshops; Design, Print & Bind; Print Studios; Journals and Magazines; New Reference Publications; Organisations, People, Projects and Societies. Artists list up to 3 of their recent book works.
Text von der Webseite
S. 49, Text und Fotos von Jürgen Wegner, A visit to Archive Artist Publications and its exhibition in the Haus der Kunst, München, Germany
S. 111, Collections, Libraries & Archives
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 9,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Final Group Performance in der Galerie FOE 29.11.2019, 19:00 Uhr. 13.-28.11.2019 Ort @platformmuc Instagram.
LIVE SCREENING INAUGURATION 16 DAYS – RESEARCH PREPARING PERFORMANCES 13.-28.11.2019, Every day at 6 pm on Instagram @platformmuc.
FINAL GROUP PERFORMANCE Saturday, 29.11.2019 7 pm open end
Music selection by guest artist DJ Gerundio. Galerie Foe, Oberföhringer Str. 156, 81925 Munich.
16 Days 15 Artists 9 Heritages. Project AKVO aims to build bridges between cultures, traditions and people. This special occasion marks the start of a journey that will take AKVO around the globe. An inauguration so to say, a holy moment which is celebrated in a myriad of ways. Research into these traditions and performative interventions will culminate in our own rituals of inauguration, a transformation of the expected and unexpected into a new experience.
Text von der Webseite
Strange People sing Strange Days
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, mehrfach beklebt, gefaltet in Briefumschlag
How to Start A Revolution – The Musical
Technische Angaben
[300] S., 28,5x21,3 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Hardcover mit Schnürsenkel verschlossen, Digitaldruck, 11 eingelegte Risodrucke, gedruckt bei Extrapool/Nijmegen, mit handschriftlicher Widmung
So what was it like before everything went hell-bent batshit crazy? Enter Prof. Dr. of Pseudology, Anna McCarthy, with her HOW TO START A REVOLUTION book and its endless footnotes and twists and turns. She explains to us the chronology of politics and personal occurrences through this haze of a microcosm.
HOW TO START A REVOLUTION is a multi-layered work that deals with clichés of rebelliousness. It is embedded in socio-political events from 2007 to 2015 and their mediated and subjective reception. It deals with rebellion in limbo, in which change seems ominent, mirroring the current political atmosphere. Geographically anchored in Munich and Bavaria, it reaches beyond the local peculiarities and relocates them into the context of historical global events. A microcosm of reoccuring people and places stand in as exemplary figures for global events in a humorous, absurd, and critical manner. Examples are documentaries such as 'Bored Rebel in Oberpfaffenhofen' or ridiculously provocative political actions in public spaces, numerous "in-flux" archives, a pathetic musical, which was first performed in 2013 at Haus der Kunst, and even a permanent installation in Tito’s ex-Bunker in the hills of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The project has been exhibited internationally, including at Nottingham Gallery for Contemporary Art, Chisenhale Gallery London, Schloss Ringenberg, Galleribox Akureyri Iceland, Goethe University Frankfurt, D-0 Ark Underground, Konjic, and at Transmission Gallery in Glasgow, amongst other locations. ...
Text von der Website
Olafur Eliasson: In Real Life
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Infoblatt zur Ausstellung in der Tate Modern, London, 11.07.2019-05.01.2020.
In Eliasson’s captivating installations you become aware of your senses, people around you and the world beyond.
Some artworks introduce natural phenomena such as rainbows to the gallery space. Others use reflections and shadows to play with the way we perceive and interact with the world. Many works result from the artist’s research into complex geometry, motion patterns, and his interest in colour theory. All but one of the works have never been seen in the UK before. ...
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 9,9x10,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Originally published in 1992 as a chapbook. The date of the edition you got, I don’t know. A few people have recently been reprinting it. Part of a larger work called POLYNOISE which is still online.
Gefunden bei Mark Pawson auf der Small Publishers Faire in London 2019

Technische Angaben
132 S., 20,9x14,7 cm, Auflage: 400, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-903269767
Broschur, Rückseite als Klappe
Artist Gabriel Hensche and curator Ashlee Conery have compiled a catalogue of the work Hensche produced while in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, in 2017. The publication includes witness reports that are formally based on actual incident report forms. Adopting the posture of an onlooker, while at the same time acknowledging his role as instigator, Hensche recounts observations of his works as incidents by taking into account the involvement of people and circumstances that led to the events. These protocols are concluded with a final report by Conery in which she adopts the conditions of a mother, a partner and a particle for considering one’s own perspective when acting as a witness, a curator or a bystander.
Text von der Webseite
In der Arbeit verwendet der Künstler Formulare, wie sie im Krankenhaus für einen Unfallbericht verwendet werden, um den ganzen Prozess der Ausstellung detailliert von Anfang an zu dokumentieren. Das Buch = die Berichtsmappe enthält 5 Berichte, die jeweils vom Künstler original abgezeichnet = signiert wurden.
Wir wissen alle genau, wer die Täter sind - Guerrilla Girls im Kollektiv-Interview: Die Berliner Gruppe „Soup du Jour“ kämpft gegen Diskriminierung, Sexismus und Rassismus in der Kunstwelt
Technische Angaben
57,5x39,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ausriss aus der SZ Nr. 287 vom 12.12.2019, Feuilleton S. 11 HF2
Lange schien es, als spare die Debatte um Gleichberechtigung und „Me Too“ die Kunstszene in Deutschland aus. Doch dann wurde es im vergangenen Jahr laut: Sowohl das Gallery Weekend in Berlin als auch die Ausstellung Milchstraßenverkehrsordnung im Künstlerhaus Bethanien wurden heftig kritisiert, weil nur wenige Künstlerinnen oder People of Colour eingeladen waren. Es wirkte, als seien die legendären Guerrilla Girls, eine in den Neunzigern gegründete feministische Aktivistengruppe, nach Berlin umgezogen. Doch hinter den Aktionen stand Soup du Jour, ein Kollektiv, das hier erstmals in einem – als Gruppe geführten – Interview über Ziele und Beweggründe spricht. ...
Text aus dem Artikel
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 Postkarten, Englische und Deutsche Variante
Werbekarten zum Buch “We Are Cypriots”, a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
Arts of the Working Class No. 02 - May the bridges I burn light the way
Technische Angaben
32 S., 35,2x25,8 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zeitungsdruck, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, handschriftliche Grüße beigelegt
The second issue of this street newspaper attempts to glimpse what social cohesion can be; seen through contemporary art practices coming together in different texts and interventions by our contributors. Dialectical cohesion presents itself in the archives of arts in the 21st century as an accumulation of reactionary movements. The impressionists against academism, surrealists against social standards, post-modernism against modernism, content-based interpretation against formalist interpolation.
“May the bridges I burn light the way” looks at both ends of the revolutionary act: the will to reach utopias and the urge to provoke dystopia. Artists always situate themselves in history by breaking with what they believed this profession to be before becoming artists. As a title, it implies a certain pessimism; anticipating the worst outcomes of a given situation. However, it also reveals the unfortunate desire to (always) be right.
“May the bridges I burn light the way” was the title of the summer camp we organized with EXILE gallery for the collateral events of the European Biennial in Palermo, the Manifesta 12. Many of this issue’s contributors intervened in Palermo following the curatorial idea of working together with the community at the Ballarò market and the community kitchen Cre.Zi Plus. Utopia here is not a promise but a joint venture. The group of people was deliberately brought together by invitation, but the summer camp was left to the unpredictable nature of the market vendors’ routines.
Text von der Webseite
Portraits and Not Portraits - MALCOLM X
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21,1x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Leporello kartonstark
Zur Ausstellung des New Yorker Künstlers im Kunstverein München, 15.08.-27.10.2001
Glenn Ligon fokussiert in seinen Arbeiten Fragen der Identität und deren Konstruktion über Darstellungen und kulturelle Prägungen, sowie der Verknüpfung von Kategorien wie Rasse, Klasse und Geschlecht. Ausgangspunkt und Experimentierfeld ist dabei seine eigene Identität als schwarzer Künstler in den USA. Provokativ konfrontiert Ligon sein Selbstbild mit kulturellen Stereotypen, z.B. in der Aneignung von Ikonen der US-amerikanischen Kunst wie Jasper Johns' Zeichen-Bildern oder Robert Mapplethorpes Aktfotos schwarzer Männer. Mit präzisen ästhetischen Referenzen und technisch raffinierten Oberflächen umkreist Ligon das Thema „Blackness“ in ganz unterschiedlichen Genres, Techniken und Stilen, von Malerei, Zeichnung und Grafik bis zu Photographie, Objekten und Installationen. Für jede Arbeit untersucht er die historische Funktion der Medien, die er benutzt, und eignet sich deren Möglichkeiten neu an.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[728] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: 60, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Softcover, Schwarz-Weiß-Digitaldruck
“Watch porn” is one of the many microgenres of popular photography. The genre experienced a heyday as the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown changed many people’s perception of time and their time management. This was also a perfect moment for completing a work I had considered for years (following in the footsteps of Christian Marclay). The Watch is a collection of 548 amateur photographs of men’s wristwatches, arranged in chronological sequence of the time shown on the watch faces.
Text von der Webseite
Manifesta 11 Guide - Zürich 11.6. - 19.9.2016
Technische Angaben
304 S., 15,7x11,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-033055636
Fadenheftung, Klappumschlag
Der handliche Manifesta 11 Kurzführer erscheint auf Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch ... . Er enthält eine Übersicht über alle Kunstwerke und Ausstellungsorte auf einen Blick, eine Stadtkarte und zusätzliche Informationen zu Künstlern und Künstlerinnen in Text und Bild sowie nützliche Besucherinformationen über Zürich.
Text von der Webseite
What People Do for Money ist der Titel der 11. Manifesta. Sie wird von dem Künstler Christian Jankowski kuratiert und durchdringt das soziale Geflecht von Zürich, indem sie Kollaborationen zwischen Künstlern und Berufsleuten aus unterschiedlichen Arbeitswelten anstösst.
Technische Angaben
108 S., 35,5x26,5 cm, Auflage: 500, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
... The photo 'contact' sheets, their excerpts and other material collected in this book are the responses to a request list circulated via a postal network of 'contacts' between many people on a global scale ...
Text aus dem Buch
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 38,2x26,7 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9780982593691
Drahtheftung. Eingeschobenes kleines Heft aus rotem Tonpapier.
Schwarz-Weiße Strichzeichnungen von Personen, die dem Künstler in seiner Heimatstadt New York über den Weg gelaufen sind bzw. die ihm aufgefallen sind. Eine kurze Beschreibung erklärt, wo das Aufeinandertreffen stattfand. Es gab außerdem eine gleichnamige Ausstellung, in der der Künstler ebenfalls seine gezeichneten New Yorker ausstellte. Dieses Projekt nannte er "Every Person in New York".
Technische Angaben
10,8x6,8 cm, Auflage: 80, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
MusikKassette in durchsichtiger Hülle, mit Tattostickern und Downloadcode bei bandcamp.com
Wir sind begeistert, die Debüt-EP des Schweizer Duos Gated Boyhood, auch bekannt als Mr. Peña und Dizco Joe, zu präsentieren. Die Musik ist eine Hommage an die alten Tage, als wir zusammen in der Rave-Höhle getanzt haben, übertragen auf die Gegenwart und bereit, dieses Gefühl sowohl alten Kennern als auch der neuen Generation zu vermitteln. Wir hoffen, dass es euch gefällt, denn es ist eines der am tiefsten verwurzelten Projekte unseres Labels, an dem viele liebe Menschen beteiligt sind.
We are hyped to present the debut EP of the Swiss duo Gated Boyhood, already known as Mr.Peña and Dizco Joe. The music is a tribute to the old days when we used to dance together down in the rave cave, transferred to the present and ready to provide this feeling to both old connoisseurs as well as the new generation. We hope you enjoy this one, it’s one of the most Deeply rooted projects of our label, involving many lovely people.
Text von der Webseite, Übersetzt mit DeepL
Technische Angaben
16,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kartonbox mit Siebdruck, Konvolut aus 19 Zines mit Drahtheftung, ein Faltblatt
Sammlung von Zines aus Hongkong bezüglich der Proteste 2019/20, zusammengestellt von dem Kollektiv Zine Coop
Thanks to the artist researcher and activist Joanna Wong, I have been well informed of the situation in Hong Kong since the beginning of the movement. So when I saw the Hyperallergic article about the protest zines gathered and distributed by the artist collective Zine Coop, I thought people in Paris should know about this. The exhibition Freedom Hi! happened in many places in the world, I welcomed it at 本 \hon\ books. To cover the cost production of the exhibition, I decided to make a catalogue box set of 19 zines, with an index of all them and an interview of one of ZineCoop founders Forrest Lau.
Dank der Forscherin und Aktivistin Joanna Wong bin ich über die Situation in Hongkong seit dem Beginn der Bewegung gut informiert. Als ich also den Hyperallergic-Artikel über die vom Künstlerkollektiv Zine Coop gesammelten und verteilten Protest-Zines sah, dachte ich, dass die Menschen in Paris davon wissen sollten. Die Ausstellung Freedom Hi! fand an vielen Orten der Welt statt, ich begrüßte sie bei 本 \on\ books. Um die Produktionskosten der Ausstellung zu decken, beschloss ich, einen Katalog mit 19 Zines zu erstellen, mit einem Verzeichnis aller Zines und einem Interview mit Forrest Lau, einem der Gründer von Zine Coop.
Exhibition of paintings by Andreas Charalambous
Technische Angaben
16,5x21,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer, beidseitig bedruckt
Flyer mit Informationen der gleichnamigen Ausstellung der Charalambous Gallery vom 29.05.-21.06.2017.
Darüber hinaus wird auf die dortigen Dauerausstellungen von Svetlana Liushina Charalambous, Andreas Charalambous, Fakhreddin Mokhberi und diversen russichen Künstlern und Künstlerinnen hingewiesen.
The Book of HOV - A Tribute - Brooklyn Public Library
Technische Angaben
36 S., 33x25 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Führer durch die Ausstellung, 14.07.-04.12.2023
The Book Of HOV ist eine Ausstellung in der Brooklyn Public Library, Central Branch, die den außergewöhnlichen Weg von Shawn "JAY-Z" Carter von den Marcy Projects in Brooklyn zu einer globalen Persönlichkeit würdigt. Die Multimedia-Ausstellung erforscht JAY-Zs globalen Einfluss als Musiker, Innovator, Unternehmer und Philanthrop. The Book of HOV präsentiert Tausende von Archivobjekten, darunter Originalaufnahmen, nie zuvor gezeigte Fotos, ikonische Bühnenkleidung, prestigeträchtige Auszeichnungen und Anerkennungen sowie Videos und Artefakte aus allen Facetten von JAY-Zs beruflichem Leben.
Text von der Website, übersetzt mithilfe von DeepL
so-VIELE.de Heft 104 2024 - People and Machines
Technische Angaben
36 S., 14,8x10,5 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-68919-029-3
... Seine Malerei mit scheinbar klassischen Sujets mit eigenwilliger Farbgebung, die das Naturvorbild nicht kopiert, birgt jedoch in sich Motive voller eindringlicher Aktualität. Seine Themen sind primär Darstellungen von Menschen am Rande der Gesellschaft, Zerstörung der Natur in der städtischen Umgebung, kurzum die Verletzlichkeit und die Einmaligkeit des Lebens selbst. Solche Akzente zeigen sich in seinen Bildern nicht vordergründig, der Betrachter ist aufgefordert, sie selbst in den Bildern des Künstlers zu entdecken. Die subtile Behandlung dieser in der Kunst eher marginalisierten Themen, versteckt hinter der Farbenpracht der Bilder, erhöht die Wirkung der von Krasnikow hinterfragten künstlerischen Gestaltungsnormen. …
The ARTZINES Research project - A story by Antoine Lefebvre in collaboration with Hubert published by Objet Papier
Technische Angaben
40 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdrucke nach Email und PDF, Drahtheftung. Email Englisch und Deutsch
... I am writing you because I interviewed you for my research project ARTZINES, in which I explored the world of zines made by artists.
The project started in 2015, so the interview in question might have happened ages ago. If it was a video interview, it should be on Vimeo and here: https://www.youtube.com/@ARTZINESINFO
I have been collecting 88 testimonies from various people interested in zines for a very long time, and I wanted to gather all of them into a book about zines made by artists.
Then life happened, the good and the bad, until I met the Objet Papier collective, who published Print It, a web-to-print magazine generated from a website to be different each time.
For the past two years, I worked with them to create an interactive and generative ARTZINES book that is different each time it is downloaded (I counted 130.749.696 possibilities, but that’s a low estimate).
I wrote my research journey as a " Choose Your Own Adventure Book," and I am happy to tell you that you are a character in this story, since your interview is featured in the book! There are a maximum of 6 interviews in each generated PDF, so your interview won’t show in every book.
If you want to see what it looks like, you can generate PDFs of the book directly from the platform ...
Auszug aus der Email vom 05.11.2024
The ARTZINES Research project - A story by Antoine Lefebvre in collaboration with Hubert Kretschmer published by Objet Papier
Technische Angaben
82 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdrucke nach Email, Drahtheftung
... I am writing you because I interviewed you for my research project ARTZINES, in which I explored the world of zines made by artists.
The project started in 2015, so the interview in question might have happened ages ago. If it was a video interview, it should be on Vimeo and here: https://www.youtube.com/@ARTZINESINFO
I have been collecting 88 testimonies from various people interested in zines for a very long time, and I wanted to gather all of them into a book about zines made by artists.
Then life happened, the good and the bad, until I met the Objet Papier collective, who published Print It, a web-to-print magazine generated from a website to be different each time.
For the past two years, I worked with them to create an interactive and generative ARTZINES book that is different each time it is downloaded (I counted 130.749.696 possibilities, but that’s a low estimate).
I wrote my research journey as a " Choose Your Own Adventure Book," and I am happy to tell you that you are a character in this story, since your interview is featured in the book! There are a maximum of 6 interviews in each generated PDF, so your interview won’t show in every book.
If you want to see what it looks like, you can generate PDFs of the book directly from the platform ...
Auszug aus der Email vom 05.11.2024

Technische Angaben
[20] S., 20,2x13,1 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, handnummeriert
Büchlein des japanischen Künstlers Sayo Senoo, bestehend aus verfremdeten Bildern, die der Künstler von japanischen Sex-Business-Webseiten heruntergeladen hat. Auflage von 100, die alle nummeriert und signiert sind.
"Bodies that shed tears 3" is a sequel to "Bodies that shed tears" and "Tachinbo". This little book is made from my collection of photos downloaded from various sex related business websites in Japan. I worked in this kind of company to pay for my art studies. These jobs are mentally and physically heavy. But the high pay prevents most of us from quitting before their health is damaged.
The images are transformed through several processes using inkjet printers to make visible these physical and mental damages, the fatigues and the pains, that hide behind the seductive poses and smiles of the people in the photos. The book is printed on an incompatible paper with my printer, so that the images are ephemeral and fragile like as our body.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
20x25x4,5 cm, Auflage: 700, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kasten aus transparentem Kunststoff, mit angebrachten Aufklebern, in Tragegriff befestigter Bleistift, Fächer bestückt mit verschiedenen Originalarbeiten, u.a. ein Stofftuch, eine Spielmatte aus PVC und dazugehörige Spielfiguren sowie Würfel, verschiedene Papierarbeiten, ein Parfümfläschchen, ein bedruckter Flaschenkorken, eine Miniaturfigur in Tüte, Aufkleber, eine Muschel mit Fell beklebt, ein Anstecker, ein aufblasbarer Wasserball, eine Keramikarbeit
La Más Bella Playa ist eine Sonderausgabe, die dem Strand auf offene, spielerische und ironische Weise gewidmet ist, aber nicht weniger anspruchsvoll: der Strand als Ursprung und Entwicklung des Konflikts. der Strand als Raum für Spaß und Entspannung. der Strand als Wahrzeichen der Nachbarschaft. der Strand unter dem Kopfsteinpflaster. usw.
übersetzter Text von der Webseite
PA-Schnippelbuch Nr. 1 - 1. Teil
Technische Angaben
264 S., 21x28,5 cm, Auflage: 8.000, ISBN/ISSN 7530517791
Chinesische Lizenzausgabe, blauer Umschlag
PA-Schnippelbuch Nr. 1 - 2. Teil
Technische Angaben
249 S., 21x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 7530517791
Chinesische Lizenzausgabe, grüner Umschlag
PA-Schnippelbuch Nr. 2 - 1. Teil
Technische Angaben
239 S., 21x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 7530517805
Chinesische Lizenzausgabe, roter Umschlag
PA-Schnippelbuch Nr. 2 - 2. Teil
Technische Angaben
241 S., 21x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 7530517805
Chinesische Lizenzausgabe, violetter Umschlag
Technische Angaben
62 S., 24x16 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
a guide to a hedonistic world order. nightlife - fashion - music - entertainment - art - people
Coloured People in Black and White
Technische Angaben
16x11,8 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-981228496
Band 6 in der Reihe Kunst und Theorie der Künstlerhäuser Worpswede
How to Guerilla Art - 11 People 16 Spaces
Technische Angaben
21,8x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbfotokopien, Wendebuch
immer wenn ich versuche fiese fliegen zu machen werden daraus schöne blumen.
Technische Angaben
28 S., 14,8x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-940548177
Buch 005, Drahtheftung, in Transparenthülle
The drawings were extracted from various sketchbooks focussing on people, friends and acquaintances, a couple of celebrities, different characters and fantasy creatures
Technische Angaben
13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
naivsuper Nr 012, Musik-CD in gefalteter Papphülle und transparenter Kunststoffhülle
"My compositions have no concept. That's my concept. I just see them as a tool that stirs up the minds or consciousness of the people listening. I've never felt that a performer did injustice to my pieces, for a composition only comes to life in the particular context, the combination of the performer and the atmosphere of the public. I like to compose not only for instruments, but for "things" as well. Sound of things can be surprising, especially their artificial sound. For example, without looking, one would never guess that my tapping and dragging fingers across the surface of a cigar box that is connected to a laptop for what it is." (Tetsuya Hori)
After Modern History. Bicyles
Technische Angaben
14,7x10,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
AFTER MODERN HISTORY is a report on world events that re-edits the news of the day by linking together images according to a totally idiosyncratic perspective of pattern recognitions and typologies. AFTER MODERN HISTORY lifts photos from daily newspapers and re-organizes disparate, often atomized subjects into newly imagined affinities. For most people caught on the hard end of luck, the newspaper can be a lonely place. But in this second draft of history, bad news is no longer so isolated. There is no dateline
After Modern History. Weeping
Technische Angaben
14,7x10,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
AFTER MODERN HISTORY is a report on world events that re-edits the news of the day by linking together images according to a totally idiosyncratic perspective of pattern recognitions and typologies. AFTER MODERN HISTORY lifts photos from daily newspapers and re-organizes disparate, often atomized subjects into newly imagined affinities. For most people caught on the hard end of luck, the newspaper can be a lonely place. But in this second draft of history, bad news is no longer so isolated. There is no dateline
Network Atlas: Works and Publications by the People of the First Network, Volume 1: A-N
Technische Angaben
312 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdruck auf DIN A3 gefaltet, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Ausdruck einer PDF-DAtei
A Historical Atlas for the Post-Fluxus Movements as Mail Art, Visual Poetry, Copy Art, Stamp Art & Other Relative Trends with Addresses, Projects, Publications & Exhibition Events
(Unedited manuscript for letter size)
Network Atlas: Works and Publications by the People of the First Network, Volume 2: O-Z
Technische Angaben
315 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdruck auf DIN A3 gefaltet, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Ausdruck einer PDF-DAtei
A Historical Atlas for the Post-Fluxus Movements as Mail Art, Visual Poetry, Copy Art, Stamp Art & Other Relative Trends with Addresses, Projects, Publications & Exhibition Events
(Unedited manuscript for letter size)
Wie es wirklich war – Am Beispiel - Lyrik und Prosa
Technische Angaben
359 S., 17,7x10,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-518124864
Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Diedrich Diederichsen, edition suhrkamp 2486
Aus: 19 Gedichte... – Aus: Durch die Pubertät zum Erfolg – Aus: Gedichte – 1984 Wie es wirklich war am Beispiel Knokke – 241 Bildtitel zum Ausleihen für Künstler – Café Central. Skizze zum Entwurf einer Romanfigur – People de la Muse a typical Artist poem
Text von der Webseite
Cool Pictures, Cool Stuff
Technische Angaben
120 S., 20.5x12.5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The book consists of 116 images based on various perceptions of what people consider to be cool. Each picture is accompanied by the photographer’s original caption. The resulting collection of images is very revealing and often hilarious.
Text von der Website des Künstlers
Black Power - Black Panthers 1969
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 19,9x14 cm, Auflage: 200, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Digitaldruck, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos, ganz- und doppelseitig

Technische Angaben
[240] S., 23,5x16,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Softcover
Achte Ausgabe des 20seconds Magazin, ein Magazin für experimentelle Musik und Kunst, dieses Mal erschienen unter dem Titel "The Tide".
Issue 8, “The Tide,” looks into the cyclical nature of social and political movements. In order to do so we take inspiration from our often seemingly lunar obtuseness and incapacity to deal with the errors our planet’s inhabitants continue to make. There is little to say that has not been said, or eroded, after years of Russia waging war on Ukraine, Israel committing genocide on the Palestinian people, and now bombing Lebanon, funded by the US, Germany, and many others; fascism soaring in the polls and warming the seats of leaders in so many countries we’re beginning to lose count. Still, we rely on our notions of publishing, of speaking and writing resistance, even as governments continue to abuse the activists doing so on the streets. For the artists in 20 Seconds Issue 8, the tide is something to be challenged, of which to be conscious, a malleable energy to be harnessed, in the form of pain, or even trauma.
Ausgabe 8, „Die Flut“, befasst sich mit der zyklischen Natur sozialer und politischer Bewegungen. Dabei lassen wir uns von unserer oft mondähnlich anmutenden Stumpfheit und Unfähigkeit inspirieren, mit den Fehlern umzugehen, die die Bewohner unseres Planeten weiterhin begehen. Es gibt wenig zu sagen, was nicht schon gesagt wurde, oder was nicht schon erodiert ist, nachdem Russland seit Jahren einen Krieg gegen die Ukraine führt, Israel einen Völkermord am palästinensischen Volk begeht und jetzt den Libanon bombardiert, finanziert von den USA, Deutschland und vielen anderen; der Faschismus steigt in den Umfragen und wärmt die Sitze der Führer in so vielen Ländern, dass wir anfangen zu zählen.
Dennoch verlassen wir uns auf unsere Vorstellungen vom Publizieren, vom Sprechen und Schreiben des Widerstands, auch wenn die Regierungen die Aktivisten, die dies auf der Straße tun, weiterhin misshandeln. Für die Künstler in 20 Seconds Issue 8 ist die Flut etwas, das es herauszufordern gilt, dessen man sich bewusst sein muss, eine formbare Energie, die man sich zunutze machen kann, in Form von Schmerz oder sogar Trauma.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL
When We Fight, We Win - A Public Education Advocacy Toolbox
Technische Angaben
56 S., 28x21,5 cm, Auflage: 80, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dieses Buch beleuchtet insbesondere die Kultur der sozialen Bewegung der Lehrerstreiks der United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) vom Januar 2019 und der Oakland Education Association (OEA) vom Februar 2019. Es ist ein umfangreiches visuelles Archiv, das die Kultur der sozialen Bewegung dieser geschichtsträchtigen und erfolgreichen Streiks und die bahnbrechende und entscheidende Integration von Art Builds in die Strategien der gewerkschaftlichen Organisierung ausführlich illustriert. Es lehrt die Geschichte der Gewerkschaften und wie man sich in Zeiten massiver Ungleichheit wehren kann. Anhand umfangreicher Fotografien des Aktivisten und Gewerkschaftsfotografen Joe Brusky und anhand von Beispielen für Organisierungs- und Protestmaterial zeigt und erklärt das Buch, wie man Kunst einsetzen kann, um erfolgreiche Kampagnen für soziale Gerechtigkeit und gewerkschaftliche Organisierung zu verstärken und zu beschleunigen. Die Publikation enthält außerdem Interviews mit Organisatoren, um einen umfassenden historischen Kontext und Zeugnisse aus erster Hand zu liefern.
nach einem Text von der Website, übersetzt mithilfe von DeepL
Technische Angaben
124 S., 12x24 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789535875505
Katalog zum gleichnamigen kollaborativen Ausstellungsprojekt, das zwischen 2012 und 2014 in Berlin und Kroatien stattfand.
The starting point was a simple, large scale, spatial installation similar to the abstract works I have been doing after leaving the academy in the 90s. Once the initial installation was built, the first visitor was invited to look at the piece and give her interpretation of the work. I then changed the installation to make it, in my opinion, appear more like the interpretation I have just heard. The process was repeated some thirty times with different people invited. The visitors were of different age, professions and backgrounds, but were all professionals from the contemporary art scene.
Text von der Webseite.
Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art
Technische Angaben
442 S., 23,3x28,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783958291973
Hardcover mit Prägedruck, Broschur
Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art is an intimate portrait of an institution that from 1982 to 2012 challenged social, political, aesthetic and curatorial norms. Committed to experimenting at the intersection of disciplines, publications and design, the gallery Exit Art remained steadfast in its mission to provide new possibilities and opportunities for artists, curators and viewers through its expansive historical shows, exhibitions of emerging and under-recognized artists, experimental theatre and performance works, as well as national and international film and video programs.
Conceived by Exit Art’s founders, Jeanette Ingberman and Papo Colo, this volume is a resource on more than 200 exhibitions, events, festivals and programs featuring more than 2,500 artists, presented within the larger context of the art world. More than seventy eyewitness accounts and idiosyncratic recollections from artists, curators, critics and friends create a vivid sense of the exhibitions, performances, screenings, discussions, ideas and people that were part of Exit Art during its three-decade run.
Text von der Webseite
Die Exit Art Gallery bestand in New York.
How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21,6x13,9 cm, Auflage: 248, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Risodruck
Das Heft besteht ins Englische übersetzte Essay "How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System" des argentinischen Künstlers Eric Schierloh. Der Text wurde zusammen mit Paul Holzman übersetzt.
This publication is the result of a warm exchange between Public Collectors and Eric Schierloh of the press Barba de Abejas, (Beard of Bees).
In 2020 Eric wrote this essay that he translated into English with an American friend, Paul Paul Holzman, who also lives in Buenos Aires. In December 2021, Eric reached out to me to share his enthusiasm for my text “Towards a Self Sustaining Publishing Model.” Eric proposed making a Spanish translation and publishing my writing as a cheap edition in Argentina. He felt my text had similarities to his own words; the two works share a similar spirit of encouraging publishing experimentation outside of typically limiting market constraints.
Though Eric’s text had already been published in English in World Literature Today magazine and translated into French by the cardboard press La Liebre Dorada, we agreed that it could still be worthwhile to make a US edition that stood alone. So, in a celebration of artist publishing exchanges, Public Collectors is happy to share Eric Schierloh’s inspiring writing. It provides many potential creative paths forward for people with access to any form of printing, and any materials that could be used to make a book.
Text von der Webseite