Art-Language volume 4 Number 3 - Ways of Seeing
Technische Angaben
126 S., 20,7x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Art & Language, Volume 4, Number 3 is an attempt to produce a guide to Ways of Seeing by John Berger et al.
Art-Language, Volume 4, Number 3 is an attempt to produce a guide to 'Ways of Seeing' by John Berger et al. It might be argued that 'Ways of Seeing' has already been dispensed with, that it is obvious to anyone worth talking to that it is a bad book, etc. But it is a paradigm of sorts. It pricks the liberal conscience from the Left and enlightens the inert mass from above. It is widely recommended to art students and to others studying the arts. It suffers from an almost incredible number and variety of defects. Some of them were pointed out long ago, others are made explicit here for the first time. An adequate criticism of 'Ways of Seeing' will be in part the criticism of a paradigm. It will be clear to many readers that this is more than just a criticism stuck to the text. It is a detailed examination of a broad range of attempts at mystification and the conditions of their occurrence.
authors statement
Technische Angaben
[334] S., 18,5x13,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-851498857
Broschur mit aufklappbarem Cover und Bauchbinde, Fadenheftung, teils aufklappbare Seiten.
This award-winning contemporary art book is made completely from the perspective and language of bugs, from the front page to the final chapter, with no human writing and text, only the "writing" of bugs. Inspired by the marks left behind by a cicada walking across his sketchbook, contemporary artist Zhu Yingchun placed boards and "ink ponds" of dark-coloured vegetable juices in his garden for the bugs to crawl through. The resulting marks, were thousands of twisted characters, each with a charm of its own - the language of the bugs. The accompanying booklet explains the artist's concept and QR code links the reader to a video of the process.
"The bugs seem insignificant, but their strokes are beautiful," says Zhu Yingchun. "Art is not just those pieces hanging on walls and placed in exhibition halls. Everything in the world, including every life in nature, has the power to create beauty, and art is all around us.
Text von der Webseite.
Kaldron - a journal of visual poetry and language art, Nr. 18
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 44,5x29 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
8 Bögen und lose ineinander gelegt, zahlreiche Abbildungen, Zeitungsdruck
Die publizierten Künstlerarbeiten stammen von der Messe visual poetry-language-art-postal-art show, Kalifornien, 11.10.-08.11.1984. Mehr als 220 Künstler aus 28 Ländern stellten hier aus.
Kaldron - a journal of visual poetry and language art, Nr. 15
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 44,5x29 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
5 Bögen und lose ineinander gelegt, zahlreiche Abbildungen, Zeitungsdruck
Die publizierten Künstlerarbeiten stammen von der Messe visual poetry-language-art-postal-art show, Kalifornien, 01.08.-22.09.1982. Mehr als 220 Künstler aus 28 Ländern stellten hier aus.
Art & Language - Artists Talking 2
Technische Angaben
19x13,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-960982449
DVD in transparenter Hülle mit Booklet, 163 Min.
Art and Language präsentiert acht Künstler/innen, die über ihr Werk und Themen wie Sprache in der Kunst, Minimalismus, Tattoos und Mahnmale sprechen. Das Langzeit-Interview-Projekt wurde 1992 von Peter Kogler und "museum in progress" initiiert. Cover gestaltet von Lawrence Weiner.
Poesis - Sprachkunst - Language Art
Technische Angaben
136 S., 23x20 cm, Auflage: 300, 4 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 9783959780780
Broschur, Sonderausgabe mit Beilagen von Lisa Spalt, und Karten von Jürgen O. Olbrich und connex-io.de/play
Zur Ausstellung im Kunsttempel, Kassel vom 30.08.-06.10.2019.
Die Ausstellung im Kunsttempel zeigt eine Momentaufnahme internationaler Sprachkunst. Mit einer post-digitalen Perspektive werden Arbeiten von gut 60 Künstlerinnen und Künstlern aus 17 Ländern präsentiert, die Kunst mit Sprache entwickeln und alle in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten schon einmal im Kunsttempel ausgestellt haben. Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog im Kasseler Verlag Jenior.
Kunst mit Sprache ist im Zeitalter von Digitalisierung, Big Data und Social Media besonders gefordert. Individueller Sprachgebrauch kann nicht mehr hinter die Spannung zwischen maschinellem und menschlichem Handeln zurück, das betrifft selbst den Einsatz von Stimme oder Handschrift. Denken und Handeln sind für jeden einzelnen und in allen Gesellschaftsbereichen von Sprache geprägt. Sprachkunst macht diese Entwicklung und Umstände hervorragend anschaulich und reflektiert sie. Sie ist daher zugleich ein sensibles, ästhetisches wie auch hochpolitisches Medium für poetische Erkenntnis und Bildung – sowie für Genuss und Freude. ...
Text von der Webseite
Artist Lecture Series Vienna Opinion - Adriana Lara
Technische Angaben
24 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-903288010
The art world is not a perfect one. This text is thus a reflection, triggered by a personal experience that concerns language, politics, and art. Through it, I hope to bring to light another perspective on how the language and terms we use within institutional discourses and beyond shape our experience.
Text aus dem Heft.
NACH BILDENDE KUNST / AFTER FINE ART Works presented in the German Language / Arbeiten vorgestellt im deutschsprachigen Raum
Technische Angaben
200 S., 24,1x16,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-775729796
Edited by Gabriele Wix, By Gabriele Wix, graphic design by Lawrence Weiner, Anja Lutz.
Most of his oeuvre, which comprises more than a thousand language-related works, has already been presented in the German-speaking world—some of it either translated by Weiner himself or conceived using German as a basis. Featuring over 350 works, this is the first list of the English/German works. The artist assumed responsibility for the typography and cover design, as if the publication were one of his own works. Accompanying text and visual documents shed light on the creative process, in-situ installations, and Weiner’s way to work with text.
Text von der Webseite
Bulletins of The Serving Library #3, Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language
Technische Angaben
224 S., 23,5x16,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943365184
This issue of Bulletins of the Serving Library doubles as a catalog of sorts to "Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language," a group exhibition curated by Laura Hoptman at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, from May 6 to August 27, 2012. It is a *pseudo*-catalog in the sense that, other than a section of images at the back, it bears no direct relation to the works in the exhibition. Instead, the bulletins extend in different directions from the same title, and could be collectively summarized as preoccupied with the more social aspects of Typography.
Text von der Webseite
Duchamp Journal - Le Mystère de Munich
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 47x32 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Druck auf Zeitungspapier, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Hundert Jahre nach Marcel Duchamps dreimonatigem Besuch in München (1912) wird ... eine ... Lücke ("le mystère") im kunsthistorischen Wissen zu füllen versucht. ... mit einer Ausstellung, gut organisiert vom Lenbachhaus, zwei beachtlichen Publikationen, einem Duchamp Journal und einem seltsam gekippten Wohnungsmodell neben der Alten Pinakothek, das dem Betrachter mit 'kalten' Wänden in etwa Duchamps ehemalige Wohnsituation in der (später ausgebombten) Barerstr. 65 vorführt. Dieses Modell ist das Werk des Bildhauers und promovierten Kunsthistorikers Rudolf Herz, der auch eines der beiden Veröffentlichungen und das Journal verantwortet ...
Text von der Webseite: www.sehepunkte.de
On June 21, 2012, precisely one hundred years will have passed since Marcel Duchamp arrived in Munich. He spent three months in the city, three months that were to radically change his art and turn him into one of the most influential artist of modernism. He is regarded as pioneer of conceptual art influencing numerous artists from Sol LeWitt to Ai Weiwei and still today continuously inspires new generations of artists.
On the anniversary of the French artist’s arrival, Munich’s Architecture Museum is presenting Rudolf Herz’s latest art project “Marcel Duchamp – Le mystère de Munich”, in which the artist investigates the background story of his predecessor’s stay in the Bavarian capital. The project includes a sculpture as well as a new book.
Text von der Webseite duchamp-munich.org
Scenes from Zagreb: Artists' Publications of the New Art Practice
Technische Angaben
40 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farbkopien nach PDF, lose ineinander gelegt
The New Art Practice was a term created for a generation of artists in the former Yugoslavia active in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s. These artists shifted their practice to spaces outside the traditional studio, onto city streets, into artist-run spaces, and in multimedia performances and experimental publications. Focusing on artists working in the city of Zagreb, this exhibition documents aspects of this shift and highlights the ability of artists' publications to record these often ephemeral gestures and ideas. While artists such as Goran Trbuljak, Braco Dimitrijević, Sanja Iveković, Mladen Stilinović, and Vlado Martek, among others, worked in a variety of mediums, they shared a common impulse to produce publications. These artists questioned and played with ideas about the place of an artist within this particular political and socioeconomic context. Their work often involved public participation and blurred traditional notions of authorship through collective activities, chance operations, and the appropriation of language and imagery from the state and commercial media. The materials in this installation resonate with other contemporaneous scenes in Eastern and Central Europe and with broader international trends, while also providing an insight into very local networks of experimental artists and writers in Zagreb. All materials are drawn from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art Library.
Text von der Webseite
Livres d' Artistes, Collection Semaphore
Technische Angaben
160 S., 29x15 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 2733500856
Softcover, Fadenheftung, Index
erschienen zur Ausstellung im Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 12.06.-17.10.1985. Ausstellung organisiert von der Bibliothèque publique d'information und der Bibliothèque Nationale.
Mit 10 Sichtweisen auf das Künstlerbuch verschiedener Autoren und Künstler.
Kretschmer & Großmann in Danksagung erwähnt.
Future Fantasteek, Issue 13
Technische Angaben
20 S., 21x15 cm, Auflage: 40, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbkopien auf verschiedene Papiere, 2 aufgeklebte Spielzeug-Augen auf Vorderseite, Rückseite mit Prägedruck
Future Fantasteek! brings together a trichotomy of investigation. art-zines and independent publishing. artist as social commentator and drawing as a means of immediate visual communication. The series explores obdurate boundaries between journalism and authorial illustration using satire to reflect notions of ‘Britishness’. The series can be read as a sequence, from just prior to the ‘credit crunch’ through to the ‘age of austerity’. The series is independently published as a limited edition art-zine, with two issues per year. The approach is experimental, incremental and reflective focussing on both the microcosm and macrocosm of living in the UK. Visual humour is developed throughout as a vehicle for change, combining techniques such as pastiché, parody and socratic irony. Typography and images are juxtaposed to create new narrative possibilities. Language is explored using different ‘voices’ such as anecdotal, colloquial or profane. This text is then translated into drawn commentaries on etiquette, politics and advertising. The ‘anxiety of the individual’ is a running theme throughout the series with many reoccurring protagonists and antagonists soliloquizing their notions of ‘Das Unheimliche’. The series also explores changing technologies with regard to notions of ‘the book’ with online versions of Future Fantasteek! available via a blog and online PDF reader (issuu and .swf).
Text von der Webseite
documenta 1955-2012 - The Endless Story Of Two Lovers
Technische Angaben
60 S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788897503156
Drahtheftung, goldener Umschlag
Publikation anlässlich der dOCUMENTA (13)
This publication contains a selection of 60 photographs from the documenta Archive, one of the oldest and most esteemed exhibition of contemporary art in the world. The photographs — belonging to different ages — depict the two elements that make art history possible: artwork and spectator. This amazing journey through time not only concerns the history of one of the most important exhibitions in the world, but also traces the evolution, customs, and traditions of the society that created it. The book portrays a love story between two subjects — a human being and an inanimate element — that are capable of a relationship even if they speak a different language. The photographs capture the moment of these encounters, and this is what their distinctive feature consists in. Of course we are not able to listen to the dialogues, but we can still imagine them.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
Technische Angaben
12.5x14.5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 CDs mit Booklet
Sutherland claims to make poetry that is visual art, visual art
that is music, and music that is poetry — all of my objects, texts,
performances, videos and audio - visual installations investigate the
play of signs found in conflicting principles of authority between
language, sound, images and objects.
Text von der Webseite
Signifying - Language - Thing / with the Manifestation of Attitude
Technische Angaben
31x21,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung vom 06.11.-10.11.1974 im Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. Ein independent project mit Symposium, Ausstellung, Katalog und Dokumentation
Chroniques de L'Art Vivant, No. 25 - Documenta Cassel Exclusif
Technische Angaben
32 S., 38x28 cm, ISBN/ISSN 00043338
Drahtheftung, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen,
Inhalte: Houston De Luxe Show - Bruxelles, le dessin contemporain - Art-Language à Londres, et Terry Atkinson - Sol LeWitt - Abraham Moles - Esthétique numérique, concepts de base- Madrid, Centre de calcul - Eusebio Sempere - John Withney, Ordinateur et création animée - Gilles Aillaud - Bernard Dufour - Carlos Fuentes et l'impossible fête - Vladimir Forgeney - The Mood of Terry Riley - Amsterdam, 2nd Wet Dream Film Festival - Miro sur le vif
Technische Angaben
128 S., 28,1x20 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-840662488
Klebebindung. Weiß auf Weiß gedruckt.
Eine Ansammlung an Text- und Bildbeiträgen bekannter Persönlichkeiten. Da alle Beiträge weiß auf weiß abgedruckt sind, sind diese nur mit Hilfe von UV-Licht deutlich lesbar.
Spuren - body-passion-language
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Originalmalerei, Dokument mit anderen Dokumenten verklebt
Teil des Mail Art Projekts Spuren von Wolfgang Rostek
The relativity of language as the enigma of art
Technische Angaben
15,2x21,3 cm, Auflage: 250, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zwei Bände, abwechselnd schwarze und weiße Seiten, ein Buchan drei Seiten gelöchert, einige Stempeldrucke
WhiteWalls #13 - a magazine of writings by artists - Drawing in the 80s
Technische Angaben
96 S., 21,7x14 cm, ISBN/ISSN 01909835
A Magazine of Writing by Artists.
Founded in 1978 in Chicago by artist Buzz Spector and writers Reagan and Roberta Upshaw, Whitewalls began as a publication for artists working with language. For the most part Whitewalls is a straight-up sampler of artists' experimental projects for the page: each issue contains from half a dozen to several dozen artists employing text, image, and other notations in various combinations. While Whitewalls featured an international cast of emerging and established artists, it also provided a showcase for the Chicago area's experimental art community, including artists such as Jeane Dunning, Joseph Nechvatal, and Christopher Wool. Text von der Website
Mit Texten u. a. von Richard Artschwager, Andrea Blum, Christo, Mike Kelly, Lawrence Weiner, Mark Staff Brandl, Rosemary Mayer, Paolo Colombo, Joel Hubaut
Technische Angaben
Auflage: 950, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
mit eingeklebten farbigen Abbildungen, Brief an Manfred Grossmann
Technische Angaben
59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The Office gallery presents new works by the Austrian artist Bernhard Hosa in his exhibition Hyperkinesia, starting on June 30, 2016.
Hosa's photo collages, objects and installations are reduced, almost minimalist in appearance and usually based on concrete themes. His starting point is the tension between the individual and a normative society. Based on an engagement with the biological view of the inside and of the outside, on man as an object of scientific study and on the measurement of the human body, he develops his own formal language on the interface between conceptual art and an aesthetic approach. Hosa deconstructs his reflections with artistic strategies such as reproduction, variation or sequence, and practices such as dissection and the creation of new compositions. The resulting series of collages or objects and stringent arrangements of the space adopt the character of the contents of his research.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
Technische Angaben
[124] S., 18x13,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9782954197401
Broschur, Buchrücken aufklappbar, gefaltetes Plakat in eingeklebter Papierhülle, Posterformat 85,4x64cm, in Schutzhülle mit Aufkleber
A journal written at the third person that seeks to depict Antoine d’Agata’s quest – the inexorable course from void to void.A literary and photographic experiment where words, sometimes descriptive, sometimes poetic, intersect with images in a narrative continuity. An example of the photographer’s existential choice and form of resistance which leads toward the subject’s disappearance and the ego’s negation within the neutral spectrum of the image while insisting on an intimate involvement with its matter and a perfect superposition of art and life. The pictures have been treated and reduced to the simple black and white contrast, following the main axis of this editorial project: shaplessness and the sense of fading-out. This flattening to a drawing effect releases the image as a shadow, a border between a recognizable sign and a blurry, ambiguous one, so that the photograph is both “trace” and “other”. The book, whose main language is English, also foresees a separate and folded poster, including texts in French on one side and, for the first time, in Italian on the other printed on a background colour image. The two languages allow to include texts in their original version, but allude as well to the artist’s double origins. In line with the book, the poster also reflects d’Agata’s search direction towards the interlacing of word and image and it finally refers to the idea of a topographic description of passions. Member of the Magnum agency, Antoine d’Agata (1961) is one of the most influential photographers of his generation. He lives in both Paris and Marseilles and he works around the world. He is represented by the gallery Les Filles du Calvaire, Paris.
Text von der Webseite.
Fotografija NR. 1 (35) 2018
Technische Angaben
[116] S., 27,5x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 16487273
We are heading into a future where our choices will be shaped – if not outright determined – by algorithms and artificial intelligence. This coming state has been labelled “the new dark age” (James Bridle, 2018).
It remains to be seen what this brings to photography, and vice versa.
One thing, however, seems clear: photography, which has already changed significantly in the 21st century, is affected by – and in some important ways is part of – this development. This issue of “Fotografija” explores how programmes, apps and AI-related technologies shape and change the discourse of photography, challenging traditional boundaries of the medium.
Various programmes and services – Google, Photoshop, Flickr, Snapchat, visual recognition, etc. – provide new tools to conceive image-making and think photographically. Technological interfaces not only deliver instruments for making work but can become the very logic for creating photographic series.
The presented artists offer perspectives to raise questions and discuss these technological shifts. From dealing with traumatic events (Indrė Šerpytytė) and inaccessible sites (James Bridle) through technological mediation to playing with our expectations of an all-pervasive Photoshop manipulation (Erin E’Keefe). From exploring so-called smart surveillance systems (Esther Hovers) and censoring politically sensitive sites (Mishka Henner) to everyday glitches (Mantas Grigaitis). From playing with the copyrights of such collective websites as Flickr (Penelope Umbrico) to exploring the shared language of being in some of the most photographed places on earth (Thomas Albdorf). And from using Photoshop to create images (Aaron Hegert) to an image that is barely photographic (Zachary Dean Norman). The four essays (Kate Palmer Albers, Roksana Filipowska and Marijana Rayl, Ilaria Speri, Alise Tifentale) map out the works in broader social, historical and art contexts.
In short, the works deal with our technologized world. They talk about being in the middle of changes that few have envisioned. Being so immersed, one can feel it (almost) hurts.
Text von Paul Paper.
Deute Neuland, Deutschland!
Technische Angaben
9,3x13,4 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
gefaltete Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopie mit Collage aus Landkartenteilen und Textzeilen, eingelegt ein kleines Blatt mit Text zur Faltung
Beilage des Kataloges Poesis - Sprachkunst - Language Art, Kassel 2019, Kunsttempel
Technische Angaben
47 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The project “Enseignement Universel” consists of a series of new textual compositions made by re-organizing the words of three original texts that were involved in Professor Jacotot’s experience (1824). The criterions that I followed are the ones which are common in the process of learning and understanding a language (the alphabetical order, grammatical categories, types of phrases, synonims, among others). The original texts that have been recomposed during the elaboration of the project are: “Enseignement Universel. Langue étrangère”, by Joseph Jacotot; “Le Maître ignorant. Cinq leçons sur l’émancipation intellectuelle”, by Jacques Rancière; and “De Gevallen van Telemachus”, by Fénelon.
Text von der Webiste.
The Beautiful Formula Collective, 2022
Technische Angaben
104 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783945296998
Broschur, ungestrichenes Papier, Umschlag Karton
Enthält Projekte der Künstlergruppe 2012-2022, u.a. bei Ep.contemporary, Berlin 2022, kuratiert von Albert Coers, Galerie der Künstler, München, 2021, kuratiert von Ezgi Bakçay, und Baris Seyitvan, Karşi Sanat Çalişmalari, Istanbul 2020, kuratiert von Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck und Ezgi Bakçay, Digital Art Space, München, 2019, kuratiert von Karin Wimmer.
The Beautiful Formula Collective is about painting and creating collective works based on The Beautiful Formula Language. We use the combination of spontaneity, improvisation and logic of rhythm, which gives us structures and rules while painting. The Beautiful Formula Collective produces and stages group works not only in the studio, but also as a live painting performance in front of the public.
Text S. 3 und von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
naivsuper Nr 011, Musik-CD in Papphülle und transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Stephane Leonard
recorded in 2007 at the Leo Mars studio.
´Lightears´ is the long awaited debut album by Berlin duo Leo Mars. After a year of trial and error, a lot of sessions, sound collecting and analysation of possibilities a precisely crafted, yet astonishingly free floating album came to life. In times of almost infinite sounds, instruments and styles it took the duo some time to come up with the basic material, form a language and then of course learn to speak it. Hours were spent in the studio and their favourite lebanese restaurant discussing the world of sound.
´Lightears´ intelligently smudges the borders between a classic drone, an underground noise, a playful improvisation and an old fashion musique concrete record. All the genres fall into place rather unpretentious with pure sound excitingly assembled to challenge ones listening habits.
It is a rather harsh production always bouncing back and forth between digital, crisp electronics and field recordings pushed way over the edge.
With minimal gear and set up Leo Mars managed to manoveur themselves somewhere inbetween a bedroom thrashing noise keyboard project and a theoratical paper score composer duo. Performing in a trance - allowing things to happen - awaken - making a conscious decision - slipping back into space
Technische Angaben
28x19,5 cm, 15 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft Nr. 79, documenta 6 (Keine Besprechung der Künstlerbücher).
Heft Nr. 80, Politikum: Der Sammler Ludwig (Über Experimentalfilme).
Heft Nr. 81, Paolozzi.
Heft Nr. 82, Gerhard Johann Lischka: Das fotografische Bild, Was erwartest du von einer Galerie (Art & Language).
Heft Nr. 83, Wolfgang Max Faust: Bilder und Worte.
Heft Nr. 84, Joseph Beuys: Kunst und Staat (Ausstellung Künstlerbücher, Aufruf zur Teilnahme an einer Ausstellung in der Produzentengalerie München. INSTANT-Kunst Zeitung aus Wiesbaden. Künstlerbriefmarken Künststempel Künstlerpostkarten von Wolf Bickhard-Bottinelli, S. 51)
Heft Nr. 85, James Lee Byars.
Heft Nr. 86, Dennis Oppenheim, Kunst und Macht, Stephen Willats.
Heft Nr. 87, Die Stellung des Künstlers in der Gesellschaft (Sprachen jenseits der Dichtung, Gerhard Theewen, Wulle Konsumkunst, Annegret Soltau).
Heft Nr. 88 März 1980, Die soziale Dimension der Form (Künstlerbücher erster Teil, Seite 11, Text zu den Künstlerbücherausstellungen von Hubert Kretschmer in der Produzentengalerie Adelgundenstraße)
Heft Nr. 89, (Diter Rot, Bastelnovelle, von Wendelin Niedlich. Gerhard Theewen, Kunstmagazin Salon)
Heft Nr. 90, Osteuropäische Kunst (Johannes Stüttgen: Fluxus und der Erweiterte Kunstbegriff. Bruno Paulot, Biografisches. Jockel Heenes. Stephan Huber, Das Mehl)
Heft Nr. 91, (Künstlerinitiativen + Künstlerbücher, Produzentengalerie Adelgundenstraße. Jürgen O. Olbrich: Verbindung 6, Beschreibung einer Performance. Dietrich Helms: Tabula Rasa. Dirk van der Meulen)
Heft Nr. 92 (2x), Bildende Kunst und Kulturpolitik, Das rechte und das linke Volksempfinden (Präsenz München, Umstrukturierung der Produzentengalerie Adelgundenstraße. Gerhard Rühm. Ulrike Rosenbach. Anna Oppermann. Kunstmanifest: Michael Lingner)